To what purpose?

| September 15, 2011

Daniel sends us a link to the revelation that the Australians have decided to add a third category of gender to their passports, according to the Huffington Post;

Transgender people and those of ambiguous sex will now be able to list their gender on passports with an ‘X’ if their choice is supported by a doctor’s statement.

Previously, gender was a choice of only male or female, and people were not allowed to change their gender on their passport without having had a sex-change operation.

Senator Louise Pratt, whose partner was born female and is now identified as a man, said the reform was a major improvement for travelers who face questioning and detention at airports because their appearance does not match their gender status.

So let me get this straight…people without sex change operations are still travelling around the bodies that they were naturally assigned, the ones they’re trapped inside, which still have the genitals of their reviled bodies and the only thing that the “indeterminate” check on their passport refers to is the clothing they drape on their incarnate prison? So actually, the “indeterminate” check box just makes them feel better, right? Because they’re still in a male or female body – the whole point of putting gender on a passport.

They should also have an “indeterminate” box for hair color, because I’m not particularly fond of admitting in public that my hair has gone from blond to gray recently. Besides, if I dye my hair, won’t I have trouble going through airport security? The same with weight…I don’t like publicizing my weight either. And if gender can be “indiscriminate” why should all of the other things that the government uses to identify me when I travel be important?

In fact, we should all be required to wear full-face burkhas, since one of the most important aspects of proving who we are can be “indiscriminate” now.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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There are multiple genetic syndromes that result in sexual ambiguity. In the medical community, we now use an “undetermined” sexual classification, along with male and female, to address such patients.

Miss Ladybug

I don’t think this is referring to a genetic gender ambiguity… It seems to be more about feelings…


I’m not so concerned about having a third category as I am concerned about how this can be abused. A pedophile claiming one or more genders can utilize public toilets, abusing at will – and the law permits them entry to those facilities.

For those that are ambiguous, pick one, or join the Air Force.


That distinction is fairly easy. Pedophiles are predators; they will assume whatever status is necessary to place them in proximity to their victims. Their actions are always criminal, and their genetic ambiguity – or lack thereof – will not tip the scales either way.


I don’t care whether you think you are a man in a woman’s body, a woman in a man’s body, or a rodent in Richard Gere’s ass. If you have external plumbing, you are male; if you have internal plumbing, you are female. Period.


I’m not trying to start a fight, but it’s just not that cut and dried anymore.

DSD: Disorders of Sexual Development (very, very short list):
— Turner Syndrome
— Klinefelter Syndrome
— Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
— Chimeric, ovotesticular DSD

What used to be roundly identified as “hermaphrodite” is now classified by the underlying genetic disorder, although any phyisical manifestation is also part of the identified syndrome.


PN: true enough to not disagree. What’s at stake is not the science, but the application of law stemming from a politico’s definition of the science (at best), or same politico’s just winging it.


Agreed. And if you really want to throw the fat into the fire, add the mental illnesses that manifest as gender identity issues, and it’s really going to turn into a dog-and-pony show.


Sorry, I can’t resist. You have to consider somezing like zis?


Dog and Pony shows are legal down in ol Mexihole….Or was it Cuba?


I rather liked being ignorant of this stuff. Used to be there were boys and girls, men and women. If boys acted like girls, they were called Betty, Suzie, or Daisy. If girls acted like boys, they were just tomboys. Nowadays, I need a scorecard to follow what’s what and who’s who. I don’t get–but that’s okay because I don’t want to get it.


Damn it. I hate when my tag disappears. #12 is I.