Boston to restrict knife sales

| September 7, 2011

ROS sends us a link to The Blaze in which these two dildos claim that cheap knives aren’t regulated well-enough in Boston so they think that putting restrictions on sellers are the answer. Hey! It worked with guns right?

Knife Safety:

If you say “close the loophole” enough times, people might think that you’re proposing something to protect them, huh?

So, they banned guns from Boston and got 1300 stabbings this year. What’s next? Baseball bats, frying pans? Cars?

So what are they calling dangerous knives? Lock blades, Buck Knives, and ooooooooh….scary-ass machetes, apparently the AK47 or Glock of edged weapons. They can be purchased for less than ten dollars and any kid off the street can buy them. Well, the ones who have ten dollars.

Maybe they can force people to tie pillows to their asses to protect them from falls.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Liberals suck

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I read all these posts and stuff in drudge. I keep thinking about the book starship troopers.


Don’t forget lawnmower blades: cheapest machete available, and legal everywhere.

Guess the folks at Ginsu knives will have to close up shop now.


Because virtually any item can become a deadly weapon if the wielder of it knows what he’s doing, what these guys need to do is outlaw hands.


At this point I say let the fools disarm themselves, any one stupid enough to still live there deserves what they get.


“Surprise! [They] want more!”


This from the same city where Mumbles Menino banned sales of soft drinks on city property. Well, except at Fenway. All the Coke, etc., you can drink at $5 a whack, profits going to the city, of course.

And people wonder why I avoid MA like the plague.


It isn’t uncommon in my house to hear me tell my kids to put down the machete or sword. These people would shit pink chickens.


Bloody fucking morons!

Thunder 26

The dumb-asses’ name is TITO Jackson!! Gee Ma, bet you thought long and hard about that one!What happens when they walk into K-mart and buy Kitchen Knives? Or order online? Too bad Irene didn’t wash these asswipes out to sea.

Old Trooper

Well, they’re following in the footsteps of that bastion of civility and non-violence, the UK, huh? Yeah; how’s that been working for them across the pond?


What most of these idiots don’t understand that us humans have been killing each other for thousands of years and have gotten pretty good at the tools be it gun, sword, knife club, hell I saw a guy killed with a Parker ball point pen. If someone wants to kill someone else, they are going to find a tool for the job.


This from the same state where Mitt Romney signed into Massachusetts state law a permanent “assault weapons” ban. How that man is a Republican front runner the the Presidency I have no idea.


For anyone in Bahston, make sure you go down to buy your knives, anticipating the mandatory 10 day waiting period. After all, you don’t want to try to cut up your steak and not be able to get your knives until the waiting period expires.
These idiots who let morons like this run their lives deserve what they get.


Pillows on the ass…Bombay and tonic all over the keyboard. Glad I live in Montana and don’t have to put up with that Horse shit. How about my Randall #2 up the Wazoo Boston. It will penetrate pillows.

Doc Bailey

Take away the guns, they use knives, take away the knives they use slingshots. Take away those, they’ll just chuck rocks. I’d love to see someone prevent the sale of THOSE lol.

Now give EVERYONE a gun and teach them to use it? Pretty big incentive not to F**k around.

B Woodman

(sigh) Idiocy writ large and running rampant.

Laughing Wolf

Doc: I’ve long agreed with the eminent philosopher Robert Heinlein, who said “An armed society is a polite society.” Went to an amazing convention that decided to live that policy (WeaponsCon I)and it more than proved the point.


Great, you know what I’m going to see now…a huge boom in knife stores in Seabrook, Plaistow, and Rockingham, NH…(psst…wanna knife? Spyderco, man, the best…)

Because dammit, when you wanna shiv someone, Kittery is just too damned far away.


Then they came for the FORKS, but I was not a…

tavern knight

Watch out…

They’ll be coming for BRAINS soon.

Greatest on a person, is their brain…

Biggest sex organ too.

tavern knight

Greatest WEAPON on a person is their brain; unless they don’t know anything on weapons.