If you see yuppies, say something

| August 18, 2011

The Department of Homeland Security has released their latest public service advertisement in regards to being vigilant against terrorists. It stars the most likely terrorists – yuppies – planting a bomb in a train station;

Everyone knows how disaffected and dangerous yuppies can be. A number of Baby Gaps have been closed across the country and yuppies have to drive further these days to outfit their children stylishly, and that just sets them on edge. Don’t let the fact that 126 Muslims have been indicted in the last two years on terrorism-related charges fool you. The rising cost of BMWs and Starbucks coffee is driving yuppies into the arms of terrorism.

Category: Terror War

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And I’m telling ya, the looks I get every time I walk into a yuppie grocery store like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s, it’s like they’e ALWAYS planning SOMETHING…

Old Trooper

Just like every PSA about drinking and driving features only white males, gummint is too afraid and PC to show reality.

Just like the season of 24 where some of the terrorists were middle Easteran and South Asian and they ran spots at the beginning of each week ‘splainin that this was just a dramatization and that muslims weren’t bad. Funny; by the end of that season, it was evil white boys that were the masterminds behind it all, but you didn’t see the same pre-episode talk that white boys weren’t bad. I wonder why?

Chuck Z

Or where the bad guys in EVERY terrorism related show are either misunderstood freedom fighters, or secretly being controlled by the federal government.

Also, pretty sure those yuppies looked Jewish. Which is par for the course.


What I find suspicious is that the walking Asian chick and black guy are nearly to the door at Baltimore’s Penn Station when the parked cab is out front with its passenger and driver in it. But something odd happens. The Asian chick and black guy enter the station after Miss America does. Time travel?


If we tell people to only look for middle eastern terrorists, its possible to miss things. Like gthe middle class white kid that was trying to blow up his school last week. (hat tip to the neighbors and cops who foilded that one.)

Old Trooper

#5: If we tell people to only look at white people, we will miss more than if we tell them to look at middle Eastern types. The crux on this is they have now played the same card in the only 2 efforts they have shown. If they were really interested in security, they wouldn’t be so PC about it. It seems the only group they aren’t worried about offending is white, mostly male, people. The mem is wearing very thin.

You mention the high school kid caught last week. Was he in possession of the materials to carry out his plot, or was he just jawing about doing it? Unlike the little bastard in Waco, who happened to have the tools to do the deed.

Doc Bailey

I love the dramatic music. Can I just throw out that when someone raises suspicion of terrorism by middle eastern men, what do you think will happen? CNN, and the MSN will get together and blast the poor fool for being “racist”.


“If we tell people to only look for middle eastern terrorists, its possible to miss things.” First, no one has given such an instruction. Second, by purposefully protraying terrorists as middle class white women and men Napolitano is effectively saying, “Do not look for Middle Easterners. Look for yuppies and buppies.” Third, how many bomb-laden terrorists fit the profile ( ethnicity, race, gender) of any of the fictional terrorists depicted by the Napolitano Film Company? This is pure insanity.


Crap. Polo shirts and dockers were going to be the foundation of my retiree wardrobe. Guess its back to tie-dyes and dreds.


So as soon as I hear dramatic music I should report…got it. This looked more like a comedy because the terrorist you are looking for have no problem blowing themselves up.

Frankly Opinionated

And in the world of Reality; Israel had another terrorist attack, and within hours, this is said: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told Israelis,(and the world), “The people who gave the order… are no longer living.”
How long would it take for us to retaliate? Would we even have the intelligence invested to know who to spank?