Blasphemy at HuffPost
I guess even the folks at Huffington Post have their limits tolerating this shit from the Obama Administration;
I know Ken Blackwell is a staunch conservative who ran for governor of Ohio in 2006, but still, the hippies at HuffPost must be freaking out at this in their reading material. Evidence of that is a comment which claims that Blackwell is an “intolerant bigot” because he’s attacking the President. I may be wrong, but if I remember correctly, Mr. Blackwell is an African-American, so the commenter must think that Blackwell is bigoted against the white half of Obama.
Thanks to ROS for the link.
Category: I hate hippies, Liberals suck
HA! Reverse Boot Camp. What will they think of next? “You better be out of bed at 1100 hours if you feel like it and you damn well better be fifteen minutes late in a semblence of uniform, if you feel like it.” Better yet “You!! Civilian!! Put some bee bop in that walk!! “No No NO My name is Steve, stop calling me Sergeant!!”
I know this was about Huffpo creating it’s own Aneurysm but my god how can you pass up the pure comedy that is Reverse Boot Camp?
Reverse boot camp makes perfect sense to me. It will turn highly motivated productive people into welfare whores. pretty much in line with the notion of turning the nation into a socialist one.
The POTUS doth try to woo the military too much methinks.
At somepoint every soldier realizes that they’ll have to make it on their merits alone. Those that don’t realize that never rise above the rank of Specialist. While the occasional shitbag gets through, truly those men are few and far between. What is needed is not some new glorious program to help people get a job when they get out (there’s actually a lot of programs already) What they need is marketable job skills. Unfortunately POG MOS’ have a leg up here, but that does not say that Line Dogs can’t do well.
Want to hire a new employee and get a tax break for doing so? Hire a vet? No, hire an ex-con! Oh, there are tax incentives for certain vets who have undergone vocational rehab but when it comes to hiring ex-cons, no such condition applies! In other words, if you were imprisoned for, say, desertion, your home state is likely to provide an incentive to an employer to hire you. But if you just did your hitch and were honorably discharged, no break.
AirCav, the thought is that people need to be bribed to hire an ex-con. The idea is to try and give the ex-con a chance to go straight by helping the business take on some of the risk. This obviously doesn’t apply to vets
I’d consider a person with military service to have an advantage in most any job opening they might want, though I wouldn’t hire even a decorated vet for a position completely outside of his experience, for example a tanker wanting to be a computer programmer or dentist.
Whatever the rationale behind a tax-incentive inducement to hire ex-cons versus veterans, the result stinks. When given a choice between two qualified candidates for a particular job, one of whom is an ex-con and the other a vet, the government will reward the employer for selecting the ex-con. I think that’s bassackwards.