Who is writing at Veterans Today?

| August 17, 2011

TSO and I were discussing the number of veterans who were employed by a certain veterans’ organization yesterday, and somehow I got the idea to count the number of veterans who write at Veterans Today. You’d think that a publication with that moniker would have a whole slew of veterans wouldn’t you? Well, that’s not the case. Out of the forty authors, only 12 are veterans, according to their bios on Veterans Today – one of whom is a veteran of the Egyptian Army. Here are their names;

Allen Roland, Brig Asif Haroon Raja (Egytian Army), Eric May, Chuck Palazzo, Ed Mattson, Gordon Duff, Jim Fetzer, John Vogel, Mike Farrell, Bobby Hanafin, Bob O’Dowd and Terry Richards.

The other 28 are a mix of draft dodgers, ammo plant employees, chefs, bicyclists, nurses and foreign journalists;

Anthony Lawson, Bob Nichols, Carol Duff, David Swanson, Debbie Menon, Ashraf Azzaz, Lawrence Davidson, Eileen Fleming, Eric L. Wattree, Gilad Atzmon, James Petras, Jim Dean, Karen St. John, Kourosh Ziabari, Michael Chester, Mike Stathis, Paul J. Balles, Paul Sheridan, Randy Miller, James Hall, Sibel Edmonds, Steven Lendman, Stuart Littlewood, Susan Lindauer, Tom Valentine, Yanira Farray and Zabiullah Rashidi.

Sure some of them have impressive educational credentials, but what are they doing writing for a website called Veterans Today? One of them, Jim Hall, brags that his family has always been the military…and yet he avoided the draft and didn’t serve. Others brag that they once interviewed Noam Chomsky…like a real veteran cares about that.

So now you know what you’re getting at Veterans Today. Useless opinions you can get in a thousand other places.

Category: General Whackos

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That’s not entirely fair as all of them are Veterans of the War Against the Zionist Jews Who Brought Down the World Trade Center and Invented the Totally Made Up Al Qaeda. Also, some shoved Risk pieces up their asses as children, which I am sure counts for something.

Greyhawk D. Hoosier

Hey – the site isn’t called “MILITARY Veterans Today.” Why you gotta hate on veteran bicyclists and veteran chefs?

Doc Bailey

#2 has a point. Spend three years on a team and you’re a “veteran” player. Pretty much everything you do is “veteran” if you do it long enough. But I think it would best be called “moonbats today” cuz most of those fools are stark raving mad.


I am in awe that Jimmy Dean finds time to make sausage AND write for Veterans Today. What a man.


Okay, I bit. Rode the link to the site and randomly clicked on two articles. One writer all but accused two of our troops of murder. The only thing murdered was the English language. It was thoroughly butchered. Another Hemingway decried the “state” of Virginia’s being home to many military and military support facilities. Finally, though I did not suffer the next scribbler, one Eileen Fleming, her piece was teased with this gem: “This August 6th and 9th mark the 66th anniversaries of the most brutal acts of terrorism upon innocent people; America’s atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” So, thanks for the introduction to Veterans Today. Gotta go puke now.


The crowd at Under the Hood moonlights there for crack money.

Tony Ryals

Based upon Gordon Duff’s disclosures to me that he has a direct line of communication or ‘speed dial’ to ex CIA DIA George Tenet who helped pull off 9/11 or at the very least helped cover it up for W Bush and Dick Cheney and their Zionista crime family,at the very least,and this led to untold numbers of permanently wounded and crippled and dead American veterans,I consider the use of the word veterans in the title to sick and I’m just an American who has never been a veteran. And Gilad Atzmon who bills himself as an anti-Zionist Israeli or Jew and who writes for Veterans Today has never publicly admitted or denounced his family connection to the Atzmons or Israel and particularly to Menachem Atzmon who is the CEO of ICTS International whose Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops ‘guarded’ Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11/01 in the first place that led not only to the 3000 dead at the NYC WTC on that day but also to the untold numbers of dead and wounded Americans soldiers as a result ! Those are the scumbags who write for Veterans Today while pretending to be anti-Israeli government veterans ! The blog with link below is still in progress and unfinished, however Mary Rizzo who ran the palestinianthinktank.com with Gilad Atzmon acknowledges that he is related to Tzipi Livni but somehow never knew or deducted that Veterans Today’s Gilad Atzmon is perhaps even more closely related to Israeli mass murderer and convicted money launderer Menachem Atzmon whose ICTS International was the main cause of the deaths of 9/11 and consequent deaths and wounding of thousands of U.S.veterans in the first place and war profits for Israel and their treasonous stooges within the U.S.government that includes many associated with Veterans Today ! I wonder if the scumbag ex DIA George Tenet is a veteran ? I doubt it. http://wolfblitzzer0.blogspot.com/2011/08/logan-airport-boston911menachem.html Logan Airport Boston,9/11,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,VeteransToday Agent Provocateurs Gilad Atzmon,Alan Sabrosky,Gordon Duff ” I don’t think Gilad is Hungarian. He may or may not be related to the Atzmon you name, but he IS related to Tzipi… Read more »


Holy Hanna! Another mercadian is in the wire!


Probably stared at the Pledian Mother’s necklace too long…


Exactly! Usually, the symptoms appear within 24 hours after gazing but, as you see, they can take longer to appear–but they always appear.

Tony Ryals

Also Pakistan’s General Hamid Gul who Gordon Duff, et.al., proudly announced as a new VeteransToday.com ‘journalist’ on their staff a while back has been fingered as a possible anti-American terrorist involved in the deaths of American soldiers in Afghanistan !I’d say the scumbag money launderer Gordon Duff who is in turn connected to Bud Burrell, who is in turn connected to Rothschild stock fraud money laundering attorney Andrew Greystock and has made threats against my life,should be sued for fraud by American veterans for purposefully using the term veterans to promote his own military political agenda and distract from his own true criminal activities.It has been claimed that CMKX Diamonds penny stock fraud of Bud Burrell actually defrauded American military men or soldiers.That should be investigated as well. Np wonder Gordon Duff,who claims the U.S.Constitution should be replaced with the British legal system, and Israeli con artist and probably securities criminal Gilad Atzmon are such big Anglophiles when you consider their connections to international money launderers with Rothschild connections like Bud Burrell and Andrew Greystock.In fact now that I think about it – it was or is the Rothschild financial crime family that helped finance Gilad Atzmon relative,Menachem Atzmon and his ICTS International, that started the chain reaction that led to 9/11 from the Boston Logan Airport on 9/11/01 in the first place ! ……………… GENERAL HAMID GUL, FORMER HEAD OF … – Veterans Today http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/08/04/general-hamid-gul-former-head-of-pakistans-isi-joins-veterans-today/ 4 Aug 2010 – Veterans Today (www.veteranstoday.com) is pleased to announce the appointment of Lt. General Hamid Gul, former head of Pakistan’s ISI … …………….. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,708592,00.html Leaked Afghan War Documents Former Pakistan ISI Chief Gul Denies US Accusations The name Hamid Gul appears more often than virtually any other in the almost 92,000 classified American documents leaked this week.The former Pakistani general and head of the country’s ISI intelligence service from 1987 until 1989 is regarded as someone who has a lot of sympathy for the Taliban’s fight against the United States and its allies. In previous interviews with SPIEGEL and SPIEGEL ONLINE, he has said that Sharia, or Islamic law, should be introduced… Read more »


Steady now, big fella. In through the nose, out through the mouth.


The idiot who wrote this attempted bash on VT obviously cannot figure out that the US has not had a draft in 50 years, so how are they draft dodgers? Stupid Jew.