You’ve all heard of him, now here he is

| August 10, 2011

Update at the bottom of the post.

I know you all heard your drill sergeants talk about “Joe Shit the Ragman”, and you probably all wondered who he was. Well, thanks to the observant fan at POW Net who spotted him at a local air show and snapped these pictures, your curiosity is satiated;

Did you want anchovies on your pizza?

ADDED: And, oh, ROS discovered the problem with this guy’s uniform – he is a zombie. Apparently Edward T. Ryan was buried more than two years ago. The guy who sent the pictures to POW Net said he took them recently. The real Edward T Ryan was 87 years old and in the Army Air Corps.

Category: Phony soldiers, Shitbags

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Tiny bubbles… in my glass… make me happy… and full of gas…


Did you have to say ‘tiny bubbles’? Did you? Meeeh.

Why don’t these idiots go get their dress-up stuff tailored before they go out in public? You don’t just take it off the rack, for pete’s sake. And WHEN did any branch of the military ever wear shirts with button-down collars? When?

Mr. Khan

Pretty STRAC, for a E-nuthin’ who’s a dead guy. No respect.

Bam Bam

Thatsa spiceya meat ball-ah!


@54, sadly I had a 1SG that wore his Shinseki just like that and we would say the same thing when he walked out to hold formations.


Let’s see…badly fitted uniform, can’t tie a tie, dog tags hanging out, ribbons on pocket not above, can’t make out his unit patch but I think it is wrong. Name tag says United States Army (just in case you weren’t sure). I could go on and on but this guy needs an ass whooping bad. If for nothing else except the flag on his right shoulder is in the retreat position in stead of advancing. His beret could look worlds better also. Thanks for outing this guy. I always say nothing surprises me anymore, then I see another POS like this and low and behold I am yet again…surprised at such as f@ck up.


I just love the name tag… because all of mine say “United States Army” under my Full name….. As if the Uniform wasn’t a dead give away.


The St. Christopher medal hanging from his pocket is a nice touch.


Wow, two Marine marksman badges on the left pocket and an Army expert badge… did he leave the Marines but get to keep their badge? Overall, I don’t know if this is more sad than funny or more funny than sad.