Save Dan Choi
I once signed a petition with Firedog Lake, those foul-mouthed perverts on the other side of the political spectrum. I agreed with their stance on the Obama Healthcare Bill for different reasons, but I figured I’d get heard if I ran with them on the issue. Anyway, it got me on their mailing list. So, not knowing who I am, they just now sent me an alert to save Dan Choi from that evil Obama dude;
Yeah, my check’s in the mail. I sent it with the check for my Free Naser Abdo T-shirt.
I hope they seize all of his shit, including his collection of feather boas and his Bradley Manning-signed Lady Gaga posters.
Nothing would make me happier than Choi paying the American taxpayer back for cheating them out of a world-class education…unless it’d be the thought of him rotting in a filthy jail cell for besmirching my uniform by chaining it to the White House fence. Six months is an easy sentence for a man of his character. It’d be the first time Choi was held accountable for his behavior.
And I thought Choi said that he had PTSD because the Army wouldn’t let him eat trouser trout in PT Formation. Now FDL is blaming his duty in Iraq as the Brigade Headquarters Company XO. Yeah, taste-testing the brigade’s chow must’ve been harrowing. There’s a reason he was a 1LT for six years.
Category: Shitbags
Jonn, you should have posted this BEFORE I ate; I would have lost my apetite and been able to skip lunch. 😛
What are you supposed to save him from? Himself I hope!
Why is it they expect that there will never be a price for their idiocy?
If he has PTSD, can I claim PTSD for worrying about family and friends deployed to places where they were actually shot at on a regular basis?
That jackass getting disability payments for other mens’ pain maks me ill.
Fuck saving Choy from the evil Obama dude. Choy voted for the big O, he made his bed and should now sleep in it. We need a petition to save the rest of us from the evil Obama dude.
And yes I spelled it choychoi on purpose.
“Save Dan Choi”, please don’t.
First of all why the hell would he not want to go to pound-me-in-the-ass prison? And why are honorably earned military benefits only worth defending if they were earned by a homosexual?
Please note: I think the use of the words “honorable” and “earned” here are a bridge too far.
Dan Choi (Choy) “Financial Pedophile”….:)
Maybe choi is the one serviceman Barney frank can get behind…. Pun intended. Sorta.
Streetsweeper you’re really trying to spread that whole financial pedophile thing aren’t you?
Doc Bailey
While Choi has a Fannie Mae, he lacks the cheddar to attract Barney Frank’s Freddie Mac. Maybe if Choi won the PowerBall.
Sorry FDL, Chew-toi protested in UNIFORM in front of the White House, any judicial punishment he suffers from that supreme no-no garners no sympathy from any servicemember who has a clue about the UCMJ.
He made his bed, he can now lay in it.