Duff: SEALs murdered to protect Obama’s candidacy

| August 7, 2011

Gordon Duff, the perpetually nutty senior editor at Veterans Today has seized upon the latest tragedy of the helicopter crash in Afghanistan to posit another conspiracy theory – this one to cover up details of the bin Laden assassination, even though it’s been reported that no one killed in the shoot-down yesterday participated in that raid.

So what were they “murdered for? To keep them quiet that they murdered bin Laden’s long-dead frozen corpse. And because it’s Duff, you just knew that it had to do with Rupert Murdoch and the Jooos;

After the bond collapse and credit disaster yesterday, anything threatening President Obama’s reelection is seen, by some, as a threat to America’s financial survival. This debt crisis is a bigger threat to the US than a Japanese invasion in 1942 would have been.

You may not see it that way and you certainly cant get out your hunting rifle to fix it. (Don’t be a sap, kill a Jap!)

Someone had gotten to someone. My best guess and this is a guess…an expose’ by the mainstream media, perhaps Murdoch, another guess, conjecture I admit, regarding the farce at Abbottabad, information possibly gotten through spying, bribery and blackmail, threatened to take down Obama.

With Murdoch’s good friend and “monkeyboy,” Netanyahu ‘on the ropes,” with crowds marching in Israel’s streets demanding his ouster, we have more timing to factor in.

The bin Laden killing, the third rate drama of capturing an unarmed frozen dead guy and throwing him into the ocean had probably become an albatross around certain high ranking necks.

Norway was no accident, it was a warning too. It has been containerized, just as the Murdoch espionage issue is now “poor Rupert and the pie thrower.”

These Americans are casualties in a game, one like 9/11, sacrificial pawns, like Britain’s 7/7, all lies, all theatre, all evil.

Yeah, as regular readers know, I’m no fan of Obama, but I don’t think he’d murder troops to cover up and deflect attention from his ineptness. But of course, it’s Duff, to whom nothing is as it seems and his trade, such as it is, is in lies and manufactured evidence. he still thinks that Rangers killed Pat Tillman,one of their own in orders from the President.

Thanks to melony for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, General Whackos, Shitbags

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Nuttier than squirrel shit in Ron Paul’s back yard.


He dishonors their sacrifice…but that is no surprise. I am not a fan of POTUS but this is beyond stupid.

AW1 Tim

Actually, I’m kind of surprised that Ron Paul hasn’t signed Duff to be his campaign manager. They both have similar issues about da juice, Mossad, 9/11, etc.


I can’t believe this guy runs a Web site called “Veterans Today.” It is simply not right that he invokes the term Veteran in any way to tout his whacked out conspiracy theories. He’s a complete whack job.

Frankly Opinionated

He isn’t alone in doing that cheap acid. Read this wench’s take on it all:
To which I replied:
“I could sign on to this IF: 1. I believed that the DEVGRU manpower to be pathological liars.
2. I believed that United States military personnel would be complicit in helping get troops killed. 3. That an H-47 crew would be foolish enough to deliberately present themselves as a target to be killed.
To expect that a SEAL team member would keep his mouth shut after learning that he was risking his life only to better the image of the commander-in-chief, with a mission rife with falsehoods would be the absolute kool-ade mentality.”

Old Trooper

I have not commented on either this story or the one on Wasfi, because I cannot say anything that would pass for something other than an extreme profanity laced emotional response, so I choose to just not say anything.

All I can do is offer prayers to the friends and family of those lost.


This stupidity borders criminality, because all Duff is doing with this bulls**t is hurting the families of the men who were killed, and enabling the delusions of others who are as weakminded as he is.

In my mind, Duff and WBC are now at the same level – despicable!

Bubblehead Ray

To paraphrase Gene Hackman in the first Superman movie…It’s amazing Duff’s brain generates enough electricity to make his legs move.

Trichinosis USA

You still trust Murdoch’s Faux Noise as a news source? Oh please.

AW1 Tim

@ #9:


I trust Fox News over pretty much any of the alphabet TV sources, especially PBS and CNN.

It shows, I suspect, how badly leftists are being burned by the truth that they continually go after Fox News. The left will do anything to shut down and/or otherwise marginalize Fox News in order to keep the truth suppressed.


Yeah…CNN (i was stuck in the airport) and Farad token muslim led with how this is further evidence for draconian cuts to DoDs budget. Fucking bottom feeders…all of them.


@#9, so, that’s that meme that KOS and DU has put out today? The tired old “Faux News” one, yet again? You guys need to have a staff meeting and at least try to come up with something original.
Duff, if he postulated his BS in a public place, would be carted off to one of the local happy hospitals, and medicated, until such time as he was semi-lucid.

Doc Bailey

#9 really? Hasn’t Fox repedidly bent over backwards, and given it’s critics MORE than ample time frame with which to lay their charges and provide evidence?

I would ask further if it’s that thing called journalistic integrity that bothers you so much? Or just that they don’t parrot Dame Peloci Prince Ried or Savior Obama?


Veteran’s Today is the name of his website? Unbelievable. . .


We all know who painted an even larger target on their backs than was already there when he ID’d SEAL Team Six as the unit which took out UBL. Any other details (whether true or not) don’t add much to the outing of a covert op as an act of treason in my mind.

Anyone else pondering the irony of the media frenzie following the public mention of Valerie Plame (who was widely known to have associated with some spies in a former life) as an “agent,” for whom there was no actual or perceived threat following her “outing,” vs the revelation of real covert ops participants, likely resulting in at least some of them now being dead?

Egads, can we get the children out of DC and let the adults begin to run things again? Please?? It would save us in soooo many ways.


I would just love to hold Duff’s head under water until he stops moving.

Doc Bailey

#14, yes “Veterans Today” is the most God Awful disgrace to the term Veteran, but we must unfortunately live with this ass clown, as the 1st amendment does cover his lunacy

#15: I have no problem with showing helmet cam footage of the actual killshot, or with showing the Postmortem (like with Uday and Qusay) I’ve even seen helmet cam footage of a raid to rescue low level KBR guys (compound breached and hostages secured 27 seconds after balckhawk touchdown) but you never say who, what, where or when till YEARS later. Why? Because they’re a target!

AW1 Tim

What Doc says. I have no problem showing the results of our work. I DO have a problem with identifying troops present, missions, dates, places, etc.

Those actions have consequences.

Hell, I’m stymied writing part of a book I started because I am concerned with OpSec even 30 years later. There are some things that I can’t find a good way to work around and until I get an “all clear” from someone higher up the foodchain, I’m STILL not going to write about it, even tangentially.


Cedo Alteram

I can’t believe he has the audacity to have a pic of his face by this stupid shit! I mean, if I was knowingly talking out of my ass, I would at least want future plausible deniability.

Doc Bailey

Tim, I find myself in the same predicament. Most of what I would say is fodder for public record, but putting names out there. . .

I will say this. At some point people DO need to know. They need to see the horror and glory of what we do. As General Lee said “It is good that war is so terrible, lest we should grow too fond of it”.

The best thing you can do is get a FIOA on all the ops you want to talk about. What you get back write about. What you don’t, hint at. Write it up anyway, but file it away against the day you may be allowed to release it, or you die in which case most of the people involved will probably be as well (I’m rooting for a ripe old age)



Guys? Let’s look at it like this. VT and all these other “marxist” vet groups are getting funding via taxpayer dollars, correct? They slam our country and citizen’s for sheer profit and thrill, right? So, let’s apply a whole new lexicon to their side….”FINANCIAL PEDOPHILE’S”. These clowns have bashed us from every direction and keep on coming. That lexicon will shut them down. Check my FB profile,the battle plan is there.

Hey ya OWB! Long time, no hear! How you doing?

street out!


The entire probability factors surrounding this event stink to high-heavens.
After they have lied to us about nearly every single thing they’ve ever done, why, on God’s Green Earth should we believe this improbable story?
The alleged binLaden raid story was falling apart at the seams. All creditable sources had binLaden dead of kidney failure years ago. This was tying-up some loose ends. And it’s one of the oldest rouses in the governments playbook of hiding incompetence.
Other reports of the binLaden raid, that our military has not disputed, is that of the three participating helicopters only two returned, meaning one crashed. Some reports had it being blown-up with no survivors.
How convenient that those of the same unit are not around to bear witness to what happened that day are now silenced. And please, don’t give me the “this can’t happen” meme. Or that it wasn’t the same men. How do we know that? Because the lairs told you? Did they tell us the truth about Pat Tillman? Jessica Lynch, or the WMD’s? Or any of a thousand and one other things?
This stinks.

The Sniper

I’m just baffled as to how anyone would believe that Rupert Murdoch would help Obama. I mean, that is even less believable than suicidal SEALs.

I’ve scraped more coherent arguments off the bottom of my shoe.


I’m really getting a belly full of this Duff bozo … but if one is nothing but an attention ho, what else do we expect?

Bubblehead Ray

MrKotex, start taking your Geodon again. You get loopy when you go off your meds.

Doc Bailey

Coto, are you for real? Wow you ACTUALLY believe that?


There must be a run on tinfoil wherever Coto and the rest of the assclown brigade is posting from. Every other stock in my portfolio has pretty much taken a shit, I might as well load up on stock in Reynolds.

AW1 Tim

Sparky, there’s a little coven of these folks up here by where I live. No matter WHAT event you might talk about, they will spin it as part of a false-flag/Illuminatti/Masonic/Bilderburger/NWO/Zionist. etc, plan or coverup.

In short, they live in this alternate reality of paranoid delusion, right down the Rabbit Hole.


Tim–I gotta think we’re not too far from each other–time for a meetup in Portland to quaff a few brews and laugh at these idiots. If I wasn’t laughing at them, I’d be tasting gun oil with the knowledge that these people are actually allowed to vote.


#6. Well said OT. My thoughts are with them and their families.

AW1 Tim


I could go for that. I’m up in Bath. My son is coming home on terminal leave from the Army tomorrow, so I’ll be a little busy for a bit. I’ll give you a shout over to your blog when time frees up, or you can reach me through mine. My facebook link is on my blog page, too, and that has contact info as well.



Gordon Duff raped and murdered 10 children during the 1980’s.


Back many years ago in the Army the slang word of “duff” and “duffing” was used quite often to conote slackers.


It probably came from Go On Duff himself.

What a POS he is.


Tim & Sparky: “Sparky, there’s a little coven of these folks up here by where I live. No matter WHAT event you might talk about, they will spin it as part of a false-flag/Illuminatti/Masonic/Bilderburger/NWO/Zionist. etc, plan or coverup.

In short, they live in this alternate reality of paranoid delusion, right down the Rabbit Hole.”

I’m glad to see this problem isn’t isolated around here just to my neck of the woods, LOL!


Start using “Financial Pedophile” to describe Duff and his crew whenever you mention them since they depend on and get gummint cheese to exist.


#35 streetsweeper:

And THAT’s a question I don’t think I’ve ever seen addressed. Does Duff actually BELIEVE all this garbage he spews, or is it just for the money? Anybody know?



Duff believes it. Look at how fractured his method of communicating. He skips from topic to topic without building a foundation for any of the topics (from SEALs to Murdoch/Netanyahu to Bin Ladencicle). His word construction is off too: from the probability of the story being true is “nil” (Websters: Zero), to the story being a “staged coverup is 80%” leaves out 20%. He makes repeated claims to guessing, knowing he’s missing the 20% but just can’t get there without some intuitive-but-unconnectable leaps.

Worst thing in the world of conspiracy theories is a jacka$$ who can’t write straight. Duff can’t write straight. That means he’s got the connexions straight in his mind, but the story comes out garbled.

My guess: paranoid schizophrenia that leaves him borderline capable of surviving in society (buying groceries, paying bills) so perhaps he’s medicated, but just barely, just enough.

As an aside: good conspiracy theories are constructed as 99% truth: verifiable, testable/provable, no argument possible about them; and 1% of the purest of lies.


Thanks, DaveO. I have wondered about Duff. Most conspiracy-theorists I’ve run into are furtive-looking guys that hand out pamphlets at gun-shows. It seems very odd that the editor of a fairly high-profile magazine that supports these theories hasn’t been shuffled over to groundskeeper or boxcutter or SOMETHING other than editor by now.


PN: Duff gives the folks who underwrite him lots of plausible deniability.


In other words, they have someone on the staff so crazy that if the bottom falls out – poltically, litigiously, or whatever – on one of their stories, they have a scapegoat.

Nice. And I don’t mean that in a good way.