Dahlia Wasfi, friend of Naser Abdo reacts to helicopter crash

| August 6, 2011

One of my ninjas sent this screen shot from Dahlia Wasfi, the scary-smart (according to her friends who come here to defend her) anti-war Iraqi;

Now understand that Dahlia Wasfi is barely Iraqi. Her family fled Saddam Hussein’s regime when she was very young so she’s mostly American as far as her education and pampered life style living in a trendy New York City apartment. She was also a very active friend of Naser Abdo on his Facebook page until he was arrested for plotting to bomb a restaurant near Fort Hood, Texas last week. Need I also add that she was a supporter of Carl Webb when he was being tossed from IVAW for advocating the murder and injuring of US troops in Iraq.

So Dahlia; Get out of my country and carry your ingrate ass back to rebuild your own. And STFU in the interim.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Shitbags

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MY favorite is part of that is the “cover up” reply comment. It’s a window into that world and its total disassociation from reality.


No kidding it is the same kind talk from the safety being in the States.

Doc Bailey

Ehmed Ajiji’s comment “They never learn *sigh*” makes you wonder. I think maybe he should be more worried about the Taliban “never learning” that throwing acid on little girls’ faces, and killing innocent men women and children is a BAD thing.

cover what up? Didn’t the news make it pretty clear what happened? and ‘killed’? I’m pretty sure he’s dead.

its like all these people are taking stupid pills

Cedo Alteram

Dumb broad. I get annoyed even contemplating having to debunk this stupid shit.


Agreed, STF Dahlia and take your ass back to Iraq.


Dear Dahlia Wasfi: Choke on a rat poison-covered dick. Stupid bitch.


Anybody got a COW? Can o’ whoopass is what this ignorant person needs. Clearly, she does not get it.

naked patriot

I’m thinking of a word that rhymes with BLUNT, Ms. Wasfi…..that is exactly how I’d describe your character.


“I think maybe he should be more worried about the Taliban “never learning” that throwing acid on little girls’ faces, and killing innocent men women and children is a BAD thing.”

Why should he? He probably supports such things.


Indeed, if that stupid bitch cared about her fellow Iraqis, why isn’t she back there, taking care of them? Instead of living high on the hog(is that politically incorrect?) here, and making the rounds of academia, spouting her bullshit.


That would involve personal risk and hardship. Why leave when she can have her cake and complain about it too?

Doc Bailey

just spit balling here, but does anyone have pictures of a really bad sector circa 2003 and some “after” pictures circa 2008 or after? I think maybe showing the improvement BECAUSE of US involvement in her “beloved” Iraq might shut her up.

Doc Bailey

then again might not.


The last sentence said exactly what I think and feel. Hooah!


Wouldn’t last a week in Baghdad. Seriously. Not one week.


Wonder where her chadore is. Only whores go about uncovered. Perhaps she doesn’t believe she is already guilty of a capital offense, just by showing her uncovered head on FB.

One Ninja

I like how they have a conspiracy theory for just about everything except Abdo. Oh, that’s right, they don’t really stand behind their people when the going gets tough.