Helicopter crash kills thirty US Soldiers

| August 6, 2011

At least 31 US SEALs and 7 Afghastan Army Commandos died in a crash late friday night. It seems that it might have been shot down due to enemy fire in a night operation in a unnamed area of Afghastan. The Taliban are claiming credit for the attack.

The toll would surpass the worst single day loss of life for the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan since the war began in 2001 – the June 28, 2005 downing of a military helicopter in eastern Kunar province. In that incident, 16 Navy SEALs and Army special operations troops were killed when their craft was shot down while on a mission to rescue four SEALs under attack by the Taliban. Three of the SEALs being rescued were also killed and the fourth wounded. It was the highest one-day death toll for the Navy Special Warfare personnel since World War II.

Just another reminder about the dangers those that have earned the SEAL title and why pretending to be one is not just telling “little white lies”

Out thoughts to go out the the familes of those who have been lost.

Category: Real Soldiers, Terror War

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Frankly Opinionated

Info still coming in but I see it now as 25 SEALS among 31 US. That would be about right. At least 3 crew, a terp to work with the Afghanis among them, and a medic or two. 31 more great reasons to salute the flag.
Godspeed, men, Godspeed.

Bill P

Pray for them, and hope none of them are from Seal Team 6, that would be a big propaganda boost for AQ.


I’m heartsick. This is a terrible loss. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the fallen. RIP warriors.

Us Army 1979-87 SGT Thurman B Roe

A tragic loss. RIP


This is really bad news. May the Lord give His peace to their families.

Frankly Opinionated

#2 Bill P:
My thoughts exactly as I just read on FOXNews.com that it was, in fact, SEAL Team 6, “DEVGRU”.
Updates to all of this coming fast, so this is not “chiseled in stone”.


Confirmed it was SEAL Team 6, but not the guys that took out Bin Laden. Prayers to those who lost their lives and their loved ones in this time of need.


I don’t know if it’s actually DevGru. A lot of media sources are saying that its the “same unit” as the one that killed OBL but the media doesn’t know its ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to the particulars of the military.

If it was DevGru that’s almost 10% of it’s strength which would be impossibly bad for those guys.


I’m betting it was a Joint unit…at the very least some Combat Weathermen, CTTs, and PJs. Maybe some OGAs in the mix. Not that I am in any way an operator but have spent some time supporting a similar unit who were quite the the mix of services. I’m thinking the CH-47 crew was about 5…pilot, co-pilot, two door gunners and the loadmaster/tail gunner.


What a tragedy.

This incident instantly reminded me of another Chinook crash of May 10, 1972 toward the end of American involvemnt in Vietnam.


These men had been hand selected from throughout the remaining 1st Cav infantry battalions and rapidly trained on the new TOW Missile. They were going to Vung Tau for R&R before deployment throughout Vietnam to replace a TDY TOW contingent from the 82nd Abn.

The incident was initially reported as a SAM type attack by the other pilots flying alongside. However, it was eventually ruled an accident. I have always had serious doubts about it being an accident. SAM’s had recently been fired and hit other U.S. helicopters during the close by ongoing battle at An Loc. Some of the story at the link. The Army has misidentified which unit many of the men were in for many years and only in the last couple of years is this being rectified.

May God bless our warriors and their famlies.


If this was SEAL Team 6 and the Taliban did bring down the Chinook is this just pure luck with the Taliban being in the right place at the right time or do we have a serious security breach. Is this payback for killing OBL?

Doc Bailey

Was this mechanical failure? I think the last one was. I would REALLY like for the Army to replace the Chinook. Those things may be fast when you get them going but that takes forever, and they’re about as maneuverable as a freight train.

RIP guys.


I heard rumors the helo was actually Kansas National Guard. Anyone have any gouge on that?

Doc Bailey

Kansas NG? Why on earth would they carry SOCOM. I thought they only used the 160th


Rest In Peace, Warriors.


I am kinda shocked that the government would even release info on something like this (well not all that shocked with this POTUS).

Cedo Alteram

R.I.P. Seals.

1)I’m almost positive these are the “Night Stalkers” and not National Guardsman. Back in 05′ when the last Seal Chinook downing occured, aviation assets were alot more scarce to the line units, the SOF units were supported seperately.

2) I saw that there were four birds, but only this one was shot down.

3)Last week, another chinook was also downed by an RPG outside of the former Camp Blessing on the western side of the Pech Valley. That area though has only one Cop left open, Honaker-Miracle, on the eastern side by Asadabad. The entire AO is basically contolled by the Taliban/HIG. Which allows them to control choice real estate for observation and

Have no idea what the situation in Wardak is, but I know its contested by the Taliban and Haq Network. If this truely was a enemy gathering, its likely that at least some higher quality bad apples were there.

Over the last year it has been mentioned that the enemy has managed to blunt many of our night raids from SOF, by posting sentries to warn them. Then they could flee or react in some other manner. Even if they couldn’t stop the raids execution, they may have pot shoted at its exfill, especially if they had some higher terrain to shoot down from.

I don’t think the enemy’s antiaircraft capabilty has improved so much as these two events were coincidental. Though admittingly the enemy has got much more confident, with our regional retreats and Obama’s silly timeline.


Cedo Alteram

P.S. the comment about the night raids losing effectivness comes from both Taliban and SOF sources.


re #14, 17

They were just rumors but they were so bizarre yet specific it made me pause. I mean where does someone just pull Kansas NG from? They were going out on a QRF for guys in contact, I figured it could have been a “what ever is on the pad” type of deal.


they killed these seals to cover up the bin laden hoax – they are killing those that may tell the truth someday

Doc Bailey

#20 Why on EARTH would any idiot make something like that up? Stop smoking that wacky tabacky. This government can’t cover anything up, even when it has to (see Princess First Call Manning.)


thats not true, bin laden died in 2001 in tora bora every major intelligence agency already knew that – the seal raid on Osama Bin Laden was a hoax to improve Obamas dismal ratings (you know the imposter in the white house using a phoney birth certificate and fraudulant SSA number – who gets away with it because he’s black) thats why they got rid of the so called “body” at sea so quickly and changed their story many many times – furthermore the truth about 9-11 is shown by forensic analysis to be a controlled demolition nano thermite was found in the dust of the wreckage the kind only defense contractors make and you can’t explain that by any jet crashing into them – when you people going to wake up, our government did this to make these trillion dollar + wars and pass things like the patriot act and so it is……..

Cedo Alteram

#23 Jesus… H… Christ seams like we have a Paulite here. I’m suprised he didn’t mention Skull & Bones, the Masons, or at least A.dvanced I.dea M.echanics. You know he’s read “Chariots of the Gods” and “Dianetics”, he so much more well learned then we here.

Hey douchebag, go somewhere else with your stupid conspiracy bullshit!

Michael in MI

This government can’t cover anything up, even when it has to

True. The government’s power to cover anything up is 100% dependent upon the willingness of the MF-ing media to help them with the cover-up. During GOP Administrations, the likelihood of the government covering anything up is 0%. During Democrat Administrations, however, the likelihood jumps considerably.

That said, the only way I’d believe that the Obama Administration — with the cooperation of the worldwide MF-ing media — faked Osama’s death is if right afterward he used the incident as a reason to pull out of Afghanistan and end the ‘war on terror’. But, considering he has done nothing but increase our footprint in Afghanistan and extend our stay there, I don’t see any logical reason for Obama to do such a thing. (And yes, I certainly do believe Obama to be that much of an asshole to make shit up like that to help him politically).

Now, had the Osama killing happened close to the 2012 election, then I might start to listen to the arguments about conspiracy theories…

Michael in MI

Though, it does seem like bad things happen to US Navy SEALs during the Obama Administration. Recall the aftermath of their rescue of the hostage from the Somali pirates in 2009: Is the Prosecution of the US NAVY SEALs Payback by Obama?

Doc Bailey

I would like to point out that Barry’s Admin admitted that Rendition, “Enhanced Interrogations” and GITMO, lead to the compound, and killing of OBL. These are things if you remember he campaigned against saying pretty nasty things in the process. Remember how GITMO was going to be closed EXACTLY 1 year after he took office? How’d that work out?

#23 Really? back to that? Again? You DO realize jet fuel can melt steel right? Add in the force of a large multi-ton object traveling at HUNDREDS of miles an hour? If you think about the physics of it, PLUS this little thing called “cascade failure” (look it up I’m not going to explain it to you), AND there is no such thing as “nano” thermite. But thermite is only oxidized iron, and aluminum. Steel is made of what two elements? And Airplanes have what metal as part of their primary construction? THAT’S RIGHT class! Its actually no wonder you’d find Thermite.

As for Operation Anaconda, that operation in Tora Bora you referenced? Have you actually READ op reports? It was a near disaster. The “anvil” got shot down and surrounded. The “hammer” was isolated, and instead of fighting a few dozen poorly armed demoralized fighters, it turned out turned out to be a few HUNDRED, heavily armed and fanatical fighters. Both 75th Rangers and 10th Mountain, both units of which are no slouches, got their noses seriously bloodied. Did I mention that for some reason the Air Power was pulled away? OBL could have shown his bare ass from just 1K away and received no real danger. Even if the snipers actually got a bead on him, most of them were doing something more important like. . . Surviving.

Seriously dud STOP drinking the Kool Aid.


These SEALs, AF Combat Controllers, and Afghani counterparts were actually going on a mission to help out Army Rangers who were in a fight.

I know there’s always been some tensions between the SEALs and Rangers (chronicled in books like ‘Not a Good Day to Die’), but incidents like these show that they will do whatever they can to help their fellow warriors when needed.


Looks like it might have actually been a Nebraska National Guard bird.

Henen C. Benthall Jr.

I wonder why the us army did not deploy an apache assault helo to fly in support of the helo transporting the seals and other troops last week. The apache,eith its superior firepower would have kept the enemy very busy and would have
possibly prevented the chinook helo deploying the troops from being shot down.

Ben. Former korean war veteran

Cedo Alteram

30# Where did you see that?

Agent 99

Military to Investigate “Crash” ((Did not Follow Operational Procedure))
Was Kansas NG Chinook…

Agent 99

Why oh Why were they on a NG bird???
NG version has no DEFENSE ability.
The Team should have beeb on ^^^^^^^^^^ the above….


Time to debunk some fallacies here…just look at my name, then what my MOS is, and I ll tell you why some of you are dead wrong… (Note: all of this stuff I am telling you is NOT in violation of OPSEC and can be found referencing Janes, Global Defense, etc etc etc) 1. The bird was an NG bird. Lets get over it right now that it was 160th…traditionally speaking, yes its the NS, but I have a slight suspicion that the Good Idea fairy paid a visit to the local QRF commander, told the SEALS to get a hodge podge fighting force together, and take off in whatever was available *1st mistake 2. The CH/MH-47 is the fastest helicopter we have, plain and simple. Its a helicopter, and the thing can manuever. It has two T55 engines, both put out about 3750 shaft HP a piece…with a helicopter you are looking for torque, not induced thrust like a fighter. By comparison, the engines on the Apache/Blackhawk (they are the same engine), put out 1400 shaft HP. Already the aircraft is putting out more power. It has 5 transmissions, one gearbox on each engine, a combining transmission, and a fore and aft transmission. A hit to any one of those bad boys, except for the NGB s, would bring the whole bird down since it relies on the three to really operate. Lets face it, the thing is fucking huge. If AQ/Talibaba saw that thing, and could take advantage of it, they would…and they did. (Mistake #2-the aircraft got isolated from the main body, flew too low, or something made it stand out so it was a prime target) 3. Apaches, despite their combat effectiveness, are actually extremely overweight and slow. Doesn’t mean they can’t get up and move, but both the Blackhawk and the CHinook can fly circles around the Apache. Having CAS on station for this raid/QRF may or may not have made a difference, but that was the discretion of the Commander, not any of the pilots *3rd Mistake Hope this helps in clearing some stuff… Read more »


I’m just waiting for Joe Biden to deliver condolences to the families of the fallen. Something tells me he ain’t exactly in a rush to volunteer.

Agent 99

NH Sparky ….
Be back with Vid ((from Vaughn’s Father)))
In The Meantime



ONE EXAMPLE ((That has bothered me too)) WHY????

..“There may have been an operational reason not to spread them out over two, [but] I just don’t know what that would be.”

They also questioned the type of aircraft dispatched for the mission. The NATO command in Kabul identified the downed helicopter as a Boeing CH-47 Chinook, not the modified version, the MH-47.

The MH-47 Chinook is configured for nighttime missions by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, based at Fort Campbell, Ky.

The Army Times said the Chinook was piloted by a regular Army crew, not aviators from the specially trained 160th.

“This was a regular Army crew and bird, so the crew would have less experience, training and countermeasures compared to a 160th,” the second special operations source told The Times……”

SEE Boeing Specs LINK ^^^^ ((Above))
The MH-47 has FLIR/Faster Speed…
15D AZNG ((Above))
They knew what they were getting into ….AGREED,
My Uncle A Ret SEAL
“”Lightning from the Sky”” “”Thunder From The Sea””
***Please see above Link for Pic/Bio of the Fallen****
Linked VIA WeaselZippers.

Cedo Alteram

#36 & 38 k’ good to know some new info. Nice comparison with the Blackhawk and Apache capabilties. Nice post.

I saw that article hope Jonn posts it.

I’m more shocked that people have a tough time believing that an RPG, even with its relatively short range, can take down a helicopter. When the there are few realistic LZs, and the enemy is located at a higher elevation its more then plausible.