Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome

| August 4, 2011

This picture popped on my FB newsfeed today:



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That is one fucking badass Marine there!




What JPJ said. I can’t put it any better than that!



John Curmudgeon

Awesome picture!



R. T. Tidwell

PN2: It could certainly be exprerssed better than JPJ did! His “F word” is not an enhancemet of his statement.In fact, it takes away from it badly!
Why do so many people have to embellish their speech with such filthy words?! The use of such slang words indicates a severe lack of education, and perhaps even intelligence!
Why use such words??!!

R. T. Tidwell

Let me add further that my typos do not indicate a lack of edcuation and intelligence. The problem is that my fingers no longer go the the keys that my mind tells it to!!

Lo siento mucho!

Doc Bailey

That is how you handy-CAP an insurgent

Bad pun I know. Keep it up Devil Dog

Mike D

Doubtless there are equally poignant expressions of the American warrior spirit out there, but none more so.


PN2: It could certainly be exprerssed better than JPJ did! His “F word” is not an enhancemet of his statement.In fact, it takes away from it badly!
Why do so many people have to embellish their speech with such filthy words?! The use of such slang words indicates a severe lack of education, and perhaps even intelligence!
Why use such words??!!

Tidwell get off of your high-horse. Just because YOU frown upon explicit language does not mean that other people have to follow YOUR example. You don’t like it either ignore it or leave. And yes he is One Fucking Badass DevilDawg! Semper Fi Marine! Way to adapt and overcome!!


Tidwell…so what? Foul language is the crutch of the inarticulate motherfucker. Deal with it.

Now on to my comment:

That Marine has something no Supply system carries–Balls, brass, size large, clanking, unit of issue 2 each. Carry on, Marine, and Semper Fucking Fi.


Tidwell obviously not a grunt. Shut up pussy


All I can say is , leave it to a friggen GI.


Mr. Tidwell, the only obscenity I see in this thread is a young Marine with one leg that is about 14″ shorter than the other.

Nothing written here offends me.

Itchy Brother

Hey Tidwell,I’m educated. High school, Jr. high in Rome Italy for 3 years and college. So, let me put this as succinctly as I can. Go fuck yourself, you pompous asshole. How uncomfortable it must be to walk around with that giant stick up your fucking ass. Were you born a prick or did you just end up that way?


JPJ: Damn straight, you said it all in one sentence.

R.T.T: The Corps love the word “Fuck”. It was the most used word in the FMF during my service.

In the words of Chestey: I don’t care if it’s Old Corps or New Corps as long as it’s Marine Corps.


That’s my kind of homey…

Whatever it takes, git ‘er done!!


Mr. Tidwell actually I chose the word fucking specifically because it is the only word that can effectively describe what I wanted to say. Now since you are so smart and obviously more educated than a cretin such as I, why don’t you just explain why such a word as fuck is so unacceptable? Is it because it violates some kind of social norm? Is there something inherently wrong with the combination of sounds? Or something completely different that makes it so offensive?

See when you allow a word or phrase to offend you, that word or phrase then has power over you. It instils the user to know how to push your buttons and how to draw you into a game that they have set the stage for. So until you can compel me with an argument that convinces me that the word in and of itself is corrupt and evil…fuck you!

Doc Bailey

I try to cut back on saying Fuck because I work with civilians. Saying any ol fucking thing that comes into your shit filled noggin tends to get one fired. So why bitch is someone talks out of their asshole?

But as a former private it IS out-fucking-standing.

Dirty Al the Infidel

“FUCKIN A BUBBA.” Fuck you,you Fucking Fuck! Hey what else can be said. Awesome job Marine! Now FUCKING GET SOME!

AW1 Tim

The Tangos are so fucked. If this guy runs out of ammo, he can literally take off his leg and beat them to death with it.

IAO indeed!



Old Trooper

Well, Tidwell, according to John F-ing Kerry, we are all un-educated, because if we had an edumacation, we wouldn’t have joined the military. Hey, I graduated the 6th grade, it only took me 3 years and I can cypher better than Jethro Bodine! You are the type of person that pisses me off. You think that anyone that doesn’t talk like you is un-educated or beneath your stature. Being a pompous, self-righteous, asshole isn’t a badge of honor.

As for this Marine; Out-fucking-standing!!


Dear Mister Tidwell–may I call you asshole?–I think you see what happens when one feigns an air of indignation around here. Fuck your high-and-mighty attitude.

Oh, and for your edification, in the words of the late George Carlin, “There are no dirty words…dirty thoughts…”


I simply can’t remember the last time I laughed so much at some one who got their panties in a wad over a WORD! It’s a perfectly good Anglo-Saxon word and shows the growth of a language. I’m sure most if not all of you know the origen of this word.

Back in jolly old England during the 17th or 18th century, the head honcho in London wanted to rid the city of streetwalkers (hos to all of us idjits). When the cops picked one up they were charged and booked For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Being very busy and hating paperwork, it was shortened to the acronym F.U.C.K. Its been used extensively since then and is one of the few words that can be used as a noun, verb, adverb, adjective and practically every other usage imaginable. So carry on and use that fucking word as often and as demonstrably as you wish and fuck anybody who doesn’t like it!



What the others said and this: BS with Highest Honors, MS degree, CGSOC resident grad, Armed Forces Staff College grad.

Would you like to compare resumes?

Now shut your fucking cock-holster, and beat your face.


I am not going to address Tidwell’s stupidity, but I would love to buy that Marine a beer or three!!!


Black Lagoon: The Fucking Short Version

And because I like the song.


PurpleDragon: Liked the “March of Cambreadth” video. That was really good! 🙂



And supposedly the use of the f-word came from the 100 yrs war where whenever the froggies caught a british longbowman, they would chop off the middle finger (used to “pluck” the bowstring) of the longbowman essentially ending his combat effectiveness. Well, legend has it after the battle of agincourt, the british longbowman held out their middle fingers and yelled, “Pluck You!” And over time it became Fuck You. (Note: just one of the many stories I’ve heard about the origin of the f-word).

This Marine is showing whatever booger eater his version of “Pluck You!”


Two of my favorite things on offensive words first South Park:
Louis C.K. on the N-Word:


“This Marine is showing whatever booger eater his version of “Pluck You!””

Here, here, WhiskeyJr, you are a genius.

I stand in awe of this young Warrior and all those with him. There is not a day goes by that I don’t read one of their stories on how they adapt and over come these horrendous injuries without being inspired to keep on keepin on.

My only regret is that I don’t have another life to live so I could join them in the fight because there is not a doubt in my mind this battle will continue long after I’ve exited stage left.

Maybe I’ve missed it but has anyone posted the name of this young Marine?


This photo says it all. God Bless all our guys.