Fatally Unique apologizes

| August 5, 2011

You guys went after the Dance Team Fatally Unique yesterday when they wore military medals during their dance routine the other day. This was posted on their Facebook page last night;

It still doesn’t address the jerk-ass comment that they emailed to Matt, though. Nor does it apologize for de-friending everyone who pointed out their disrespect. Most of the comments related to the statement are supportive of their wear and use of medals – but who can expect differently in the age of an American idol president.

You guys in the Navy need to police your ranks;

Category: Who knows

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Ok, so the commenting retards can’t seem to connect the dots between an actor in uniform attempting to accurately portray a soldier/sailor/Marine in a movie versus a bunch of people jumping around on stage loaded up with real medals as part of a costume? Really?


Something tells me Kevin Ray never saw combat any closer than the brow of the liberty launch heading into Pattaya, Thailand. Sitting on the birdfarm ain’t “combat”.

If you did, Mr. Ray, my apologies on that score, but you’re still a pompous douchenozzle. And I’m guessing I’m right because if you WERE in fact a “decorated combat veteran”, you’d be as pissed about how awards for which people have bled and died are treated like so much fucking cheap bling. Therefore I’ll be eagerly awaiting your 214 as evidence of your high-speed, low-drag bona fides.

(That policed enough for ya, Jonn?)


I’m with Sparky on this one…and did I also detect the race card being tossed out there by Cap’n Ray? Nice.


People are up in arms about this? This is retarded. It one thing to dress up and pretend to be a veteran without disclosing that are are NOT a vet, it another to dress up and have everyone know you are not a veteran. Wearing a costume while conducting a performance ( like any other actor) is miles apart from wearing military uniforms in open public or lying about your background for personal gain.

AW1 Tim

What Sparky said. BZ shipmate.


That’s the WHOLE FUCKING POINT, Robert–these are MEDALS earned as part of actions of service, not part of a fucking costume. Write that on your hand and smack yourself in the fucking forehead until it sinks in.

And yeah, it is another thing–it’s even MORE insulting, IMO. YMMV.


ETA: To clarify, Robert, if a person/actor/whoever, as part of a role which portrays a military member/veteran, wears medals, that’s perfectly acceptable.

When one wears them as “bling” without due regard and respect for the award and the people who sacrifice to earn said awards, it’s bullshit and they need to go.



Sparky, I doubt he “capiche’s” at all. Notice the sentence structure and the “retarded” reference. No doubt, another member of the American Idol generation trying to make a point, and failing.


At least the entertainers apologized, but the fans are hopeless and clueless. I think Claymore is right about the race issue. And his Obama 2012 icon just makes me want to scream “One more year. One more year”.

SSG Medzyk

“Kevin Ray” is so far up 0bama’s ass, that he can see Russia from there.

Totally committed liberal douchebag of the highest order.

I seriously doubt his Navy status.


For what it’s worth… A Kevin Ray on Facebook Marine Corp marathon page that he is an “active duty Navy officer.” But A pipi profile in google on a Kevin Ray from Cary, NC lists that he was in the Navy but currently unemployed. His highest education was listed as graduate from ITT Tech. Unless I’m wrong, an ITT Tech degree will not qualify one to become an officer in any branch of service.

This guy may be worth further checking.


Again, for what it’s worth. This may or may not get through the filter:

The link for the Facebook post is: http://www.facebook.com/MarineCorpsMarathon/posts/121440234610671

The link to the profile is: https://profiles.google.com/th3girlcanrock#th3girlcanrock/about


Unless I’m wrong, an ITT Tech degree will not qualify one to become an officer in any branch of service.

You would be correct. In fact, most of those degrees are two-year degrees, which can’t transfer and aren’t accepted even for advanced paygrade enlistment because ITT isn’t accredited.


Ok Sparky. This Kevin Ray shithead is pulling one over on people so does the Navy maintain something like Army’s AKO?