“Bite Me” charges Secret Service for security detail

| August 1, 2011

According to the Washington Times, Joe “Bite Me” Biden is charging the Secret Service $2200/month for their use of his cottage that houses his protective detail;

Since April, Mr. Biden has collected more than $13,000 from the agency charged with protecting him and his family for use of a rental cottage adjacent to the waterfront home he owns in a Wilmington, Del., suburb.

Mr. Biden, listed not as vice president in federal purchasing documents but as a “vendor,” is eligible for up to $66,000 by the time the government contract expires in the fall of 2013, the records show.

Poor Bite Me must be really hurting for money what with that $240,000 salary he gets paid to be the most incompetent boob in American history. He’s lucky that we even let him have a protective detail. No one is out to get him….every terrorist on the planet wants him to be president. He can destroy the country faster than a whole Army of suicide bombers.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Shitbags

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“According to Mr. Biden’s office, the vice president’s mother lived in the cottage until she died in January 2010. At that time, the Secret Service had been renting properties in the Wilmington area for agents who were providing a protective presence at Mr. Biden’s personal residence.”

So they were renting places for agents in nearby locations. This probably comes out at the same or lower cost, plus you don’t have agents having to commute to work (probably getting mileage for that too) and the detail is closer with an obvious security benefit there.

I’d bet a $1 too that there’s some kind of bizarre contracting rule that would prevent him from just giving it to them as well.

John Curmudgeon

“Everyday I’m Hustling”


“No one is out to get him….every terrorist on the planet wants him to be president. He can destroy the country faster than a whole Army of suicide bombers.”

Thanks, John, for my first good laugh of the day! I have to say after reading the morning headlines that whole crew inside the beltway (with a handful of exceptions) should be just as safe they are all masters of ruination!

Drive on “It don’t mean nothin'”


Obama’s smartest move was picking Joe as his VP. To be perfectly honest the only thing scarier to me than 4 more years of Obama would be the words “President Joe Biden”. Thats why I do not support any effort to impeach or disqualify Obama from office. Think of the consequences and horror of a President Biden!


Today I got shorted on my VA check by about 400 because they were supposed to take out an overpayment over 3 months but no they took it all out at once. Then I read this story and it just touched a nerve…what an asshole.


As the property was being rented after the mom died and before the Secret Service moved in it’s probably policy that they have to pay rent on the unit in order to utilize it.

Chuck W

Joe is the guy Obama sends out to start his car.


“Joe is the guy Obama sends out to start his car.” BwaHaHaHa. Thanks, Chuck.

Doc Bailey

Competency apparently only goes as far as fleecing the taxpayer. but if you remember the Dems were proud that he was the poorest senator? Maybe he needed that because he’s sooo poor.


“Osama Bin Laden is DEAD, General Motors is ALIVE, and my bank account is FULL”, replied VP Biden when questioned about this issue.


Jesus christ. I wish I could collect over $26k/year for the privilege of having people who want to keep me alive.

Joe Williams

When I think nobody wants to take either B O or Joe B.


Nik, all you have to do is run for vice president, and get elected. Then you can rent your empty house to someone who will pay a premium price for the privilege of living in it.

Does anyone think JB is NOT taking a tax loophole deduction on this rental income? (cynic)



I would, but I just don’t want to sell my integrity so cheaply, even for $240k/year.