Gates dodges DADT bullet
Speaking of dicksmith, Defense Secretary is expected to escape from the Pentagon without making a decision on the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell according to the Stars & Stripes;
Two weeks ago, Gates said that he would finalize the repeal of the 18-year-old ban on openly gay troops if the service chiefs give him their OK before he retires on June 30. And in a message to commanders earlier this month, Army leaders said assessments on the progress and impact of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal training — underway since February — are due this Friday, leaving open a slim possibility that certification could come before Gates steps down.
So Gates, for all of his talk about wanting DADT repealed, can walk away unencumbered by the label he’d have got. Like so much other shit he walks away from that he started. Adios, weasel.
Category: Military issues, Politics
The ATF held its first annual gay pride day today, replete with marching employees and and a multi-colored nylon canopy. Somewhere, I’m guessing, somebody in the Pentagon is pissed off that the ATF beat them to the punch.
But wasn’t the ATF funding the parade from the proceeds of its gunwalking enterprises?
Just so. He’s “queered” his legacy.