Brady Campaign’s idea of “craziest gun laws”

| June 6, 2011

The Wichita Eagle posts an article entitled “Kansas on list for ‘Craziest Gun Laws'”. The craziest gun laws according to the Brady Campaign? Allowing concealed carry permit holders to carry their weapons in places which don’t post “no guns allowed” signs, including schools;

State and local officials, however, say a bill signed by Gov. Sam Brownback last month clarified but did not change Kansas law, which prevents concealed-carry permit holders from taking guns into any building that posts no-gun signs on its doors.

“If those (signs) are posted, individuals cannot carry (firearms) into those buildings,” said Chuck Sexson, director of the concealed-carry program for the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.

“Most schools around the state have posted their buildings. … So that hasn’t changed.”

So the state has left it up to school districts whether they want ot allow concealed carry in their schools. keep in mind that students aren’t old enough to get a permit or own a handgun, so they still can’t bring guns to their classes. Only responsible adults who pass background checks.

“We want to prevent the next Tucson, Virginia Tech or Columbine,” said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, which is based in Washington, D.C. “It’s too easy now for dangerous people to get guns and to legally carry them in all sorts of public places.”

Really? It’s too easy? Obviously spoken by someone who has never bought a handgun or applied for a CCW permit. How else are we supposed to know if property owners don’t want us to bring our guns on their property if there’s no sign warning us, you dumbasses?

How soon before they start using Adam Perlman’s message to Muslims to scare us?

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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“How soon before they start using Adam Perlman’s message to Muslims to scare us?”

Already happening.


“It’s too easy now for dangerous people to get guns and to legally carry them in all sorts of public places.”

Huh. I guess that’s why the crime rate dropped for the 5th year in a row, and murder hit a near 50-year low.

Old Trooper

“It’s too easy now for dangerous people to get guns and to legally carry them in all sorts of public places.”

That’s because you chuckleheads at the Brady Campaign consider anyone, other than law enforcement, that carries a gun to be “dangerous”. So, you basically fulfilled your own statement with your description of who is “dangerous”.

Doc Bailey

Keep in mind that VT wasn’t concealed at all, and HAD someone had a CCW it MIGHT have had a better outcome. I never get why Liberals are unable to trust the average citizen to act in a moral and rational matter when properly trained.


Doc, they can’t trust us, because they use their own standards to measure us. According to them, we’re either homicidal maniacs, just waiting to be set off, or we’d be wetting ourselves at the sight of a weapon.

Rational thought

The Brady campaign in my opinion is one of the worst things to happen to anything. How can these people be that thick skulled? It is beyond me, how someone could come up with this shit. For me to formulate an opinion on gun control is hard since trying to read all the bull shit that comes out of the left makes me sick. Excuse my language. So far however when it comes to looking at blogs and comments on gun control issues i only see people supporting guns; which is in my opinion awesome; but if there is so much support who the hell are the assholes spewing out all the bullshit? I don’t know right now i just find anything any anti-gun group says to be hilarious; instead of getting mad i’ll just laugh it off. But is that really the best idea? Probally not because their are a lot of people in high places actually believing this crap.