Obama coming for our guns
ROS sent us a link from Fox News, and VTWoody sent us a link from Hot Air (see how I did that linking thing, Hot Air?) about the Obama Administration “working on gun control ‘under the radar'”;
During the meeting, President Obama dropped in and, according to Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.
“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”
Of course, we reported months ago that this administration has decided that instead of wading through a messy legislative process in Congress, they’ll try to legislate from the Oval Office by presidential fiat. Hot Air confirms that;
Ever since the Clinton years, they have avoided gun control like the plague, and the courts have taken a libertarian view of the Second Amendment. How many of the incumbent Democrats in the Senate want to defend Obama on his power play to impose gun control by executive fiat in the dark? How will that fly in places like Missouri, Nebraska, and West Virginia? How about in open seats like Virginia’s, which Democrats hope to hold?
Yeah, gun control was a deciding issue in the 2000 and 2004 elections, so I really hope they try this.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns
Silly Constitution. I guess he wasn’t so far from the “bitter gun clingers” comment after all.
Molon labe, fucker.
One round at a time . . . . .
I was with a few people about 2 weeks ago at a function and when, at the end of the formal part, folks get together and toss back a coldie, or two, and we did the same. now, as we were sipping our suds, the discussion turned to gun control and Giffords, etc. Well, one of the people, who I didn’t know, started babbling on about “those damn gun huggers would have a fit if anyone mentioned being reasonable”. I didn’t say anything, as we were in mixed company and I didn’t know all the discussion participants at the table. I just left it alone for the time being and didn’t want to send the little metrosexual into a tizzy by mentioning that there are a few other Constitutional Amendments that we should get rid of, too.
Why is it that someone who defends the Constitution and thinks that the individual liberties spelled out in the first 10 Amendments are an area where government is told to stay out is suddenly a “gun hugger”? I know a lot of people that own guns, but I don’t know any that actually “hug” their guns (maybe that’s a new sexual thing that was invented by the metrosexual Nancyboys?). Just as I defend the whole Constitution, I would appreciate it if other would respect my rights as I do theirs. I know that’s a pipe dream, but there has to be some common sense left in the world; right?
I don’t buy it. Sarah Brady is usually full of shit and is likely just posturing for the sake of her benefactors, or else BO was just placating her. Gun control is about as popular an election platform as segregation, especially in light of the recent announcement that violent crime dropped yet again last year. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The administration is undoubtedly in full reelection mode and any attempt to enact any gun control measure, under the radar or no, is not going to escape the attention of the NRA-ILA, and probably draw unwanted attention to the ongoing boondoggle that was Operation Gunrunner.
Oh, and OT, I feel your pain. I’m in grad school at a decidedly left-of-center university, and I really have to pick my battles when the issue of guns arises. When you dig into it, it’s been my experience that most of those who argue in favor of gun control are just toeing the party line and have never really given the issue great consideration divorced from party politics, or considered it in a human/civil rights context.
#4 Scott: most college students never learn, or are de-learned, to consider the other side of the argument and consider facts. But for 10 grand a semester, what can one expect? Education?
Gun control, anathema to America, will happen.
The POTUS’s MO is extremely disturbing:
He expects Pelosi and Reid to come up with legislation for Obama’s agenda. This is left to special interest groups to write, and they ensure their group gets a truly obscenely big pay-out. This required the then-Speaker, Pelosi, and Reid to hide the legislation. The law is the law, the law IS the bright light sunshine of day – why hide the law as a criminal hides his crime?
When the legislation fails, the POTUS then moves in with new rules, regulations, and Executive Orders.
If there is legislation placing a check on him, the POTUS signs a statement saying he won’t abide by the law. And he doesn’t.
When a court of any stature, SCOTUS on down, says ‘no,’ the POTUS does not recognise the court’s decision. There is one exeption to that: Citizens United. Oh, the POTUS wailed and gnashed his teeth for the camera, but the DNC and his re-election campaign announced they would not report the identities of contributors and the amounts. So, we’ll have a redux of the millions that poured in from Gaza and the West Bank, Iran, and Lebanon, just as in 2008.
When individuals, NGO, or businesses protest the POTUS’s action, the regulators from the EPA, IRS, and other policing agencies pay a visit.
So when he says he’s working on gun control, it WILL happen.
Harry Reid is trying to put a provision in the Patriot Act
to allow BATF access to lists of every legitimate gun owner
in the U.S. He is using all his tactics to keep Sen Paul from attaching an amendment to protect gun owners, even to the point of trying to attach it to another bill. Just read about it on Freerepublic.
The processes are becoming more subtle and sophisticated. They’ve learned they can’t use legitimate methods to take our guns, because we vote them down, every time. They will now use methods we can’t fight, back-room politics. We will wake up one morning, and our Second Amendment will be trussed up like a game animal in a bag.
Declare guns a “public health hazard”… restrict ammo sales to police/military or require a FFL to buy it… suspend the Constitution due to an “emergency”… etc.
From my warm, cordite-scented hands.
Apparently there is a “secret” Patriot Act.
I rarely give Spencer Ackerman so much as a neuron of thought since his debasement in participating in JournoList. However, since Instapundit linked to him and this fits the modus operandi of this regime. This article discusses an amendment to the Patriot Act submitted by Senators Wyden and Udall. Key graf:
“Congress is set to reauthorize three controversial provisions of the surveillance law as early as Thursday. But Wyden says that what Congress will renew is a mere fig leaf for a far broader legal interpretation of the Patriot Act that the government keeps to itself — entirely in secret. Worse, there are hints that the government uses this secret interpretation to gather what one Patriot-watcher calls a “dragnet” for massive amounts of information on private citizens; the government portrays its data-collection efforts much differently.”
A second take: Julian Sanchez at Cato:
For the legal beagles: how does an ordinary citizen know if they are abiding by the law when said law is secret?
Are they gonna send the SEALs to get my guns? 🙂
I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. I will die on my feet before I live on my knees. I much prefer to go out like a warrior than a decrepit old my pissing and shitting myself. Of course the MSM will paint us as right wing extremist etc,atc ad nauseum. More Ruby ridges and Wacos in our future, and gov’t bread lines for our kids and grandkids.
No, not SEALs… they’ll send the same a$$clowns they sent after Cpl Guerena.
@ #13 – Reckon I’d better set out the beef n bean burrito traps with incoming rounds of beer. hehe!