Doubling down on teh crazee
I guess nothing happens in this country without attracting the so-called “critical thinking” crowd. By critical thinking, they mean a nebulous conspiracy that has no root in reality or any real proof other than the movement of their lips.
There are the more familiar crackpots like Gordon Duff. Last week he said bin Laden had been on ice for almost a decade waiting for the ideal politically expedient moment. Of course, there wasn’t even one moment through the whole Bush Administration that the president wanted or needed to pull that ace out of his sleeve or wherever he hid it, so he left Osama in the White House kitchen stand-up freezer for Obama to find. It seems to me that there was a reason every day of the Bush Administration to pull it out.
This week, Gordon tells us that not only Osama on our payroll in the early Bush years, but we also provided him with quality government health care until his demise.
And, oh, the Bush Administration is still running Washington which is why Obama is being such a Bush. He’s afraid for himself and his family lest they all be Kennedyed.
Meanwhile, Randi Rhodes has her own theory. You remember Randi Rhodes, don’t you? She was a radio personalty on the now-defunct Bush-era liberal talk radio network Air America. She claimed she was mugged outside of her apartment one night a few years back by a nutty right-winger. Eventually it was revealed she had merely fell down drunk on her sidewalk.
Well, anyway she thinks that Bush knew where Osama was hiding in cahoots with the Pakistani government all along.
He was with the Pakistani military and they were guarding him, they were keeping him safe, they were protecting him, and the United States of America had reached an agreement that they needed a bogeyman, so what the hell, let the Pakistanis keep him, let the Pakistanis have him, keep him in this military garrison town, we’ll even send our troops over there to pretend that, you know, uh, we had no idea! –
After watching the joy that spilled out into the streets last week after the president’s announcement that bin Laden was dead, it makes perfect sense that Bush wouldn’t want that kind of expression of adulation and popularity and would let it slide to Obama instead.
Category: General Whackos
Rhodes engages in the manipulation of simple statistics. Was it possible Bush knew? Statistically, anything is possible.
Proceeding from that, what is the probability that Bush received a report that OBL was in Pakistan? Fairly high. What was the probability that Bush received a report that OBL was being assisted by the ISI? Fairly high.
Probability that Bush, who invaded 2 countries, caused Libya to disarm and put a number of countries on notice, knew where OBL was and did nothing? 0%.
The critical thinking folks never seem to connect Occam’s dots.
Being crazy means never having to say you’re sorry.