Ted Rall rains on Obama’s parade

| May 4, 2011

Of course, in keeping with child-like scawling cartoonist cum child-like wailing commentator Ted Rall’s modus operandi, it’s a golden shower as he rains on Obama, the troops, the throngs of youths in the streets of DC and New York and America in general;

Yet another screw-up for the U.S., which fell into Bin Laden’s trap after 9/11. To Al Qaeda and other Islamist groups, the United States and the West is enemy #2. Their biggest foe is pro-American Muslim dictators and autocrats, and the apathy and indifference among Muslims that allows them to remain in power.

As with most actions carried out by small terrorist groups against enemies with superior manpower and weaponry, the operations attributed to Bin Laden—the bombings of the U.S. embassies in east Africa in 1998 and the U.S.S. Cole in 2000, and 9/11—were intended to provoke the U.S. into overreacting, thus exposing it as the monster he said it was. The invasions of two Muslim countries, Guantánamo, torture, Abu Ghraib, the secret prisons and disappearances and all the rest neatly fit into Osama Bin Laden’s narrative, proving his point more succinctly than a zillion fatwas faxed into Al Jazeera.

Everything about Bin Laden’s killing squares with the jihadi narrative.

The operation violated the sovereignty of a Muslim country, a constant complaint of radical jihadis. Armed commandos lawlessly invaded Pakistan. Infidel soldiers shot up a house and crashed a helicopter down the street from a military academy. Pakistanis see American drone planes buzzing around overhead, invading their airspace without the thinnest veneer of legality; American missiles blow up houses indiscriminately. Taking out Bin Laden without asking Pakistan’s government for permission is an act of war to which the country’s poverty permits no response. It’s yet another humiliation, another triumph of might over right.

It’s sad that Rall has forgotten about the tragedy of 9-11, but in his rush to demonstrate his moral superiority, he forgets some of the most tragic events of the past twenty years to make his blunt point;

Islam teaches combatants to respect their enemies. The death of an opponent is tragic, sometimes a tragic necessity, but never trivial, never a subject for joking. A vanquished enemy should be dispatched quickly, presumably to be chastised by Allah for his wickedness in the afterlife, but he is never to be mocked. A Muslim should not enjoy war or combat, nor gloat when victorious. When the powerful crush the weak, as was the case with the U.S. killing of Bin Laden, dancing around like a beefy hunk of steroids spiking the football at the touchdown line makes one look small.

Apparently, Islamic teachings include dragging American corpses through the streets (like in Somalia and Fallujah) and beheading helpless non-combatants – a practice bin Laden encouraged among his subordinates, apparently. Rall also forgets the public, televised prancing on the “Arab Street” when the twin towers collapsed. I don’t remember him condemning those events.

Rall is and always has been a total moron who thinks he can get away with any irreverent behavior as long as he cloaks it in “critical thinking”. But, in order to critically think, he needs an organ with which he can think – obviously the brain he has is broken beyond repair.

Thanks to TSO for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Shitbags, Terror War

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See, Ted Rall is exactly why we can’t have nice things.

Old Trooper

I’m betting that teddy got his ass kicked on a daily basis in school. His 10 gallon mouth got his 2 quart ass in trouble a lot. Now that he’s all grown up, he wants to tell everyone how much of a big poopyhead we all are for doing shit he doesn’t have the stones to do himself. He would have lasted about 90 minutes in boot before crying like the pussy he is.


Quick recon of DU…mostly threads about how everyone that isn’t giving Teleprompter Jebus credit for the kill is a racist. Oh, and Bush43 is a racist for not accepting the invite to Ground Zero. And there was one post about how Bush killed thousands more than Osama Bin Fishin’:



Will someone feed this guy a hand grenade and pull the fucking pin already?


Rall is consistent. Still a fascist tool, but consistent.

On the subject of the so-called “Jihadist Narrative:” it changes with every situation. Muslims who fail to adapt to the new narrative are killed. The narrative is as pernicious as twooferism.

Still, good to see that Rall isn’t a political prostitute. He’s just a slut after all.

Ltc Tim

Rall is a takfiri of the first order. Lying and deception are not only permitted, but supported by Islamic teaching…as long as it is in the defense of allah. There is no right or wrong, as long as it is support of establishing the new caliphate.


Wow…I revisited that DU link above and it’s gotten worse…they are actually saying Bush was worse than bin Laden since he was directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans.


The rantings of a bitter contrarian long past his time in the light and forever exposed as the talentless hack that he is.