Democrats recruit Gen Sanchez to run for the Senate
Ben and Ponsdorf send us a link to Hot Air (see how I linked that, Hot Air?) in which Ed Morrissey reminds us of how the Democrats were upset that the chain-of-command of the pervs who staffed Abu Gharaib were not held responsible for the naked pyramids and junk-pointing antics of their subordinates.
Now it seems that the very Democrats who made such a stink, have recruited their main target, retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, to run for the seat of retiring Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson next year;
Former Texas Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes confirmed that Washington Sen. Patty Murray, the head of the Democratic Senate campaign committee, was referring to Sanchez Thursday when she said that Democrats were very close to announcing a candidate in Texas.
From Red State;
When former President George Bush tapped then-White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to fill the nation’s top law enforcement post, Murray joined Senator Maria Cantwell in opposing the nomination over his green-lighting of Sanchez’s interrogation techniques.
In a 2004 statement, Senator Patrick Leahy accused Sanchez of authorizing “the use of techniques that were contrary to both U.S. military manuals but also international law.” “Given this incredible overstepping of bounds, I find it incredible that the reports generated thus far have not recommended punishment of any kind for high-level officials,” he added.
Dicksmith at VoteVets is fond of referring to Allen West as a “war criminal”, so I wonder what cute little reference he’ll have for the reconstituted and now-Democrat-endorsed Sanchez.
Category: Liberals suck
I was in 1st Armored when Gen Sanchez was the outgoing division commander. His nickname ‘Evil Emperor’ was well earned. He was more concerned with the perks of his rank then the welfare of his Soldiers (kinda like Gen Clark). No surprise he’s running as a Democrat.
J.M. #1: I was thinking of Clark when I saw this. As Jonn noted this will be entertaining.
Met Dirty Sanchez when I was a wee private in Iraq. Ever shake hands with someone you never met and instantly feel like you should dominate/crush their hand? Fucker gave me this limp handed,dead fish handshake. I know it’s a small thing but I frigging hate that crap.
Hell even Petraeus’ munchkin ass gave a decent handshake.
I’m not even neccesarily against Sanchez as a US Senator. I don’t know much about him other than the fact that he’s a career military man, which is usually a good thing.Perhaps the Democrats are reforming their image, sick of being the party of military-hating San Francisco leftists. It might be nice if they could recruit some normal people to run on their side for once.
I just find it strange that they used to hold him responsible for the whole Abu Ghraib thing and now they don’t. I remember back when the pictures first hit the internet, how far and wide they wanted to spread the blame. They considered it scapegoating to lay the blame solely at the feet of the junior soldiers who did it, preferring to talk about the “climate” that permitted such abuses to occur. General Sanchez was part of that climate, if you care to go down that road.
Don’t worry. They’ll have his character rehabilitated in a jiffy. Soon enough, he’ll be an officer and a gentleman whose patriotism is beyond question.
Now that we know what the DNC is up too
Once upon a time in a village in far away China, a fourteen year old boy got a horse as a gift on his birthday. All the villagers said, “Wow, that’s great.” But the Zen master said, “We shall see.”
Some months later as the young boy rode up the hill, he fell down and broke his leg. All the villagers said, “That’s terrible.” “We shall see,” smiled the Zen master.
A few years later all the young men in the village had to go to war. But because the young boy had a bent up leg, he couldn’t go. All the villagers said, “This fellow is lucky.” “We shall see,” replied the Zen master.
Couldn’t resist
I’m sure the trolls will jump on this one feet first.
Question being: did Sanchez’s Republican opponent ever voice support for the general when he was knee-deep in the Abu Ghraib investigations?
Schadenfreude cuts both ways.
Dunno which Republican candidate your asking about, DaveO. There are five of ’em wanting to get KBH’s seat.
Imagine. A former O-9 for democrat road kill, Whoda thunk it?
I can only imagine what the Democrats would be saying if he chose to run as a ‘Pub. HA!
Pass the popcorn, and crack open a cold one, folks. This is gonna be fun.
The Dems put out so many indictments of Sanchez, since he wrote/signed off on most of the orders okaying prisoner controls, interrogation techniques, etc that there should be no end for conservative commercials tossing those words back at them.
If they believed him to be such a vile criminal, why are they now running him for Senate?
Same reason they ran Kerry. They need SOMEONE with a military background to put up on the stage.
That Sanchez would go along with this shows how craven and despicable the man is. He’s all about himself, and nothing more.
Well, of course the Dems will rehab Sanchez by blaming any of his former bad actions on Bush.
I checked the “Vet’s” vote article you linked to. That probably doubled its hit count. Did you note there were 2 whole comments, and one of those was a discount shoe store ad?
Wow. Sanchez is a Democrat?
Color me surprised. I wonder if he’ll use Karpinski as chief of staff?
Old Soldier, he’ll probably use Ann Wright.
I think Tim hit it out of the ball park, the dems just need someone to try to prop up their national security/defense cred. Of course, Sanchez will toe the party line, that we can cut trillions from the defense budget if we do it “smart”, like Billy Jeff did it.
Dickhead will not say a thing about this turd since he is a demdarling now.