The concealed carry battle in Illinois

| April 7, 2011

As the Illinois legislature works to open the way for concealed carry permits, Mayor Daley, and Mayor-elect work to undermine the effort by law makers;

Daley said the General Assembly shouldn’t impose concealed carry laws on municipalities.

“If they wanna carry ’em, and they can get permits, they can carry ’em in DuPage County,” Daley said. “They wanna carry ’em in Lake County, McHenry, if they wanna carry ’em in Will County – in other words, if you’re here, and you wanna go there and get your guns, you can carry ’em in those counties. You can go to the malls, everything. Just carry weapons out there.”

Daley said state lawmakers would be promoting violence if they pass the bill.

I guess the bug-a-boo of increased violence overshadows the rights of Chicagoans to protect themselves from the violence that already happens there every day. Funny how people like Daley and Emmanuel are ready to have he federal government regulate guns in their state, but not their own legislatures. And it’s not places like Lake County, DuPage County and Will County where people need to protect themselves. Funny how places that least want concealed carry need it the most.

“But [Daley is] becoming more irrelevant every day,” NRA lobbyist Todd Vandermyde said.

Opponents of concealed carry concede privately that, if a vote were held this week, it probably would win a majority in both the Illinois House and Senate

Meanwhile, Illinoisans are getting their concealed carry permits in other states.

Even though Illinois is just one of two states that bans legal gun owners from carrying concealed weapons, gun experts say more residents are taking advantage of getting concealed carry permits from other states.

Those permits are not legal in Illinois, but they are in dozens of other states with reciprocal agreements with Utah and Florida, two popular states for granting those permits.

I’ve quit shopping and dining in Maryland because i can’t carry my handgun there. I drive further to go to West Virginia and Virginia venues just as my own personal protest against Maryland. There’s a twelve-mile-wide strip of Maryland I have to drive through to get to CCW-friendly Pennsylvania that I won’t make either.

ADDED: In the meantime, New York City’s Mayor Bloomfield institutes a plan that will make certain that only the rich can afford guns in that city;

The Second Amendment Foundation and the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association filed their lawsuit Tuesday in federal court. They say that the fee the city charges to keep a handgun is so high it conflicts with the Second Amendment.

The fee is $340 plus a $94.25 charge for a fingerprint check.

Yeah, that’s pretty steep – and that’s just a permit to keep the weapon in your home, cuz NYC isn’t going to let you carry it around. I’m pretty sure that’s above and beyond the state licensing costs. That’s more than the cost of the gun, in most cases.

Category: Guns

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Doc Bailey

there seems to be this myth out there that a private citizen couldn’t POSSIBLY do the right thing. Its the problem with powerful people, they are always afraid to trust their “subjects”. The Federal Government didn’t want to trust the states to do the right thing so got get the 17th amendment, making the Federal gov’t no longer accountable to the states. You get the Healthcare Law, and a ton of other things. Trusting the individual to make rational choices, and treating them like actual adults, instead of babying them would cure 90% of our problems right now (not overnight mind you)

Junior AG

Yeah, and Dailey & Rham-butt ballerina Emmanuel are gonna lead by example by firing their armed protection details & move to the South Side of Chicago…


There is nothing more frustrating or time-consuming than fighting the same arguement over and over again. I wish some of these lunatics would grow a brain.

Old Trooper

The attack is going to be 2-fold; they are going to use “environmental” concerns to take lead out of ammunition (even though lead has been used since the dawn of the first firearm, but now it’s a problem), which will make it more expensive and less desirable to get a gun, when the ammunition will cost more than the gun, or supplies will be limited, and they are going to raise fees to a point where you won’t be able to afford to buy the gun and pay the fee. The “intellectuals” will point out that your 2nd Amendment rights aren’t being infringed, because you can still purchase a gun, if you can afford the fees.


Yes, because it’s all those Tea Party types who are shooting up Chicago on a regular basis with their CCW permits, toting around those AK-47’s and SKS’s.

Oh, what? They’re not? Racists.


When I lived in Chicago quite a few years back, there was a news story about some thugs who pushed their way onto a bus and started harassing the passengers. An old man pulled a handgun out of a paper bag, and quietly told them to get off the bus, now. And they did.

Old Trooper

I have been observing Daley for a while and one thing I noticed is that he reminds me of a scared little boy with delusions of granduer based on the ability of others to protect him. He’s like a little dictator that talks really tough, but has to have others protect him with weapons he won’t allow the citizens of his city to legally own. If Daley had to live in his city, without the benefit of having armed protection, nor the legal means to have it, he would be curled up in the fetal position in the corner of his house, sucking his thumb. He’s what is called in modern terminology “a whiney little bitch”. He grew up having others protect his 2 quart ass because of his 10 gallon mouth and it won’t ever change unless he has to experience what the people who live in Chicago have to on a daily basis, without the benefit of security.

Same with twinkle toes Rahmbo. More effimite than Daley, but grew up with the same complex.

Blooming idiot is the same as the others.


I believe Bloomberg is now officially in the senile stage, not just about the guns in NYC but with everything else he opens his mouth about.
NYC gun permit process is extremely long and complex and these fees are nonrefundable. Once you get your residence permit approved, you are given a 30-day gun purchase permit. Once you bought it, you have 3 business days to bring it to the 1 Police Plaza (have fun going through the check-point) for the examination by the designated PO (who would lift your gun by the pen put through the trigger guard and then put it back into your locking gun case – this is the extent of the examination) and for the final registration – need a new set of 2 photos for this. Repeat the process every 3 years.


Daley & Bloomberg: synonyms for “BITCH”.


PintoNag #3: Ain’t it the truth?

Personally I think the ‘concealed carry’ issue is A problem. It allows anyone with an agenda to weigh in on (and weigh down with red tape) the question.

Simplify and generalize ALL carry laws. including open carry. West Virginia has THIS gem: You may open carry in a vehicle except guns configured for hunting. Of course the whole law is more complex than that single example, but the concept IS simple. Jonn or I can open carry ANY handgun in our vehicles so long as we’re not geared up for road hunting.

Laughing Wolf

#6 Valerie, when I lived in Chicago in the early 80’s, a Chicago cop I knew told me “You have a knife, you know how to use it, do so. Kill them and walk away. If you are caught, call me and I will deal with it. If you use a gun, I can’t do a thing for you.” The gun laws, and lack of ability to protect yourself and your own unless you are connected are a major reason I have no plans to live in Illinois (and esp. Chicago) ever again. What few problems there are in Indiana on carry seem to be getting fixed this session…


#10 ponsdorf:
We have liberal open- and concealed- carry laws. We have some problems with open carry; the poor cops are always responding to “man with a gun” calls from “concerned citizens,” only to find out it was some rancher who came to town with his trusty sidearm on his belt. I think a lot of these are probably tourists who don’t know the local laws.


Fuck Daley. Any non-politician would have been arrested for this in Chicago:


Oklahoma defeated the open carry bill – mostly (to me, IMO) because it was poorly written and wold have added new rules to confound a police officer’s OODA doughnut. There’s no law a lawyer can’t screw up.


DaveO #14 and PN #12: No question issues concerning our LEOs and open (any) carry are a challenge, BUT not hopefully not insurmountable.

If I have a point (I think I do); it’s that the process currently is ass backward? I could go on ad nauseum about this, but I won’t. Criminalizing and/or over regulating ANY form of carry does little visible good. I’d settle quite easily with something akin to a drivers license.

Kinda hate to brings this old thing up, but…

When Guns are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Guns.