Bill to insure troops get paid in case of shut down

| April 1, 2011

Jeff sent us a link to an article in Stars & Stripes about Congress moving to pass a bill which will insure the troops are paid in case they shut down the government in the upcoming budget battle;

“When we heard that the military was concerned about whether or not they would get paid on time, then we rushed through and we got this bill done,” [Louie Gohmert, R-Texas] said at a news conference on Friday. “We’re getting widespread support. We’ve got people in the Senate wanting to carry it over there and get it done.”

The normal philosophical divisions that divide Republicans and Democrats do not apply to the issue of making sure troops get paid, said U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., who is co-sponsoring the bill.

I remember when the government shut down briefly during the Reagan Administration while I was on leave between assignments. It was a pretty distressing time. But ya know, if the Democrats, who haven’t passed a budget since 2009 (and 2007 before that), would just get out of the way and let the f’n grown ups write a budget for a change we wouldn’t even be talking about this bill.

Category: Congress sucks

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So long as the Dems control the media, they can act or not act, with impunity. Good to see congresscritters considering the soldiers.

Militant Bibliophile

Historically speaking, it’s generally considered a bad idea to not pay the troops. Even the Democrats currently in power are not QUITE that stupid. Yet. While I’m sure there are plenty who would love nothing more than to see us go without pay, there are still enough grown ups with a sense of perspective (limited though it may be) who can see that not paying the heavily armed and well trained men and women who’s job it is to keep the barbarians beyond the gate would be a mistake.


…particularly if they all decided to pile back into their heavily armored modes of transport and came back to Washington to ask folks in power some pertinent questions!


Eh, we don’t do that. Not even in McSquirrely’s nuttiest dream.

The domino effect:

Government workers, including DOD, put on unpaid leave.

DOD workers, become unable to pay their bills.

DOD workers default on loans, including mortgage.

Banks make complaints to DOD, trying to recoup losses. The skeleton bureaucracy consults the rules and acts accordingly.

DOD yanks the security clearances of DOD workers who ‘have failed to meet their contractual financial obligations; and represent a valid security threat to the US.’

When government reopens, who does the work?


No, DaveO, they don’t. They know that would instantly negate everything they are fighting for.

I will say though, that it makes for a fine fantasy, and would probably make for a blockbuster movie!


I’ve been waiting to pay off the last credit card to maintain extra cash reserves because of the continuing resolution BS. This would be good news, albeit not as good as an actual budget. We’re halfway through the fiscal year, for crying out loud…