Credit where credit is due

| April 1, 2011

Yes, it looks like the unemployment rate fell last month to 8.8% and the economy added nearly a quarter million jobs. But, then regular readers of this blog aren’t surprised because I’ve been telling you for years that it would happen once the Bush Tax Cuts were extended.

Taxes for the next two tax years are certain, so employers can add workers, for two years anyway. Every time Obama does what Bush did he looks good. I wonder why that is?

Category: Taxes

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Have the unemployment rates for veterans been released yet?

USMC Steve

Because, of course, he is the lord God, the oneness, the imperial Obama.

Nothing he does can possibly be wrong, at least to the mass media and the assorted mental cases known as liberals.


“Every time Obama does what Bush did he looks good.” That loud explosion echoing off the mountains, was Joe’s head exploding, having read that, and finally absorbing what it means.


#3 – ROFL!


And yet the numbers aren’t nearly as cheery as all that. Consider that the participation rate is still under 64 percent, whereas 2 years ago it was 3 points higher–meaning REAL unemployment is closer to 11-12 percent. The current rate is at a 25-year low.

Also consider that UNDER-employment as reported by Gallup is still above 20 percent, and the BLS U-6 number is still at 16 percent.

Finally, those who are unemployed are STAYING unemployed. The average duration is getting longer, and the percentage of unemployed who have been so for 24 weeks or longer is now nearly the majority.

How’s that hopey-changey shit working NOW, people?


And, some places employ people long enough to NOT let them draw unemployment when laid off. Those people aren’t counted.
And, indeed, employers are certain of what their tax rate is for two years, and know that Ears wants to raise their taxes in time to yell to the left that he “punished” the evile rich.

Winston Wolfe

A Nation of Takers, Not Makers

More Americans work for the government than in manufacturing, farming, fishing, forestry, mining and utilities combined.


If you want to understand better why so many states—from New York to Wisconsin to California—are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, consider this depressing statistic: Today in America there are nearly twice as many people working for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 million). This is an almost exact reversal of the situation in 1960, when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.7 million collecting a paycheck from the government.

It gets worse. More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined. We have moved decisively from a nation of makers to a nation of takers. Nearly half of the $2.2 trillion cost of state and local governments is the $1 trillion-a-year tab for pay and benefits of state and local employees. Is it any wonder that so many states and cities cannot pay their bills?

Where are the productivity gains in government? Consider a core function of state and local governments: schools. Over the period 1970-2005, school spending per pupil, adjusted for inflation, doubled, while standardized achievement test scores were flat. Over roughly that same time period, public-school employment doubled per student, according to a study by researchers at the University of Washington. That is what economists call negative productivity.

Most reasonable steps to restrain public-sector employment costs are smothered by the unions.

Truly unsustainable!

You can read the rest here:


The kool aide must taste pretty good, you guys never miss a chance to take a sip.


Oh, Christ, they’re back.


Obamagirl, apparently you are drinking it too, just a different color.


BLUF: After 2 years in power, I don’t trust any statistic or poll put out by this administration.

Regardless of what ObamaGirl2012’s sipping, what are the true numbers here? Are they valid? How were they validated? What is the demographic breakdown? In what industries?

There’s a whole lot of unemployed (or at best underemployed) teenagers and young adults (with hefty school loans to repay) which is creating an uncounted demographic: The Never-been Employed. Add those folks in, and unemployment is much, much higher.

If most folks are working for government, how exactly are they created value, and adding to the GDP? How exactly is the economy expected to grow while subtracting from the GDP?

ObamaGirl2012: what does one mean by ‘to drink the Kool Aid?’ And welcome back, glad we didn’t run you off.



Thank you for the link.

Frankly Opinionated

Jonn asked:”Every time Obama does what Bush did he looks good. I wonder why that is?Every time Obama does what Bush did he looks good. I wonder why that is?” He is trying to look “Presidential”, and gain some of the conservative vote since he lost a ton of his far left votes.
And Obama 2012, is but a mere child without a clue.

Frankly Opinionated

And, as for the numbers- The Chronically unemployed, those who don’t qualify for unemployment benefits are not a part of the numbers. They are living on welfare, and off the statistical rolls.


A mere child? These children are more informed than you guys.


I sense ObamaGirl has a crush on this blog.



Information is data that has been processed for a particular use. That use, and the method of processing, are malleable actions (assuming that one doesn’t process data in order to leave it at rest, otherwise, why process it?).

Being informed is a state of being (I know, “d’uh!”). Informed by what, exactly? What are the facts? What are the sources? Can you, ObamaGirl2012, personally vouchsafe the source(s)? If not, why not?

Then there’s the question on the probability of error. Do what degree is error inherent in the data, and also introduced during the process of refining data into information? To what degree does one accept risk of being wrong?

In political/social/financial rhetoric, how does one defend the integrity of one’s argument based on error (known and unknown-but-accounted-for, and unknown-unaccountable)?

Just some rough math, for scale (Pe is obvious in the use of the population, and in the rounding of percentages) – feel free to correct:

If the numbers of unemployed are 8.8% (26,400,000 based on a rough population of 300,000,000 [0.088 x 300,000,000]) and the numbers of underemployed are at 19% (57,000,000)(underemployed means working but not earning enough to cover living expenses), that means 27.8% of the KNOWN workforce (83.4million) doesn’t make enough to live on. This number does not include illegals, legals, folks who’ve never entered the workforce, and folks who’ve been challenged by handicap and can’t enter the workforce. This number does not include spouses and family members of any age and condition who may count on the income. Further, does not include the number of Americans on welfare who rely on people working; or of foreign nations that rely on US financial aid.

I processed data to create the impression of an economic disaster? From a not-so-accurate number of 26.4m to billions of people. Likewise, I could go in the other direction where the greatest danger comes from unicorn farts.


@Obamagirl – seriously!?! I would rather see this:
or this:


Obamagirl, you’re arguing with imbeciles. Save yourself the trouble and go enjoy your Friday night. These assholes don’t have any better to do, don’t be like them.


It’s beginning to sound like an echo chamber in here…


>Can you blame her?

Nope, Jonn– not at all.. Especially after those pictures you posted for me. My own heart just goes pitter patter… 😉

Old Tanker

Obamagirl, that was just plain creepy……


Nowhere else I’d rather be…watching a lib try and talk to all the smart people here…and failing.
I *love* TAH!!


Jugendbund, much?

Miss Ladybug

I’m underemployed. If it weren’t for family, I would be in a very bad place financially. Did recently get more than a temp job, though it’s not a job to match my M.Ed., but I did get a raise. Just hoping the nation survives long enough to get a different, fiscally conservative, President and Senate to go along with the House…


Hoser, can you maybe string a coherent sentence together? Afterwards, you and ObumblerGirl can go out and use your bridgecards to get a latte.
And, for your diminishing pool of knowledge, a definition, Hoser:
“Canadian term popularized by the McKenzie brothers referring to someone clumsy or stupid who drinks beer excessivly”. Urban Dictionary.


#29 UpNorth: not “Hoser,” but “Houser.”

Definition: ” (N) Lazy shiftless layabout errantly flapping his belly in defense of a female ostensibly for the purpose of getting laid. Results may vary.” DaveOdictionary.


I love how every person who disagrees with you guys is a communist and a liberal. When I had my blog it was a free market place of ideas where every opinion was valued and respected. You guys just insult and isolate everyone who doesnt hold the line with your agenda. You guys are real d bags!!!!


When you had a blog


When you had a blog, you paid for it. Here, the owner(s) of TAH pay for it. Posting is a privilige.

YOU began the threadwar. YOU came in here using labels and terms to immediately incite anyone with 2 neurons firing in sequence. YOU alone bear responsibility for how you conduct yourself. No one here forced you to post. No one here made you type the words.

Way to go MP sergeant. Not an NCO.


Wow, OG–that’s some serious butt-hurt you got showing there.


#20 Bobo,

Scary, isn’t it. That said, at least Hitler delivered on some of his promises before destroying his adopted country (not a “Birther” reference, merely a referral to the Austrian). Germany was broke and defeated after WWI and struggled through the Weimar Republic, yet became one of the most powerful nations on earth within six years of Hitler becoming Chancellor. While Nazi Germany gained the following of many Germans (and non-Germans, look at the Waffen-SS divisions, for example) and the respect (at least for a short while) of the world; it seems that America is becoming an overpowered pushover at times. Germany had a powerful military and bullied others–we have an even more powerful military and allow ourselves to be bullied by nations that the WWII Italian Army would have crushed (okay, maybe that’s a stretch :)).

A bunch of unshaven celebrities do not impress me. Thanks for the video, though, it gives me another reason not to waste my money at the theater or on music.

Oh, and I’m glad to see Houser is back but I still miss Richter. Those were the days…


fm–Richter was here with a few of the other new poseurs.


OGirl, seriously stop wasting your time. This place is just a circle jerk for these losers. Just google Lemon Party, you’ll see an accurate depiction of what goes on when these dudes meet up in the real world.


EarGirl, don’t worry, we don’t. And, by your very screen name, you’re a liberal.
So, don’t whine when you get tagged as one, you’re a self-admitted one.


#36 Houser,

Funny, I was just talking about that the other day with fellow Soldiers. My story involved a pizza and served its purpose of ensuring they did not eat breakfast.

#35 NHSparky,

Sorry, I missed that, what with all the other drama going on here and all. All I gathered from ObamaGirl et al. was that we are all losers and has-beens or never-beens (somehow). Funny, given the fact that the average regular poster here has more experience than any of them could possibly have given the way they carry themselves.


And OG definitely sounds like Sandra Korn, or at the least, her room mate.

Dink Newcomb

Pimp? Niggas?
Ogirl, I hat to tell you this but you got on the wrong bus.

The ghetto bus is that way!
It’ll also take you to re-election headquarters for YOUR First Affirmative Action President AND the street corner where the First Affirmative Action Nobel Peace Prize winner will be back hustling your butt after Jan 2013


When I had my blog it was a free market place of ideas where every opinion was valued and respected

I don’t believe you, based on your own comments here.

Unless, of course, you only allowed “ideas” and “opinions” from others who shared your beliefs.