Carter v1.0 still failing thirty years later
Jimmy Carter stumbled through his presidency without any real foreign policy successes (besides hammering out a treaty that required US troop deployments to the Sinai Desert to keep Israel and Egypt separated). After his presidency, he had an aborted attempt at mediating for Clinton in Haiti and bribing North Korea just long enough for them to develop nuclear weapons under wraps.
And now, even his bosom buddy and fellow traveler, octogenarians Fidel and Raul Castro consider him irrelevant;
Carter spent hours talking about improving ties with brothers Raul and Fidel Castro, describing the latter as an “old friend.” He met with religious leaders and members of the island’s small opposition community, dined out at an atmospheric Old Havana restaurant and even sat down with family members of five Cuban agents serving long prison terms in the U.S.
But when the 86-year-old ex-president flew off in the afternoon without Alan Gross on board, it dashed the hopes of Washington officials and relatives who had hoped Carter would be able to bring the Maryland native home.
Yeah, the Castro brothers are probably holding out for substantive freebies from an actual government official instead of some old coot fresh off the turnip truck. And they’ll get what they want eventually because this administration is exactly like Carter’s administration – lots of pretty talk and no results.
Thanks toJerry920 for the link.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter, Shitbags
Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy was very much like our present Presidents foreign policy. A muddled mess of kowtowing to the U.N. that does not have our best interests at heart. His domestics policies were a disaster and his economic policies an international laughing stock. Home loan interest rates during that period, if you could get one, were 14%. I bought a house on the downward slope and was lucky to get 11%.Gas lines, rationing, gutting the military, Iran. The list goes on and on.
So here he is, like that crazy uncle that sits alone in the corner at family reunions, but he just keeps coming back. I’d love to know whose paying the bills for his trips.
You forgot that he gave away the Panama Canal.