Did anyone else notice?

| August 11, 2008

Last weekend I had family in town from across the country, and I had to actually buy gas and pay attention to gas prices. But anyway, as soon as Congress ended their session on August First, gas prices plummeted  about 15 cents per gallon.  CNN says the trend has been going on for the last 25 days;

The national average price for a gallon of regular gas fell to $3.81 from $3.818 a gallon the previous day, motorist group AAA said.

Gas prices have fallen more than 7% since hitting a record high of $4.114 on July 16, though prices remain more than $1 above year-ago levels.

Gas prices have eased substantially over the last 3-1/2 weeks following a sustained drop in the price of crude oil, gasoline’s primary ingredient.

But like I said, it seems that the day Congress ended it’s session it dropped significantly. Maybe if we disbanded Congress it’d drop even more.

Category: Economy, Politics

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The price dropped, but no thanks to the do-nothing democrats. The lesson here is that we need to start drilling our own resources and simultaneously, research and develop alternate energy sources. If we do not work towards independence from the OPEC bastards, we are doomed to pay 6 bucks a gallon in hte near future, when prices go up again.

Frankly Opinionated

Jonn wrote: “Maybe if we disbanded Congress it’d drop even more.”.
Even if it didn’t drop the price of gas, it couldn’t possibly cost us more to have the do-nothing pols out of DC. As said by greater minds than mine: “Let’s be thankful that we don’t get all the government that we pay for.”. Saw a video by an Alaskan pol who sez that since we built the 800 mile AK pipeline and used it within 3 years, that the 87 miles from ANWR to the pipeline could be done much sooner. So much for the “It’d take 10 years to see the oil” claim. Just drill, dammit! It is our oil, and regardless of the price, it would increase our security. As it is now we are at the mercy of Canada and the rest of the oil producing sorts. Price per gallon, while it does hurt, is the least of having our own resources and using them.
nuf sed


Gas prices have dropped in Rochester, NY from a high of $4.32/gal. down to $3.79/gal. that I payed last Friday at the Delta Sonic on West Henrietta Rd. There’s a BJ’s right next door and a Kwik Fill (used to be the El Rancho Gaseteria) across the street and they’ve had this great price war that I’ve taken full advantage of! 🙂

I’m with you, GI JANE and Frankly Opinionated, we need to Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less. With the Dems walking out of Congress and going on vacation, I’m hoping that their constituents took notice of their inaction and vote them out of office.


As I recall, gas prices started down right after July 14 when Bush ended the Presidential ban on drilling the OCS.


Drill everywhere, drill often!!!!
I made this statement in a class I was taking over the Winter and this liberal teacher goes”What if they want to drill in your back yard? Where would your kids play?”
“This is just to easy,” I said, “In the front Yard!”


Gramps, I agree that when Bush ended the presidential ban on drilling there was an immediate drop in price. The investors were waiting for something to happen.

Can you imagine the drop in price that would happen if Congress ALSO dropped all bans on drilling? Investors are very sensitive to anything that affects the price of oil. Every time a pipeline or supply gets damaged anywhere in the world, our prices go up (they never seem to come back to what they were earlier either).

Once we have our own in-house supply and aren’t depending on those who wish us harm — OUR OWN SUPPLY, then the price will stabilize.

Drill in ALL the best spots first — and fast — to get the most oil & gas. Time is of the essence….


mtngrandpa Says:

Once we have our own in-house supply and aren’t depending on those who wish us harm — OUR OWN SUPPLY, then the price will stabilize.

I’d rather we weaned ourselves off of Saudi oil and became more self-sufficient and used our own domestically produced oil. “Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less” not only will benefit us economically, it’s also good for national security not having to depend on oil from the Middle East.