Where we’re headed

| August 10, 2008

Reading all of those great blogs in my blogroll (please…help yourself) I happened across this post on Dust My Broom, a right-leaning Canadian blog, by Kateland about the latest gift from her local government;


Yup, it’s everything you need to live safely on the street as long as your behavior only includes risky activities like smoking crack and having sex with multiple partners. The Libertines’…I mean Libertarians’…heads must be exploding about now. Tacit approval for drug use, but paid for by the government.

By the way, the comments on that post are hilarious.

As an aside note, if you don’t read Dust My Broom on Friday nights, you’re missing some great beer reviews by Darcey.

Category: Society

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LT Nixon

Still cheaper than incarcerating drug users like we do in America under mandatory minimum laws.

Jonn wrote: So’s Larry’s solution on the Dust My Broom thread.

509th Bob

Lt. Nixon, welcome home son, and we are ALL happy to see you home safe.

Handing out “approved” safe-sex/drug kits is ultimately stupid. The reason why crimes rates dropped in this country is because OF mandatory minimum sentences. Recidivists were jailed, thus preventing them from continuing to commit more crimes. Its a very “tough love” measure that succeeded, which is why the morons in government have done everything they can to undercut it.

Think of it like this, if you have a child, and you permit him/her to crap all over the floor until he/she is 14 years old, why should expect him/her to quit crapping on the floor when they turn 21? Its just that simple. Its hard to be a parent, and children don’t realize that until they become parents. Expand the thought, and try to raise a country!

Notwithstanding my disagreement with you on this point, I wish you well with your return to us.

The Sniper

Um, what’s the chop-stick for?