Burnpit corrects Duff…again

| January 5, 2011

Some guy named Mothax took on Gordon in respect to the war memorial in San Diego;

Couple of folks sent me a link to Gordon Duff’s attack on The American Legion, and there is so much wrong with it I figured I had best correct it.

We should start with the title:


Fact: there is no such word as “cruxified”. Then again, this is a man about to honor the one year anniversary for his calling for Treason charges to be levied against the Supreme Court, so some latitude must be made.

This week, a 3 judge panel, the 9th Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, found that the cross, in itself, is not properly representation of American war dead.

Fact: That is not a sentence. It reads like one of the innumerable emails I get from the wealthy widows of deceased wealthy folks in Africa offering me a generous portion of funds from some secret account in Sierra Leone. I think what he was trying to say was “This week a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit found that a Latin Cross is not representative of all American war dead.” Just a guess though, I honestly have no clue.

A 40 foot cross in San Diego, was the subject this time, millions spent on lawsuits, reported in every paper, just as with the Mojave Cross, to rusty pieces of pipe shown in the adjacent photo.

Fact: See above; not English, no clue how a Cross (that is not made of pipe) spent millions of dollars.

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Category: General Whackos

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The grammar, she’s a-dead!


Thank you for the grammeurysm. I will now go bleach my brain.

Old Trooper

Mothax; swinging the big club and deflating Gordy, yet again! Outstanding!

Doc Bailey

not that I like Duff any, but it is a little annoying when people correct Grammar. Factual correction I’m more than on board for

Bubblehead Ray


To an extent I agree. I’m no grammer Nazi, but… really? my eight year old twins can write better sentences than that. If you want to express a condescending opinion and have any hope of being taken seriously, you have to be able to write better than a 3rd grader.

Someone who throws a 25 MPH fastball has no business in the Big Leagues.


Doc- The reason I goof on Duff’s grammar is simple, because they try to place themselves as a legitamate news source, rather than as a rag tag bunch of bloggers like we are. They talk about all their expertise, amount of money they make etc. So, what I was pointing out was that for such a legit group, it’s pretty hard to tell what he is talking about.