Duff: The FBI is plotting terror against us

| December 21, 2010

Yeah, just when you think Duff has reached the limits of nuttiness, he goes one more step. Now he’s trying to convince us that the reason those FBI stings work so well is because they’re actual FBI plots against the American people. His proof? A video by a guy with an Irish accent…an Irishman would never lie to us.

The facts are simple, once you become free of the disease that decades of lies have drummed into your subconscious. Osama bin Laden worked for the CIA and died in 2001. He was never involved in 9/11. There is no such thing as Al Qaeda. There are no terrorists in Afghanistan, never were. There was no bunker complex at Tora Bora and no training camps in Afghanistan. Has anyone seen a photo of one? Google. See what comes up.

Simple facts. How can you ignore them?

The American public has been conditioned just as Goebbel’s conditioned the Germans. Jews in America now vote for candidates that have always been anti-Semites and closet Nazis. Working people vote for candidates that send their jobs overseas. Gun owners vote for candidates that overturn their own rights to own guns. Americans have voted themselves into endless war, a police state they all hate and a corrupt political system they despise.

I don’t think there’s net big enough to cover all of the craziness in Duff and drag him off to the loony bin.

Category: General Whackos

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Old Trooper

Someone’s off his meds, big time.


“Working people vote for candidates that send their jobs overseas”. Don’t know about the rest of it, but this part he got right. Vote your jobs away under the guise of “freedom”! Fascinating and frightening the way the conservative, free market fundamentalists have gotten people to vote against their own interests.

Doc Bailey

Wow. Talk about a man that needs to remove his head from his 4th point of contact. I wonder if this shit bird ever actually WENT to Afghanistan?

I’m sure the Revolutionary Guardsmen we caught in Baghdad were just there selling Ice Cream, or that Dutch Cartoonist slipped and fell before he was beheaded. While we’re at it, it wasn’t REALLY a 757 that everyone saw, no that was just a cruise missile painted to LOOK like UA 175.

I repeat my previous question: WHAT THE HELL DID THE US HAVE TO GAIN FROM AFGHANISTAN? answer not a God damned thing. There’s nothing there. The only reason ANYONE would fight a war for that place is strategic. it sits right smack dab between the middle east and the far east. That is it. Soon as we leave we’ll probably go right back to not giving a shit about it.

Doc Bailey

Joe, that’s not Conservative free market, that’s Liberal socialism scaring away jobs. 9 times out of 10 the “protections” are examples in the laws of unintended consequences.

so you can thank the Unions, Big Government, and Social Justice for sending jobs overseas


I see their propaganda worked on you too, Doc.

Junior AG

ahem, Joe:

The demicans recently signed off on S510 which hammers small farmers and does NOTHING to stop abuses by factory farms. The demicans are whores for big Agriculture just like the republicrats are. Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, wore Monsanto kneepads prior to Pres. Obama appointing him to his current position.

I feel sorry for you because you belive there is a difference betwixt the republicrats & demicans. They are merely opposite wings on a fascist bird.


Yes, Junior AG, beholdin’ to their corporate masters. And now with the Citizens United decision, it’s only gonna get worse until we become a drained, empty husk and the mulitnational corporate vampire squids move on to a country with more easy pickins’.


Doubt you’ll get through to Joe, AG. He seems to think Obama is a closet Republican as it is.


Seriously, is Joe ever right?

Companies send jobs overseas when it is cheaper to make them there and import them. Why is it cheaper? because the market doesn’t dictate salary anymore because of liberal redistribution schemes. You want to keep jobs here? Then take away the restrictions that virtually ensure that they will be sent overseas. How about we encourage growth in the private sector instead of taking all their wealth and trying to hire folks from the publidc tit?


While you’re at it, how about reducing the corporate tax rate? Last time I checked, we are now officially the HIGHEST corporate tax rate in the developed world. And please, Joe–don’t tell me that’s the cost of doing business. If you tax a company more, guess who gets to pay?


Here’s just one for instance: a few years ago Toyota, after much wrangling, chose to put a new manufacturing plant in Canada instead of the US. The main reason? Corporate tax rates? Favorable business climate? No. The biggest reason was that American workers have not guaranteed health care. The Canadia worker is healthy and well-cared for – a good risk. His American counterpart might have no health care or be stretched to the limit with insurance payments, is living on the ragged edge, is more likely to have health problems, will miss more workdays, and in general is a bigger risk to employ. Modern manufacturers need rock solid reliable workers, a commodity in short supply here. Here, instead of protecting and nurturing a healthy, reliable work force, we see the middle class workers as a resource to be exploited, throw them to the wolves when soemthing goes wrong, and as a result we have a collapsing middle class, and after all, the middle class is what made us a successful democracy for over a half a century. No longer, we’re becoming a third world basket case and an unacceptable risk. See, some countries recognize that it’s about having a healthy, integrated work force with some kind of safety net. Here we shout, “Freedom!” while we exploit each other and eat our young.


Joe…try the biggest reason, The United Auto Workers. Funny, KIA/Hyundai have decided that the South is much better than the North, or Canada. Oh, yeah, KIA/HYUNDAI give their workers health benefits. Toyota also has plants in the US. Why haven’t they moved them if they have such an unhealthy workforce? I would like to see your proof that they built the plant in Canada because of health care. If true, they did it to save money, that’s all. Let the workers pay their own health benefits through high taxes. Sounds like the same crap I heard when Mercedes decided on Alabama instead of South Carolina. The useful idiots like you said it was because of the Confederate Flag. Yes sir, that’s how big corps make their business decisions. Turned out Alabama just offered them a much better deal.


Come on, guys, Joey’s alleged mind is made up. It’s the evile capitalist’s fault, and nothing, no fact, no statement will ever dissuade him from his self-loathing. He’s in the pocket of Big Business, in the guise of the UAW.
His contention that Toyota went to Canada is just that, his contention. “Other factors were Ontario’s low corporate taxation and an advantageous location, on major road and rail routes and close to the existing complex in Cambridge”. Toyota already has a plant less than 25 miles from the new plant’s location, where new workers can be trained.

Miss Ladybug

And, Toyota moved their Tacoma plant from California (I believe) to San Antonio, where they already made the Tundra. Texas is a good place for business: low taxes, limited regulation and a good workforce.


You oversimplify – I’m not anti-capitalist, but I’m not in favor of totally unregulated, unfettered capitalism. Who said unrestricted free markets work best? That’s a truism with no proof. Best for who? Best for the markets perhaps, but not best for living, breathing humans. Kinda like religious beliefs – lots of rules and doctrines with zero proof. So it’s no surprise to me that a lot of free market fundamentalists are also religious zealots. Takes the same kind of thinking.


Great comeback Joe..ZZZZZZZZ Again, no proof of your made up statement. UpNorth and Ladybug know more about your statement than you do.

Honor and Courage

Doc Bailey

Joe I was in a Union, still am LUINA or whatever. Not gonna tell you my local cuz sadly I need it for a good job anymore. I have seen first hand. Unions do not give a flying fuck about their workers. I’ve been in the belly of the government beast. The bigger it gets the more retarded it gets.

Put another way, the Greeks were on the cusp of the Industrial Revolution almost 2000 years before it happened. the fierce competition between Greek city stated created all sorts of inventions. Then the Roman Empire conquered Greece. the Romans had almost NO new inventions from around 200 BC to 400 AD. They had a Slave (service) based economy, which collapsed when they stopped expanding and taking in slaves. you also see Roman bureaucracy spiral out of control. There is not propaganda there, this is FACT.


Doc Bailey,
Due to the adversarial relationship between employers and workers, unions are a necessary evil needed to combat unscrupulous employers, but they are far from perfect, and need the same oversight any big organization needs. But I shudder to think where we would be without them. Whether you compare the average wage of union vs non-union workers, or look at a graph of union membership over the years vs average wage, it is apparent that unions have benefited the middle class, which is currently imploding, and American prosperity.

Not sure your point about Greece vs Rome, but a similar phenomenon occurred in Europe after the dark ages. Intense competition between neighboring nations and proto-nations created a ruthless selective process that resulted in western ideas and technology becoming dominant in the world. I can appreciate the outcome, but the process was brutal and blood thirsty, with millions of casualties paving the way. Competition can be good – unfettered competition not always. I wish we good isolate the beneficial aspects of the selective process without the brutal side effects.


Adversarial? Maybe if workers didn’t overvalue themselves. Especially union-represented workers.

Old Trooper

How necessary is the evil if its membership is less than a quarter of the workforce? Government unions are the fastest growing of all of them, which is interesting. Why don’t the workers at many car manufacturing facilities want the UAW in there? How can the UAW square that their sweetheart deal from Bobo made them both owners and workers with contracts? Isn’t that a conflict of interest? How does the UAW go into negotiations on new contracts with itself? SEIU and AFSCME are 2 unions that are heavily populated with government workers, yet the head of SEIU made many visits to Bobo at the WH, which is interesting since they weren’t official business meetings; isn’t that a conflict of interest?


You would prefer perhaps that GM went bankrupt? Look, neither corporations nor unions have clean hands. Too bad human nature insures that the relationship will always be adversarial. But unions and union membership helped build the middle class in the US, that’s a fact. And with the supreme court tilting way over to the corporate side, I hope unions will survive and flourish.

Michael in MI

You would prefer perhaps that GM went bankrupt? ========== Yes. That is how the market works properly. When you do well, you succeed. When you don’t do well, you fail. You then file bankruptcy and rework the company in order to get it back to good again. GM could have filed bankruptcy and had total control over its own recovery. Instead, it is completely beholden to the government’s wishes for how it goes forward. For example, that ridiculous Chevy Volt car that (1) hardly anyone can afford and (2) hardly anyone will want to buy, whether they can afford it or not. Instead of the market driving the product decisions, we have the political whims of ignorant, idiot politicians, who know nothing about the automotive or energy industry, driving the product decisions. But unions and union membership helped build the middle class in the US, that’s a fact. That was decades ago. They have now flipped over to the other side and are destroying the middle class with their ridiculous demands to rape companies like the Big 3 here in SE Michigan. Meanwhile, while they are making these ridiculous demands for raises and benefits, the Big 3 are forced to early-retire, give voluntary/in-voluntary separation packages and cut contract workers among the Engineering and Design workforce. When I started at Ford in Engine Design in 1999, we had 500 people in the Department. Through the 2000s, all the unions did here was bitch and moan about not getting enough from Ford in their UAW contracts. Nevermind that Ford was on the verge of bankruptcy and the entire company going in the tank. Nope. The UAW didn’t care about that. Gettelfinger just wanted his. So what Ford did — in just my Department alone — was cut headcount from 500 when I started in 1999 to 75-100 by the time I was laid off with the remaining 10 contractors in our Department (which had been around 100+ when I started in 1999) in June 2008. Did the unions have to sacrifice at all? Nope. They had job banks where people could go… Read more »


Joey, how about you revisit your bob and weave back in #21? Put away the violin and song and dance about the unions building the middle class, and address the realities of today. OT made some valid points, and you danced away as fast as your ballet slippers would take you. Others have too, and all you do is dance away. You have no facts, you have feelings, so, every time someone points out your inanities and failures, you scurry to your next talking point. And that always involves your view of “free market”, which is socialism is great, we just need the right people to implement it.

Old Trooper

Joe; I just want to join the UAW so I can go play a round of golf on their sweet private golf course……..Oh, wait, nevermind, they don’t allow the rank and file onto the course, just the bigshots.

Will I deny that unions had their time and place in this country? No, I won’t, however, as with anything where there is an opportunity for a few to have total control, they have become bastardized from what they were originally designed for. Tell me where a janitor that sweeps floors is worth $25/hr? That’s beyond what the intent was. Tell me where it is logical that a person can’t change a blown fuse on a bench and has to wait for a union electrician to come over and do it? Whatever their intentions, they became their own worst enemy and that is only part of the reason why jobs are going out of the country. I belonged to 2 unions in my life and got screwed by both.

Michael in MI

Old Trooper — At my last job, one of the new guys who hired in told us that his previous job was in a union plant. He’s a great worker, great guy, very self-motivated and takes pride in his work. He told us plenty of horror stories about how inefficient the union works.

One thing he told us was that other union workers would make fun of him for diligently keeping his workstation/area clean when it wasn’t required. They laughed at him “why are you doing that? Do you think it will impress anyone and get you a promotion? Don’t you know that the union is based on seniority, not merit?” He was shocked at this attitude, not to mention the ‘seniority instead of merit’ system.

He also told us of the quote system they had, where management had their hands tied when it came to minorities who caused trouble. If firing the guy meant their quota was off, they couldn’t fire him. Or, they couldn’t fire him for fear of a discrimination lawsuit, even if racial discrimination wasn’t even the issue, but performance was.

He also told us how things worked as far as hiring was concerned. Let’s say that each station needed to have 5 workers. Now let’s say that station A had 7 workers and Station B had 4. Instead of training one of the 2 ‘extra’ workers from Station A to put on Station B, the union would demand from the Big 3 that they needed to hire a new worker for Station B.

It is absolutely freaking ridiculous how craptasticly f’ed up are the unions and how they completely f–k over companies, most notably the Big 3 Auto companies.

Michael in MI

I just want to join the UAW so I can go play a round of golf on their sweet private golf course… Oh, wait, nevermind, they don’t allow the rank and file onto the course, just the bigshots.

Don’t worry. You may not be able to play golf on their courses, but you can go out on your lunch break and smoke weed and get drunk and face no repercussions. So there’s that!


Mike, did Chrysler fire those guys, or did the union go with the “it’s only a brown paper bag, you can’t prove it was booze” trick? I saw the original on TV, but never did see any follow-up on what happened.
And, I want to play golf on their course, too. With a non-union caddy, of course.

Michael in MI

I saw the original on TV, but never did see any follow-up on what happened.

Unfortunately, I never did see any follow-up either. The only reason I even saw the original story is because it was on the local morning news at the gym at the time I was there. Otherwise, I never watch the news. (And usually when I am at the gym, I put on ESPN or something more interesting to watch)

I’ll have to do some googling to see how that was resolved.

Michael in MI

Just did a quick search and found this: Followup: Chrysler workers, caught drinking during lunch, suspended without pay

Chrysler has announced that all 15 of the employees who were apparently caught drinking and smoking pot during their lunch break by a Fox 2 News Detroit crew have been suspended indefinitely without pay. The workers from the company’s Jefferson North Assembly Plant were spotted drinking heavily during their lunch breaks over a ten-day period. Chrysler says that all of the individuals had been identified and relieved of their duty within 36 hours of the company learning of the problem.

“Indefinitely” usually means about a 2 week slap on the wrist.

Michael in MI

Darnit, should have looked more before hitting submit post. I am glad to have been proven wrong. Apparently, all 13 were fired:

Thirteen plant workers at the Chrysler Jefferson North Assembly plant in Detroit have lost their jobs after a video showing some of them drinking during their lunch break was aired on the Detroit Fox affiliate.

“It has been determined that 13 employees engaged in behavior that violated the company’s Standards of Conduct and these 13 employees were discharged today,” the company said in a written statement, MyFoxDetroit.com reported. “Two remaining employees will receive a one month disciplinary layoff without pay.”

Good on Chrysler, but I have a feeling that they fired them because of the bad press more than anything else. Considering that many people called into talk radio during the time this was in the news to express that this has always been a common occurrence among UAW members for decades. The difference this time is that they were exposed and Chrysler’s reputation was on the line. And thankfully the UAW understood this was a fight it did not want to have to save these tools.