Bush tax rates become “Landmark tax bill”
Those extreme tax cuts of nearly a decade ago? Well, they’ve become a “Landmark Tax Bill” in the pages of the Washington Post when President Obama signs his name to them.
As recently as August, Lori Montgomery of the Washington Post said;
A Republican plan to extend tax cuts for the rich would add more than $36 billion to the federal deficit next year — and transfer the bulk of that cash into the pockets of the nation’s millionaires, according to a congressional analysis released Wednesday.
Today she writes;
President Obama signed into law the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade Friday, a day after overcoming liberal resistance in Congress to continue for two more years tax breaks enacted under president George W. Bush and to provide a fresh federal boost for the tepid economic recovery.
That’s one magic pen.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media
Obama screws his wife? A gentle at of intimate connection through love-making.
Bush screws his wife? A brutal act of misogynistic violence through rape.
Hell, if they caught Bush beating off they would call it “hand rape” or something stupid like that. If he had superpowers and flew off to redirect a nuclear missile from a rogue nation headed for the US and it landed on a deserted island they would bitch about him killing the native flora. Screw them and screw that partisan, liberal hack of a yellow journalist.
By the way, I meant “gentle act” not “gentle at”.
Remember, Bush also could have walked on water and the Pravda on the Potomac would have headlined, “Bush Can’t Swim!”
Different president, different rules. At some point even the WaPo is gonna have to start wretching when they print this mealy pap shit about Obama they know is bullshit.
“At some point even the WaPo is gonna have to start wretching when they print this mealy pap shit about Obama they know is bullshit.”
Nah, they learned to suppress their gag reflex a long time ago.
I thought it was hilariously ironic that the eeevil Booosh “Tax Cuts for the Rich!” passed with a larger majority now than they did originally. heh Though, I guess on the one hand it makes sense since the fact is that we are not cutting the tax rate as Dubya did in 2001 and 2003, we are simply keeping the tax rate the same now. But, on the other hand, Obama and the Democrats have been calling the “Bush tax cuts for the rich!” part of the “failed policies of the past 8 years!” Yet, here they are all getting in line to vote for it.
I’m still annoyed with the GOP for not nailing Obama and the Democrats on their lies about the “Bush Tax Cuts”. For 7 years now, all we have heard from those lying bastards is that they were “tax cuts for the rich!” and they didn’t help the poor or middle class at all. But now all of a sudden, we’re told that if we don’t extend the “Bush tax cuts for the rich!”, then the taxes on the middle class will go up. How do the taxes on the middle class go up when the “Bush Tax Cuts” did not cut the middle class taxes, only “for the rich”?
A competent GOP would have been repeating that and repeating that over and over until the Pelosi and Reid cried for mercy and admitted they were lying pieces of excrement.
[…] And then I remembered when the Democrats “caved” last year to Republicans in the battle to extend the Bush tax cuts (and/or prevent the Obama tax hike) the Washington Post called it a “Landmark Tax Bill”. […]