Tears for Brad Manning
Glen Greenwald writes in Salon that Bradley Manning isn’t very happy with the fruits of his treasonous release of sensitive documents to Wikileaks;
For reasons that appear completely punitive, he’s being denied many of the most basic attributes of civilized imprisonment, including even a pillow or sheets for his bed (he is not and never has been on suicide watch). For the one hour per day when he is freed from this isolation, he is barred from accessing any news or current events programs. Lt. Villiard protested that the conditions are not “like jail movies where someone gets thrown into the hole,” but confirmed that he is in solitary confinement, entirely alone in his cell except for the one hour per day he is taken out.
Well, Manning’s discomfort is my pleasure. See, he released that information without a thought of lives and families he destroyed or the damage he’s done to our war effort. For something as simple as being spurned by his lover. And I’m supposed to feel sorry for him – the opposite true. I revel in his discomfort.
He were released into the general population, given a roomie and mingled with the other inmates, he might get his little ass beat. I’m sure there are criminals locked in the Quantico facility who would want to make a name for themselves.
No sheet or pillow? Poor guy. My only experience in confinement was when I was jailed for kidnapping in Panama (it’s a long story, suffice it to say that I didn’t do it), my bed was a newspaper on a concrete floor, my pillow was my arm and my sheet was another newspaper. I left my cell once a week for a shower, otherwise I was in the cell 24/7. I was released before my trial, because like I said, I didn’t do it. So I really can’t feel much sympathy for Manning.
Thanks to BooRadley for the link. And for making my night.
Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, Shitbags
Personally, I think the only thing this POS is entitled to is a short rope.
How about those coalition troops that dug holes in the ground to sleep in during the first days of the invasion of Iraq? They didn’t have shit, nor the time, to get all comfy, plus they had the added bonus of actually being in harms way. Fuck this little bastard, he’s lucky to still be breathing.
At least he can sleep without worry of being shot or loosing a loved one because of information he leaked. Soldiers could also be uncomfortable for the rest of their lives if they loose body parts because of him. How about a policy that he looses the same body parts as others loose because of his leaks?
I am curious how a Pfc had as high of a security clearance as he had. I would think that you would have to prove that you are trustworthy, and that would take more time than he had in.
He wouldn’t just get his little ass beat, Jonn.
Let’s see, uncomfortable bed, no sheets of your own, isolated from the outside world…yep…sounds like a submariner hotracking.
My heart “weeps” for this “poor, poor” soul.
He should thank his freaking lucky stars he is in isolation for his own sake.
If he were to be released into GP, he’d be a freaking swiss cheese and someone’s little play thing.
Hell, give him sheets, give him a belt. Or, let him out in the GP. Anything so the poor little dear isn’t uncomfortable. And, make use of that belt, Manning. Or, tear those sheets into strips and use ’em.
He oughta be glad Marine Brigs don’t have piss&punk (bread and water) punishment anymore whether adjudicated or not. It used to be all or most brigs were single, solitary cells and hard PT was the command of the day.
Uh, Bradley…BOO-FUCKING-HOO. I hear adversity builds character, but apparently, you haven’t learned anything.
My heart bleeds because his pussy hurts. Too bad tough guy. Should have thought of that before you stole those top secret cables and gave them to that euro-trash bitch to blast out into the world.
I believe that Brad Manning leaked the military information but why isn’t anyone asking how could he have possibly leaked state department and embassy communication?
Maybe someone can enlighten me but I cannot see any way the state department data base could be accessed from a Pentagon computer. I cannot see how this could be a one man operation. Something is not right and I have not heard one person in the news media bring this up or explain how it could happen. Would the state department consider allowing the pentagon access to their information?
The documents were stored on SIPRNet, which is shared between State and DOD. It is plausible that this was a one-man operation. And I have a feeling that a few higher ups have some explaining to do as to why he was allowed to keep his clearance with all the discipline problems he had.
Everyone in his chain of command related to security of classified material and the operation of that particular information dissemination system should be getting NJP at a minimum, if not courtmartialled as well. But unfortunately as we have seen before, such as at the Abu Graib mess, the junior troops get hammered and the senior people will be allowed to retire if disciplined at all. Sends a really effective message about doing one’s duty at any grade level, doesn’t it?