Let’s hear your ideas, Barbara Lee
In today’s Huffington Post, Barbara lee gloats over the fact that she voted against the defense authorization bill for the use of force against the Taliban and al Qaeda in 2001;
…the time has come to reorient United States foreign policy to meet the threat of terrorism in a more effective and sustainable manner.
She might as well have ended her little self-back-patting piece there because the rest is totally useless. I expected to read how she would change our policy to meet the terrorist threat, but she doesn’t. It’s the usual social justice bullshit about saving our money from the war and using it to buy every kid a pony and put Skittles in every candy dish across the country. Nothing about defeating the terrorist threat.
It’s so easy to mouth the empty platitudes of social justice, not so easy to create a peaceful atmosphere in which social justice works.
Category: I hate hippies, Liberals suck
You can tell that the most dangerous person this woman has ever had to deal with was an irritable checker at the local grocery store.
Let’s see how her little song goes when she gets her ass blown through a wall by a terrorists’ bomb.
If she survives.
It’s very easy, when the terrorist is an American servicemember recently returned from war. It’s easier when states disenfranchise servicemembers.
In Lee’s world, America is evil, and to defeat us-evil she would defund the military and every other institution that exists counter to her worldview.
I really, really should have bought stock in tinfoil 15 years ago. I’d be a very rich man today.
It’s easy to understand. She is a communist (no such thing as a progressive). She feels that we are the worlds greatest threat and if we just become a communist state than the rest of the world (including the terrorists) will love us….
Rob, O-BOW-ma feels the same way. He’s put it into practice. Funny, I don’t think the world has responded in the way these asshats intended.
“look at me, I didn’t support that evil nasty war.” I would ask if this woman was a truther but the answer would probably make mr retch. I would like to ask what she plans to do when a jihadist is removing her fingernails or using a drillbit on her knees, or my personal favorite slicing her Achilles Tendons so she’ll never walk right? I wonder how actualized she’ll feel when some jackass poisons the water supply of a major metropolitan area with chollera or thyphoid. What we have here is a kool-aid drinker that doesn’t care how many she takes down. To quote Denis Leary she can “eat shot and think happy happy thoughts” till hell freezes over
Semi-OT, but is anyone else getting really tired of the term “sustainable”?
Yup, and yup
malclave, yes indeed every time I here it I want to go out and shoot a solar panel. She’s a wuss just like the rest of her malcontent ilk. They could be in Unicorn Utopia and still bitch, that there’s not enough Unicorns and the Rainbows are’nt bright enough and they’re being served day old milk and honey.
…the time has come to reorient United States foreign policy to meet the threat of terrorism in a more effective and sustainable manner.
Nuke the bastards and lets be done with it.
dang communist! Seriously, these folks are starting to sound like Charlie Browns teacher
Don’t worry about it. Our King-in-Chief has all of this in his great plan. He is going to defeat the Taliban and al Qaeda the same way he will get rid of ALL of the nuclear weapons around the world. Remember when he was campaigning he said he would reduce our nukes and the rest of the world would be EMBARRASSED and reduce theirs.
His idea, as well as all of the liberals, is to quit fighting the enemy and they will quit fighting us. It takes two sides to fight. When they see that we ain’t fighting any more, they will be EMBARRASSED and stop fight too. You lead by example. As the great Murtha said, “If you surrender first, you are the better person,” or something like that.
Who would have thought that EMBARRASSMENT could be used as a weapon? Sometimes the most complicated situations can be solved by the simplest solution: EMBARRASSMENT.
Like the song says,”Give EMBARRASSMENT a chance,” or something like that. This could be the cheapest way to have world peace.