So, is this guy a leftwing terrorist?

| December 15, 2010

Clay Duke left a suicide note on his Facebook account which blamed “the rich and powerful” for all of his problems. So I’m guessing he’s a Leftwing terrorist nut.

Category: General Whackos

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Doc Bailey

Its starting to get to the point where you have to ask “what is a terrorist?” Is a kid with a gun that shoots up a school, or a postal worker a terrorist? no doubt this guy was a nut, but Terrorist is not the word I would use.

No doubt you’ll hear all sorts of things, within the week MSN will be telling a sob story of how he had no other choice. How he was just trying to get his wife’s job back. There will probably be some conservative nut explaining how it was because of taxes (earlier he talks about a sales tax) and no doubt there will be many that try to put SOME sort of spin on this. Had people actually died they’d have been all over this like white on rice.


Under DHS regulations he can not be labeled a Terrorist unless he is a Veteran. Then he becomes a”Potential Right-Wing Terrorist.” There are no acts of Terrorism,they are called “Man-Made Disasters”,Illegal Immigrants are “Undocumented Persons.”


Yet the libtards still keep beating the McVeigh drum. Go ahead, ri-tards, keep playing that card.

You might be right again eventually, maybe.


Are we sure this wasn’t a case of gay bullying? Someone call lady Gaga just to be sure.


The only thing that could have made the video of his attack sweeter was if one or more of the board members had taken cover, drawn their CCW piece of choice, moved to positions of dominance and blasted his fat, sorry ass into the back row.

Oh…wait a minute. You can’t carry handguns in school board meetings or other government meetings…it’s against the law, even if you have your CCW.


Doc Bailey

I love how this retard shot the GROUND, and a desk in front of him. Even at killing distance HE MISSED EVERYONE! Must be a liberal


Is he a terrorist (as in Terrorist, as DHS would say)? Let’s see… White? Check (definitely not a muslim we’d offend by calling him a terrorist). Male? Check. Clings to guns? Check. Extremist? Check? Rightwing? Nope… darn, sorry, can’t be a Terrorist (or even a terrorist)… he’s just “misunderstood” like his wife said.


#6 Doc Bailey
My eyes aren’t great but in the vid it looks like he had a clear shot to the Superintendent’s left shoulder.

Also, I’ve got to hand it to the woman who figured she would just hit the guy with her purse.

Doc Bailey

well it LOOKS that way but the man is without injury. Read the report. Nay did not scratch on anyone but himself. After he got shot he turned the gun on himself. I’m assuming the look of shock and the recoil is the natural “oh shit I got shot”