69 years ago, a day which will live in infamy

| December 7, 2010

Category: Historical

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Thanks for remembering Jonn. My father was a WWII Vet, Navy, Pacific. Being a child of the 50’s we had school assemblies, billboards, and all the teachers talked of this day in their classrooms. I’ve been watching for years the decline of rememberance of Pearl Harbor Day in the United States. Soon, all the WWII vets will be gone and I doubt many people will continue to remember. One of the ways I’ve gauged it for years was TV. Used to be WWII..Pear Harbor type, movies on all the channels. That has become a thing of the past. I know the Military Channel has an all day thing but they should.

If they do show TORA TORA TORA on any of the channels….wave at me. I’m in the scene with Jason Robards when we are supposedly unloading the radar exquipment from an old duece and a half. I was in Hawaii before Vietnam and got into the movie. 25 bucks a day, cash….took us 4 days to film the like 10 second scene…was more money than we made in a month.

Again….thanks for remembering!

Honor and Courage

Old Tanker

My Grandfather assumed he would be going to the Pacific in WWII (his parents were German immigrants) Instead he ended up on a ship in…no kidding…Basra Iraq for the duration!


Was checking off my first boat when the 50th anniversary rolled around. From our barracks room we could see the ceremonies, headed by Bush 41.

Needless to say, in 3 years stationed there and numerous calls since, I’ve not had much patience for the Japanese tourists (mostly kids) who think the USS Arizona was simply staged propaganda–my ex-wife lost a great uncle on the Arizona.


It breaks my heart people are forgetting.


My grandfather took me to the memorial when I was about 9 years old. Only time I can remember ever seeing him cry. Will never forget.


I stood on the memorial over the Arizona almost exactly 20 years ago. I, too, will never forget.

Southern Class

America’s finest mobbed the enlistment centers.


Pearl Harbor Day sees fewer surviving veterans from 1941 Hawaii attack. Sixty-nine years after Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor, survivors of the attack gather at the base to remember those killed. Out of some 100 survivors, the youngest of whom are in their late 80’s. Many of the survivors have passed away … the rest are increasingly in frail health.

It’s a sad state of affairs when you expect people, today of all days, to remember Pearl Harbor, an event that happened 69 years ago, when many have already forgotten the terror from the terrorist attack on Sept. 11th that occurred just a short nine years ago?

Sadly, too many of our fellow Americans today do not recognize, much less remember, what happened, nor how it changed our lives, our country, and the world forever. I for one will be in the minority. I will always remember.

As an OIF veteran, I understand the importance of honoring one’s service and sacrifice. What occurred on that terrible day, so long ago, should still resonant with us today. Many of our grandparents were part of that World War II “greatest generation” that stepped forward to defend the homeland in 1941. They were ordinary Americans who went to war.

Just like our latest “greatest generation” whom has stepped forward to once again, defend our homeland after the attacks in 2001. We should never forget the courage and sacrifice of those who were there on that day, “A date that will live in infamy.”

“Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.”
~Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt


Right on, Stingerwooten! *salute*

My father served during WW2, a sailor (what can I say?)and my mother “served” at Boeing, riveting aircraft on the West Coast. I bet both are rolling in their graves over the fact that history is being erased and re-wrote by the far left loons.

Well done again, Jonn!


I have worked from the time of my children’s birth to ensure that they are aware of the sacrifices our military has made, and the true nature of the difficulties our country has endured. I will never forget, and neither will my kids.

“Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?” – John Belushi, “Animal House”

A sad illustration of the self involved pop culture our country has produced and fostered. Battling it starts and ends at home.


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ed, A Proud Veteran. A Proud Veteran said: 69 years ago, a day which will live in infamy http://bit.ly/ifhFMQ Via This Ain't Hell […]