White House: We’re not scared of one guy

| December 2, 2010

While I was cruising down I-70 yesterday morning on my way to lunch with TSO in Old Town, Alexandria, on my satellite radio, I heard the Fox and Friends interview with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs in which he tried to convince America that the White House isn’t scared of Julian Assange (CNS News link);

“We should never be afraid of one guy who plopped down $35 and bought a Web address,” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told Fox & Friends. “Our foreign policy is stronger than that; we’re a stronger country than that. We’re not scared of one guy with one keyboard and a laptop.”

Gibbs expressed no anger at the leak. He didn’t reveal Obama’s reaction, but he did indicate that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks for her boss.

The first thought I had was “Who the Hell is saying you’re scared?” I guess their first worry is that everyone is thinking they’re wimps, and secondly, they might possibly be worried about national security. Possibly.

See, here’s the thing; the Justice Department made a big deal this weekend about shutting down something like 80 websites that sold counterfeit designer handbags. In one day. The Wikileaks website has been leaking shit for several months. On one website. Why can’t the feds shut it down? Well, up until now, Wikileaks has only been embarrassing the Bush Administration.

So they go on Fox & Friends and put on a display that looks more like whistling past the graveyard than bravado.

Monday night, the State Department closed down their servers to outside traffic which make me think that this last load of documents didn’t come from Bradley Manning but from inside the State Department itself. Of course, we’ll never know because if they find a culprit inside State, they’ll bury him somewhere so there’s no perception of dissent in this Administration. Besides, why not tack a few more charges to Manning. How many life sentences can he serve?

All of the Left is worried about “freedom of the press”. First of all, Assange isn’t “the press” and secondy, I’m pretty sure that the US Bill of Rights doesn’t apply to a foreign citizen who is not in the US.

The only way they’ll convince me that the Obama Administration are not wimps is if they send a Hellfire missile from a drone patrolling over Europe straight up Assange’s ass. Don’t be scared of Assange, but be scared of the further damage he can do to US prestige and confidence outside of our borders. The only way to shut him up is to lay him low.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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I also noticed the skewed priorities of the Obama administration when it comes to cyber affairs, they are more worried about bootlegged video and music than they are about our classified national security documents:


The bizarre response issues through Blabby Glibbs just goes to confirm the notion that there are no grownups in this administration. Barry cares more about frolicking on vacation or playing ball with his friends than the safety and well being of the United States of America.


I’m pretty sure they don’t care that the Bill of Rights isn’t applicable to foreigners, as evidenced by the civilian trials of detainees.

POTUS needs a gynecologist on staff, in my opinion.


Zilla–who are the bigger donors to Democrats? Record/movie execs and Hollywierd types, or Hamas?

On second thought, don’t answer that.

We’re not scared of one guy with one keyboard and a laptop.

Dear Beltway Bob–when you consider how much damage that guy can do with a keyboard, laptop, and $35 (actually $3.99 at Godaddy.com) domain name, you SHOULD be more concerned.

Old Trooper

It’s interesting that Gibbs would say they aren’t scared, when these latest leaks show this administration to be incompetent neophytes in the arena of foreign policy and negotiation. The damage already done and damage still to come should make them very afraid. If they truly aren’t scared, they should be, and that tells me more about how utterly icompetent and downright stupid they really are; and that scares me, plenty.


OT, that was my takeaway from this thing. Now, Assmange has appointed himself the entire U.S. Senate, by saying that Clinton should resign. He’s on a power trip, and his head is expanding exponentially.
But, reading some of the exchanges of these “diplomats” is very revealing. They seem to be of the same mindset and maturity level as Sandra Korn of Hah-vahd.


Good post.


More evidence of the Obama administration’s totally messed up priorities:


He sent Attorney General Eric Holder to Europe, not to do something about Assange, but to try to bring the soccer championships her in 8-10 years. They failed at that too. The only reason I can think of for this latest fool’s errand was to pander to the illegal alien invaders who he hopes will be a huge dem voting block once amnesty is granted with the DREAM act nightmare or some other underhanded trick.