Libertarians were wrong? Unpossible!

| November 10, 2010

For decades, I’ve heard Libertarians tell me how if marijuana was legal, it could be taxed and would do away with prison overcrowding and the stigma related to being a pot smoker. Well, then tell me why the Dutch have to crack down on hemp plantations according to the Associated Press;

“Cannabis cultivation has to stop,” police said in a statement. “It might seem innocent, but it’s not. Apart from the fact that it is illegal, interfering with water and electricity supplies often creates life-threatening situations.”

Stedin said there are an estimated 40,000 illegal cannabis plantations in the Netherlands – the highest number per capita in Europe. Police destroy about 5,000 plantations each year.

Holy moley, do you mean all of those smarmy libertarians with Latin screen names like Pubicus Dickus are wrong? If the Dutch police are busting 5,000 pot farms every year, that’s 5,000 or more new prisoners in their jails and extrapolate that to the US population. And how far against a libertarian’s grain does the police asking for folks to tattle on their neighbors go?

But then all of the Libertarians who want to legalize pot aren’t really libertarians, either. They’re Libertines.

Imagine what else they could wrong about.

I can’t wait until they all tell me to read a book again.

Category: Libertines suck

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Old Tanker

Why don’t you try reading a book sometime….

-Bigus Dickus-


hehe, the potheads are too baked to grow their 5 plants so it’s easier to buy….


Now I’m not a user, but I am a big proponent of the legalization, or at least the decriminalization of cannbis. I personally believe the money thrown at the drug war every year would be just as meaningfully used if it were piled in a field and burned. Now let’s see, the Netherlands may have the highest number of illegal farms in Europe, but the US is acknowledged as having the worst drug use problem in the civilized world. It’s logical to assume then that we might actually covet their current enforcement issue over the issues we currently face. Additionally, the article does not say how many of the farms busted result in convictions leading to incarceration, if any, nor does the article give any indication that 5000 farms equals 5000 perpetrators. Multiple illicit farms may be operated by single organizations. The article also gives no indication of the size of the individual plantations discovered. If 5 plants is the legal limit, I assume 10 plants could constitute a growing operation. If that’s the case, a single person could spread out and care for many, many small individual plots (plantations) in different locations. The entire article is essentially a meaningless bunch of useless information. On the other hand, here are the results of actual studies. I also have the links to the full texts or sources for most of these. I’ll post them if they’re desired. Enjoy. After 30 years of data collection, The Netherlands experience; “These data are consistent with reports showing that adult cannabis use is no higher in the Netherlands than in the United States and inconsistent with the demand theory that strict laws and enforcement prevent adolescent cannabis use.” (International Journal of Drug Policy, 2010) “Our findings suggest that the Dutch system of regulated sales has achieved a substantial separation of markets. … As expected, most Amsterdam respondents obtained their cannabis in licensed coffee shops, and 85% reported that they could not purchase other illicit drugs at their source for cannabis. San Francisco respondents were three times more likely to report being able to purchase other… Read more »

The Sniper

If a country as small as the Netherlands can rake in $3.5 billion a year in tax revenues from pot, then start the bong factories rolling over here. They don’t have to waste money convicting people for getting stoned and playing Halo until three am, the sale of pizza and junk food goes through the roof and ergo supports industry, AND we rake in that much tax revenue?

Cheech and Chong in ’12.


and driving will be so much safer.

Michael in MI

What has never made sense to me is that the same people who are the anti-nicotene cigarette nazis are the ones who support legalizing marijuana.

Now, I despise the habit of smoking, don’t allow anyone to smoke in my car or my home and I don’t hang out with people when they smoke. But I’m 100% against the government banning of smoking in bars and restaurants. If individual owners want to ban it from their establishment for business reasons, fine. But it makes no sense for the government to ban it.

Out of the 3 main drugs people use in this country — nicotene, alcohol and marijuana — the only one which seems to cause people to get into fights, get into car accidents and die of poisoning on a regular basis is alcohol. What’s the worst that happens while smoking nicotene? You die of cancer or some related disease in your old age? That’s better than dying from being killed by a drunk driver. Or getting the crap kicked out of you by some drunk a-hole who can’t act like a responsible adult.

It just doesn’t make much sense to me that nicotene and alcohol are acceptable legal drugs, but marijuana is illegal.

I don’t care one way or another, since I don’t hang out with smokers (when they smoke) or drunks or druggies. But I just don’t get why people get so worked up over things like banning cigarettes, legalizing marijuana and legalizing alcohol for under-21 military members.


And driving will be no different than it is today. 🙂


“Well, then tell me why the Dutch have to crack down on hemp plantations…”

Because they are Dutch.

Cedo Alteram

Latin names Jonn? You mean like “give me another”(Cedo Alteram), the name of a centurion killed in the Pannonian uprising of 9 AD, because of what he would say after he broke his numerious vine sticks on the backs of many a miles gregarious. I can assure you I’m no libertarian.

Libertarians are kinda like Liberals, they see themselves as agnostics, with “secret knowledge”, and if you understood what they did, you would assurdly be one of them. When you explain that your understanding of their argument is not faulty you just disagree, it’s a body blow for them. It outright stuns them. I imagine thats how skull and bones must feel if you reject them. HAHA- Maroons!


I used to be a hemp smoker, I quit something over thirty years ago because I found more interesting things to do with my time. I wish I’d quit even sooner.
True, alcohol is a drug, but many comsumers do NOT consume alcohol primarily for its intoxicating effects. I consider it a minor inconvenience. I drink for the taste, the aroma, and texture of a fine wine, the refreshing spritz of a cold beer, the qualities of a fine rum or a Scotch or Irish Whiskey. Though I do not understand it, I’ve heard others say the same thing about various forms of tobacco. I have never heard of anyone who smokes dope for the aroma and taste, totally without getting high. And if any such presents himself, I will know him for a liar. Dopers smoke solely to get as wasted as they can manage to achieve. Drinkers drink for many other reasons.


And since I see your posting cloch has already rolled over – HAPPY VETERANS DAY my friends.


#9 “Libertarians are kinda like Liberals, they see themselves as agnostics, with “secret knowledge”, and if you understood what they did, you would assurdly be one of them.

Not so, at least not with any of the Libertarians or agnostics I know. Mischaracterizations of both of these schools of thought abound, and before one can even begin to debate the various pros and cons of any belief system you have to at least acurately understand what the core beliefs are. Disagreement is never a ‘body blow’, it’s simply disagreement. Frankly I don’t find opinions that are contrary to mine to be at all threatening to my well being, and it certainly doesn’t “out right stun” me. lol