Army: Army failed to notice Hasan’s radical Islamic screeds
So, according to the Washington Times, the Army issued a report on it’s own failure to notice that Major Nidal Hasan was a radical jihadist despite the fact that he told them as much;
“Our current protection procedures fall short of synchronizing policy, establishing priorities and allocating resources to achieve the desired end state,” Army Maj. Gen. Robert M. Radin, leader of the Army Internal Review Team, said in the report. “We must efficiently and effectively transform how we look at protecting the force.”
According to the report, Maj. Hassan fired on soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, on Nov. 5, 2009, killing 13 people and wounding 43 others, 34 by gunshot and nine by other unspecified means. Previous news reports tallied 31 wounded and noted that he shouted “Allah akbar” (“God is great”) during the shooting.
“While the response to the incident was prompt and effective, the tragedy raised questions about the DoD’s preparedness to prevent or defend against internal threats,” the report said.
There were constant and glaring examples of Hasan telling people to their face that this mass murder was going to happen and it was ignored by the chain of command and the FBI. Stevie Wonder could see the failures of the military from space. The Army has been so politically correct and sensitive to cultural issues since the 70s and this is the culmination of these ill-considered policies.
This is the Army acting like they’re doing something but covering up for their failed policies with a PowerPoint presentation. Yeah, stop with the “investigations” and ask a sergeant what they should do.
Category: Military issues
He was a “diversity” hire.
*bangs head against desk*
“While the response to the incident was prompt and effective, the tragedy raised questions about the DoD’s preparedness to prevent or defend against internal threats,” the report said.
It also did not help that someone (can’t remember who it was… SECDEF Gates?) said basically “while the loss of life is tragic, it would be worse if we lost our diversity within the military”. Pathetic.
It’s also pretty damn fother mucking pathetic that our national defense teams “reach out” to radical Islamic groups like C.A.I.R. and I.S.N.A., even allowing them access to our security info.
The only way that makes sense is if it’s done in a “keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer” sort of manner. But it seems pretty clear that this is not what they are doing at all, otherwise they would be keeping a close eye on radicals like Hassan. It seems clear to me that the military and our national defense organizations are not treating these radical groups like the enemies that they are, and instead are pandering to them as protected PC victim groups.
And, as we see in the case of Hassan, it is costing American lives. But, hey, I guess so long as we don’t lose are cherished “diversity”, it’s all good!
Isn’t a lot of the policy the Army labors under foisted off on them by political elements? My thought here is that the Army probably had the gut feeling that Hasan was trouble, but really had no way to do anything about him until he went rogue, because of policies that insisted he (Hasan) be tolerated because of his ethnicity.
Is that right, or am I off base?
Hasan killed 14, not 13. The mother of the unborn child had no intention of aborting that baby.
Hasan killed 14, not 13. The mother of the unborn child had no intention of aborting that baby.
Even if she had intended to go get an abortion that day, it was still a baby that should be counted among the dead. The fact that the pro-aborts change the person-hood status of an unborn baby solely based on whether or not the mother wants to keep it, matters not.
MiM: Think it was Casey who said that about diversity…