Hawkins interviews Thomas Sowell
John Hawkins of Right Wing Network, a great friend of this blog interviews Thomas Sowell, today, on Dismantling America;
Paul Krugman is one of the best known and highest regarded economists on the Left. He says the problem we have right now is the government simply is not spending enough money and the fears we have about the debt causing all these major problems are extremely overblown. What do you say to that argument that is very prevalent on the Left?
Well, it’s a heads I win, tails you lose argument because if we spend twice as much for the next ten years and things don’t get any better – you can still say, “We didn’t spend enough.” We should have spent four times as much. And if we spend four times as much, you can say we should spend 10 times as much. It’s an impossible argument to refute.
It’s a great interview, so you should read the whole thing.
Category: Bloggers
Paul Krugman, ever hear of what happened in Weimar, Germany or Zimbabwe when their respective governments monitized their debts & spent like drunken Sailors???
In the eyes of people like him, the big difference is that we have the “correct” people implementing this solution.
‘the “correct” people implementing this solution.’
OMG, your typical early 20th century kraut or ‘merican with an 8th grade education had more smarts than today’s dumbed down college/university grads that are gonna implement this turkey… We’re living in interesting times, lucky us.