More shots fired at Marine Corp Museum

| October 29, 2010

The Stars & Stripes is reporting that more shot were fired at the USMC Museum at Quantico, VA overnight. The FBI has also linked the first three shootings last week at the Pentagon, the museum and a recruiting station in Chantilly, VA.;

The museum was first shot at on Oct. 17, and investigators later said the incident is linked to subsequent shootings at the Pentagon and a Marine Corps recruiting station in the Washington suburb of Chantilly, Va.

Museum staff discovered new bullet holes in the building’s glass and steel structure on Friday morning, museum spokeswoman Gwenn Adams said.

It’s encouraging that no people have been shot to this point. But the Marine Corps Marathon is scheduled this weekend at the Pentagon and it will probably inspire visitors at the relatively close museum.

Michelle Malkin recalls the Beltway Sniper.

The Pentagon is changing it’s security preparations for the Marathon. I’ve never run the Marathon, but I’ve run the Army Ten-Miler a few times which used part of the same route, and I think they used to shut down the highway from which law enforcement believes the shots were fired. Of course, I haven’t run it since 2000, so the route may have changed.

Category: Military issues, Terror War

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Old Trooper

It sounds to me like someone who couldn’t get into the Corps, or someone who lost his girlfriend to a Marine.


Whoever it is, is likely to lose their LIFE if a Marine catches him!!

USMC Steve

That would be “Corps” not Corp gang. But I have a solution. Station two scout snipers atop the building and give them a 96 if they kill the dumbass next time he comes to shoot up the place. One shot, one kill.

Old Trooper

Steve; who spelled it wrong?


They need him alive to know the motive and who else may be in it with him. And better to get him sooner than later.


Oh wonderful! I’m in Crystal City and running the 10K with Team Manion. Should I purchase Kevlar?


I wouldn’t worry too much, Skye. It’s very easy to hit a large building, a moving target not so much. But, I think Steve has it right, take him out, search his computer, find out who else knows about this.


They close 110 down. 95 stays open.


“Steve; who spelled it wrong?” — The title of the blog post.

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