Congress’ answer to high gas prices? Raise taxes.
With gas prices rising, McCain and Clinton recommended we get a gas tax holiday. Well, Congress decided against drivers keeping their own money(CNN);
Despite calls from the presidential campaign trail for a Memorial Day-to-Labor Day tax freeze, lawmakers quickly concluded — with a prod from the construction industry — that having $9 billion less to spend on highways could create a pre-election specter of thousands of lost jobs.
Now, lawmakers quietly are talking about raising fuel taxes by a dime from the current 18.4 cents a gallon on gasoline and 24.3 cents on diesel fuel.
“We’ll put all things on the table,” Oberstar said, but the gas tax “is the cornerstone. Nothing else will work without the underpinning of the higher user fee gas tax.”
At the very least, the gas tax should be indexed to construction cost inflation, DeFazio said.
So there’s your answer to higher gas prices from Congress, America. No new drilling and extraction, no new refineries, and higher taxes, raising the price even further. From the working man’s Party.
Is it ok if I stamp my foot, throw my car keys on the ground and scream? Not everybody in the entire freaking world can car pool or ride a bike or walk to work. I NEED my car. I NEED to drive my car. My car NEEDS gas.
It should be simple, it shouldn’t such a big deal. But guess what, Congress — if I have to spend even more in my car, then I’m not spending it some place else. So won’t that cause eventually someone to get laid off or a reduction in their hours?
They just act so damn dumb sometimes!!!
[…] Congress’ answer to high gas prices? Raise taxes. – This Ain’t Hell […]
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DeFazio was my congressman when I used to live in Oregon, and despite my party affiliation, I voted for him twice. I have a lot of respect for the guy, even though I don’t agree with him on every issue. I’m not eager to see gas prices increase, but DeFazio has a point. Because gas tax pays for road construction, it is reasonable to index the tax according to construction costs. However, his position is not why many Dem’s support an increase. Many are pushing for an increase because they know it will reduce consumption. Frankly, that’s BS. I can respect DeFazio’s position (as it could be deemed necessary), but I take offense to raising it for conservations’ sake. The latter position hurts people…ironically it disproportionately hurts the working poor.