Christie offers Rhee job in NJ?

| October 20, 2010

If you’re at all like me, you’re lamenting the resignation of DC’s last best chance for a mediocre educational system, Michelle Rhee. Well, at least one governor recognizes her talents and has offered her a job (Newark Star-Ledger);

…the Christie administration wanted Rhee to consider the vacant state education commissioner’s post, a more attractive offer to her because it signified a step up on the ladder of national education reform influence, according to sources who sought anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss confidential matters. But the state could not get Rhee “past the gate” because of frustration that a move to New Jersey would take her away from her family. Her husband Kevin Johnson, a former NBA All-Star, is the mayor of Sacramento, Calif.

The education system across the country needs reform and Rhee seems to be the only person in the country who has the gumption to stand up to the unions while she actually occupies a position from which she can wield the tools necessary to effect change.

Speaking on CNN Tuesday, Rhee would not confirm that New Jersey officials had contacted her about becoming the state’s next education commissioner or Newark’s next superintendent, nor would she deny that she’s not interested in the opportunity.

“I’m still thinking about all my options and where I would have the best impact for kids,” Rhee said.

Category: Schools

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This is what happens when people lead! General George C. Marshall once said “There is no limit to the good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.” Thats what Chris Christie is doing now in New Jersey and what Mishelle Rhee did in Washington DC. Now there is talk of the two having the chance to work together! Think of it, having some one that is willing to do what is right and having the boss say, get er done…I got yer back!

I know there are people in the other 49 states that are a bit jealous of New Jersey now. True leaders are in short supply in public service, and now it seems that NJ may get a double dose of it. The state has an opportunity that does not come along very often, don’t let it slip away!

Make It Happen!!


Ron Snyder

Not jealous of NJ, only their Governor!


True on both accounts. But she has overcome it so far and yes, ‘only their Governor!’


Ya’ gotta’ love Christie-during the election,they called him”Fat”. He says “So what-I’m fat!” He gets elected and when he asks the Teachers Union to pay 1.5% of their healthcare Premiums approx.$750 and not take a pay increase they refuse. he has to lay off teachers. Then he holds the Union responsible, telling them they could have avoided the layoffs if they had done as he asked! He didn’t blame the Teachers-he put it on the bloated administration of the union where it belongs! Han he keeps on saying,”I’m not trying to be popular or get re-elected,I’m doing the job you elected me to do!”
We need more people like this running things.