One Nation fizzle

| October 5, 2010

So the reportage for the One Nation rally lasted less than a whole day. By the end of Sunday, there was nothing. So in the cost analysis was it worth busing in union members, socialists, communists to wave whatever vile banner they chose to wave?

El Marco captured the excitement (this looks like the front row of the event at the Lincoln Memorial) with this one photo;

Blackfive put up a video of the immediate aftermath at the World War II Memorial;

So what just happened? Fiery speeches that no one heard, a trail of garbage left behind for the taxpayers to clean up. Why did they even bother?

Category: Protests/Rallies

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Because they’re desperate to be seen as relevant. A lot of the C-Span coverage I saw was low-angle and close up stuff, no overhead crowd shots, little to indicate just how few people were really there.

And by the time that news got out, the MSM dropped the story. Nope, nothing to see (literally), move along, don’t worry about that garbage they’re leaving behind!


Hey, someone go kick the guy in the back row in the white cap next to the woman in the white t-shirt in the nads and wake him up!! This must have been taken when Ed Sgt Schultz was talking, or maybe Al Hustler Sharpton.
The woman in the middle of the pic must be texting Obama, wondering where her house payments are.
As Sparky said, nothing to see here, move along.


I overheard one of the union rally participants at the WW2 Memorial ask her friend if this was the Korean monument.


AW1 Tim

This is the audience you get when you pay them to show up. Maybe not literally, but free transportation, free box lunches, free bottled water, free T-shirts, all for spending an afternoon ( and just 4 hours!) sitting on your backside facing the podium.

You could tell these folks were all union die-hards. As soon as 4pm hit, they all headed for the exits. Seriously, there were still a few speakers left, but there was virtually no one left after 4pm.

USMC Steve

Cost won’t have been a factor – they will have taken it out of their union dues.

Michael in MI

“So the reportage for the One Nation rally lasted less than a whole day. By the end of Sunday, there was nothing. So in the cost analysis was it worth busing in union members, socialists, communists to wave whatever vile banner they chose to wave?”

I think a big part of the reason why the MF-ing media didn’t bother to spend more than a day reporting on this is because of the substance of the rally. If the public really knew the message and values of those rallying, they would be appalled. The MF-ing media did the same with the “anti-war” rallies and protests. They didn’t bother to show the disgusting America-hating, military-hating, terrorist-supporting, anti-Capitalist, pro-Communist filth spewed in the speeches, chants and on signs. Not to mention the hanging Bush in effigy, comparing him to Hitler and the NAZIs, etc.

This was all out there for anyone to see — and “zombie” saw it and did the job of the MF-ing media and reported it: HERE, HERE, HERE — but the MF-ing media chose to cover all that up. They’re doing the same thing now to protect their ideological comrades.

If they actually did their jobs and reported objectively about the Left and their rallies, the Democrats would not be in power for decades, until they eliminated these people from their Party.

Old Tanker

One Nation fizzle foshizzle, my dizzle….

Old Tanker

Michael, Zombie does it like no one else!

Casey J Porter

I don’t care about the rally one way or another, but anyone who leaves a memorial site looking that needs to have their ass beat.


IMO, There are alot of assholes out there. Apparently alot of those assholes like to litter and get paid to look stupid.

Southern Class

The “Large Crowd”, NOT, seated in front of the pool are so attentive, avidly participating in the event, NOT.
The trash was left because the Union want to maintain the job security of their local shithaulers local. To have picked up after themselves, like those hateful, capitalist, Tea Party types, would have been counter-productive to the union effort.


I kinda like this “One Nation” idea where it is all colour coordinated and segregated (by actual partitions), and that it is all “green” because the trash they leave behind is… well… recyclable. Oh… and they got a free ride and free food. Nice.