More MOVE Act violations head for court

| September 30, 2010

The Military and Overseas Voter Enforcement Act of 2009 is still causing trouble for some states and counties who can’t get out of the habit of screwing military members out of their votes according to the Military Voter Protection (MVP) Project. MVP has filed a lawsuit against Maryland for mailing out an incomplete ballot to at least one officer. Oddly enough, the ballot included only candidates for Federal office and none of the contentious elections for State office. (Fox News link)

[Eric] Eversole says the DOJ’s lack of oversight in enforcing the MOVE Act could lead to the disenfranchisement of military voters.

“DOJ decided Maryland could send out to only half a ballot, and the ballots they sent out did not satisfy the requirements,” he said. “It all comes back to this: From our perspective, they deserve to have that ballot sent to them and sent to them in a timely manner. We don’t think it should be half a ballot. You don’t meet your requirements for sending out half a ballot.”

MVP sent a letter to the US Attorney General Eric Holder;

On Monday, MVP Project sent a list of possible MOVE Act violations to Attorney General Eric Holder, claiming the act may have been violated in Connecticut, New Mexico, seven counties in Alabama, two counties in Arkansas, one county in California, one county in Indiana and two counties in Nevada.

You can see the details of the violations listed in this letter at this .pdf.

I’m surprised not at all, especially at Maryland’s behavior. Ass-munch, thief, liar, puppy-murderer, molester of kittens, sniffer of used diapers, Marty O’Malley is in the race for his political life and he’s sure to hamstring the opposition anyway he can.

I have to ask; where the Hell is VoteVets? It’s right there in their name that they ought to be involved in this. OK, they’re not a VSO…but what else should this organization be involved in instead of some bullshit “Clean Energy” campaign for MoveOn.

Category: Military issues

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I’m sure VV will be all over this, pointing out how all those evil fundie Rethuglicans in Maryland are disenfranchising our men and women in uniform…what? Maryland is run by Democrats?

Move along, nothing to see here.


Yeah, they won’t touch this because it is a GOP lawsuit.


To a democrat, his retaining political office and all benefits is more important than the military vote. They go so far, when the votes of citizens are not enough to seek votes from illegal aliens,convicted criminals and the dead. But as Stalin said its not the voters that count its those who count the votes. And democrats work on that. You might compare the electronic voting machine to a slot machine. In that its subject to fraud.

Their golden goose is a union of nations where they won’t have to mess with the public because they will be appointed.

The democrats have demonstrated contempt for the people they represent and it will only get worse.


“Stalin said its not the voters that count its those who count the votes. And democrats work on that”. That’s why Soros is trying to buy the Secretary of State office in so many states. If he controls who counts the votes, a dem will never, ever lose another election.