GOP is doomed
According to the Boston Globe, Michael Dukakis, the failed 1988 Democrat candidate for President, stopped by the White House to offer his “winning strategy” .
Dukakis, who said in a telephone interview that he “popped in” to the White House while on a trip here several weeks ago, said he told aides to President Obama that Republicans “want to go back and do exactly what got us in this mess in the first place.”
“It seems to me there has to be a single message coming from Democrats, from the president on down,” Dukakis said. “We’ve got to pound that message as hard as can from now until November.”
Yeah, this guy knows winning strategies when he sees one.
Yeah, we dodged that bullet, America. I hope the White House took careful, detailed notes on Dukakis’ plan. Oh, man, the GOP will be so screwed.
Added: It seems the White House aren’t the only ones listening to Dukakis. Compare this Dukakis commercial in 1988 to Sestak’s today;
Hey, Joe it worked well for Dukakis, it’ll probably work just as well for you.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics
This week has been like the “Night of the Living Dead” for ex-Democrat presidents and former Democrat presidential candidates.
Jimmy Carter crawls out of the crypt and proclaims his tenure as highly successful. The impeached Bill Clinton campaigns for Barney Frank in Mass. and Richard Blumenthal in CT. Mike Dukakis pops into the White House to lend his proven political expertise. John Kerry, who by the way served in Vietnam, comes out and assails the American electorate as stupid and blames them for the Democrat Party woes.
My question is this: Where the hell are Mondale and McGovern? Are they being shut out? And, if so, why?
So it looks like the Democrap campain slogan this year will be “hey, it could be worse”…..