FBI protests
Yesterday, I wrote about the warrants that were served to “social justice activists” in Chicago last Friday morning. Last Thursday I wrote about FARC’s #2 commander, Jorge Briceno, who was killed in Colombia by Federal forces there. Sixteen laptop computers and over 60 disks were seized after the air strike on Briceno’s encampment last Wednesday.
According to news reports, those “social activists” are being questioned on their contacts with the Communist guerrillas in Colombia as well as their contacts in the Palestinian movements. The raids on these “activists” has sparked a nationwide series of protests. Even Victor Agosto, the convicted criminal and avowed Communist member of the IVAW, is helping to organize a protest against the FBI in Miami.I wonder how many of the 13 “activists” who have promised to come will actually show. And I’m sure the FBI is shaking in their wingtips.
Tuesday, Code Pink and ANSWER showed up outside the FBI headquarters to protest. Notice their manufactured signs – so you know the protest is a grassroots reaction, right? The protest is also being held on the Constitution Avenue side of the FBI building – there are no entrances used on that side of the building, but there’s more foot and motor traffic. So no one inside the building actually saw the protesters (except the FBI cops watching them on video) so we know who Code Pink and ANSWER wanted to talk to – tourists with money.
Well, now to my point. There have been several incidences over the last few years of “activists” being targeted by raids and surveillance from the Feds, but this is the first time they’ve put up a stink about it. Freedom Roads Socialist Organization, one of the targets of the raids has been in existence since the mid-80s when US peace groups lent aid and comfort to Central American communist guerrillas – those habits are hard to break.
I suspect that when the dust settles, we’re going to read that these activists are charged with aiding FARC. Yeah, I know that it’s hard to believe that US Federal government could work so fast in just a few days from the seizure of the laptops to the raids, but remember that we have an FBI office in Colombia which has close relationships with the government. I’m pretty sure an FBI agent accompanied the first Colombians into the area where Mono JoJoy was killed and had complete and immediate access to any evidence the Colombians discovered.
As a final note, did you hear how the Colombians tracked ol’ Mono? They infiltrated FARC and got someone so close that he/she was able to put a GPS device in Mono’s boot. So what chance do the other run-of-the-mill guerrillas have against the Colombian government?
Thanks to Casey for the link to the video.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, General Whackos
Is that Larry the Cable Guy in that video??
There were a couple of places raided here, also, last Friday. They are the usual types that protest when coffee goes up by a penny and stand so bravely out there on May Day, etc.
I saw them crying like bitches on the local news last Friday night about the fascist police state, blah, blah, blah.
If they want to see a real fascist police state, they ought to visit Venezuela. As bad as things are here, it pales in comparison to even some European states like Spain. Heck, in Spain you have to show your passport and travel documents when traveling from one province to the next. They have checkpoints with machine guns all over the highway system, and members of the Guardia Civile standing on street corners with assault rifle and machine pistols just checking everyone out.
These leftists are like spoiled little children, and the one thing that gets to me more than anything else is that you see the same faces at every protest, which means someone is supporting them so they don’t have to work.
I do love the part at the end of the video, with the lady going off about how you have a Constitutional right to not speak to the FBI or Law Enforcement. While this is true, these idiots, by doing that lend themselves to the addition of Obstruction of Justice charges on top f whatever they already had. Additionally, they claim that groups such as the Black Panther Party are unjustly labeled as Terrorists…. Huh, last I checked, they fully met those qualifications! And, while Madea and her friends are wrong about that, they are right that Code Pink is not a Terror group. They only FACILITATE terror. They have given money to Hamas, they donated HA supplies and medical supplies to the terrorists and foreign fighters inside Fallujah. Thats just as bad, in my opinion actually worse. But the part that took the cake for me, was at the end of the video, the decidedly not anorexic commie that basically did the Bureau’s job for them, and MIRANDIZED the whole damned crowd!!!!!!!!! All the Feds had to do was walk outside and cuff them! The reading of the rights is all on video!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Classic!
Victors on the case! Watch out FBI! lol
Ohhhh, I also forgot. I sent you a link to a video, I must be a part COINTELPRO!
Hahaha, Casey, they can’t even pronounce COINTELPRO!
“As a final note, did you hear how the Colombians tracked ol’ Mono? They infiltrated FARC and got someone so close that he/she was able to put a GPS device in Mono’s boot. So what chance do the other run-of-the-mill guerrillas have against the Colombian government?”
The best part about the above is that it may be true, it might be a deliberate ruse, or it might be some random hearsay. No matter what, the result is the same: let the pants-shitting purges begin, with organizational paralysis to follow.
Shit Lucky, I’m probably not saying it right myself. lol What a sad attempt to convince themselves they are relevant while Soldiers are getting blown up left and right.