Under the Hood takes another life

| September 21, 2010

Meet SPC Kyle Wesolowski of Delta Company 1-12 Cav, Fort Hood, TX. I guess he recently he decided that he’s a Buddist and that he doesn’t belong in the Army, so he’s applied for conscientious objector status and by reading his statement, it look like he’s been approved. So he figures that because he’s a CO, he’s on The Army Welfare Queen Support Program;

I refuse to take part in any field exercises that go against my core values as a Buddhist such as but not limited to: handling of ammunition and weapons under any circumstances, maintenance of any army vehicles, taking part in any classes in army job education as these activities prepare either myself or others for war. Participation in such activities is perpetuation of war which is an objection of my conscience.

I guess he’ll also refuse to wear Army uniforms, do PT, pick up cigarette butts, scratch his ass, since all of that somehow “prepare either myself or others for war”. Dingus.

Oh, and he figures he’s going to take out a career NCO who has probably used a whole lot of restraint in not pounding Wesolowski’s pink pimpled ass into the Fort Hood sand. Just reading that paragraph in Wesolowski’s statement on his “Free Kyle” website (probably set up by Branum, Wesolowski’s lawyer. Can’t you tell?) negates all of his complaints about his NCOs and commander as far as I’m concerned.

Little punk-ass douche. When does he get his “namuh” tattoo?

If you don’t believe that he’s a Buddist, his Facebook page has pictures of him sitting cross-legged on the floor looking at the wall. Kinda like that picture of Adam Perlman on an Israeli beach from yesterday – how can you argue with photographic proof?

Category: Antiwar crowd

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Hmmmm….. don’t blame his CO status on buddhism. I think he’s doing a lot of picking and choosing in his understanding of the sutras. Buddhists have never distanced themselves from war, and if he went back into its history, he’d find that monks formed alliances that led to and even reaped the spoils of war.
Did he miss the Dalai Lama’s message to the armed forces this year? ..”if our motivation is good our action is actually non-violent in nature.”

Buddhism is a lot deeper than incense and the outward appearance made popular by those needing a fix of something different.


I’d love for him to talk to a Buddhist friend of Mine, Spc. Wai Pho Lwin -Scout Platoon HHC 1/69 INF about how you can’t fight. But Lwin was KIA on 2 March, 2005 in Baghdad.


How can you be prosoldier and antiwar at the same time? I understand how you can be against a given war, but all wars? That idiot Branum thinks if there are no more soldiers, there will be no more war. Taliban anyone?

Rob D

I think the whole thing is stupid. I am a fan of “If you don’t want to be here anymore, I don’t want you here”.

I think serving my country is an honor and not for everyone. I say good ridence to him and I am glad he is not in my foxhole.

Sadly I wish people like this would leave the politics out of there cowardice.


When I was recruiting, I recruited a few Hmong & Vietnamese into the Navy. Most of them had a religious preference of “Buddhist”. They never seemed to see a problem with serving, being in the military and all that comes with it.


Wow, why is he not in the Brig yet?


I’m definitely with Rob D on this one. When I served on retention committees in the late 80’s I was a very outspoken supporter of initiating a ‘bar to re-enlistment’ followed by involuntary separation when they wanted out. I personally think it’s a waste of time and effort to try and hang on to someone who has decided they made a mistake in joining, and I believe keeping these people around after they’ve expressed a desire to leave does nothing more than introduce a poisonous element into unit cohesion.


Nothing to see here folks…just another chicken-shit, yellow bellied coward…move along, move along now!


Oooops, that should have been the late 90’s, not the late 80’s.

Old Trooper

Well, many here know my stand on such issues, but I will say this; if he made it all the way to E-4 before deciding that the Army wasn’t for him and wants to just “get out”? Nope, I ain’t buying it. The boy has a yellow streak down his back and a brown stain on his asscrack. Fine, I’m sure your buddist ways won’t interfere with you cleaning the latrine and GIing the barracks; right? I’m sure working KP and Post maintenance won’t interfere, also. Someone has to do police call around the Post; so why not him, until his enlistment is over?


Under normal circumstances I would agree with you OT, but in this case, and others similar, I still believe the service is better served by getting rid of them. I honestly believe keeping them around in any capacity is a drag on the morale of inexperienced and immature troops, and an un-necessary burden to the taxpayer, even if they are working. And if they’re of the Islamic variety I believe it’s dangerous to keep them around.


Buddhism has several variation and subsets. There are very many teachings and channels that are profoundly anti-war. I’m going to respect this guy’s faith. Its kind of shitty to mock it.


We should respect this guy’s religious faith as motivation for resisting the war, but OMG! NO GODS! NO MASTERS!!1


Something tells me that this isn’t about Religion, but more about his being butt-hurt about something. Maybe he is one of those “Bricks” like in the Bob on the FOB cartoon, a Soldier so dense, that corrective training, isn’t. He probably was a malingerer, failed a Board, got upset and became even worse and kept getting counseled. Idk, if thats the case, but thats just my NCO ESP tingling….

Casey J Porter

I’m not a man of faith, I think that religion, all of it, have several different types of the same faith no matter what it is and most people, not all, but most, twist the words to suit themselves.

As far as his sincerity goes, I’ve never met him. But when you saddle up with UtH, a political entity that once was a place of a completely different nature, it taints how you are viewed. Also, I want to be very clear about the following:


I want to be real clear on that because anytime I say something bad about Branum, people on that side of the fence just loose their mind. Regardless of this kids sincerity, Branum is dangerous to his clients. Encouraging, or supporting this public statement is just another example. I can line up several CO’s you’ve never heard about who got out just fine without the need of a lawyer. He’s doing a job that is not necessary, and if this kid needed advice, it would be given to him for free on post. If he was charged in some way with something, then get a lawyer. But the UCMJ affords you a lawyer from any branch you want, free of charge. Don’t trust the Army? Go Navy! hahaha

Branum and UtH have gotten every Soldier they’ve claimed to help the worst possible outcome time after time. They have knowingly robbed Soldiers who have a lack of knowledge about the law their right to the best counsel possible in pursuit of a political agenda.

Come on Victor, defend your lawyers record. I bet you can’t.

MAJ Arkay

“Oh, and he figures he’s going to take out a career NCO who has probably used a whole lot of restraint in not pounding Wesolowski’s pink pimpled ass into the Fort Hood sand.”

?? I don’t remember any sand at Hood, just mud and limestone, and spray painted grass the time President Carter came to visit (long story). That said, pounding this varmint into the limestone, or dunking him into Engineer Lake 20 or 30 times, could be entertaining…


Jesus Christ. (Am I allowed to say that here?) I am not Buddhist, but this guy? I’m more Buddhist than this guy. Being Buddhist is about your action and your inaction. It is about what is in your heart and mind and what is NOT in your heart and mind. Someone who understands this would have no need or desire to have himself photographed in lotus position as evidence of his beliefs. A Buddhist, especially one that is American or Canadian (or of any other free nation) serves in the military because he understands what it means to be Buddhist and what it means to be a patriot. This young man clearly does not understand either.

I cannot believe I am being so blunt here, but: Patriotism must always come before religion. I am not familiar with how C.O. status works, but in my eyes, his claim is not a valid one. He joined the military on his own volition, as an American citizen. The fact that he is Buddhist, whether proven or not, should not be allowed as an excuse for him to back out. That being said though, do you really want him serving in your military? (I already know the answer to that.)

Casey J Porter

Spockgirl: Patriotism can blind people to all sorts of horrible things committed by their nations leaders. I’m not anti-U.S.A., but where do we draw the line between duty to country and faith? Remember, I’m not a man of any faith, but putting patriotism first can be just as dangerous.

Besides, if you like Spock, you know, the real one from classic Trek, then you clearly know morals almost always came before the mission.

Stealing the Enterprise anyone? hehe


I wouldn’t be surprised if they sent this guy out on field exercises to mery clean up brass and serve hot chow to the troops. His lack of specifics and typical rhetoric smack of insincerity and calculation. And Branum only adds to the lack of credibility and I’m sure is taken into account when complaints are filed. Branum doesn’t understand the military and seems incapable of distinguishing between military activities. But again, name one lawyer who has represented this sort of crowd who actually can talk “shop” and relate with a line commander. Not branum for sure so he and his clients are at extreme disadvantages.


From the looks of him, all he needs is a random urinalysis to get the boot.

Southern Class

And of what religion was Sun Tzu? I don’t at this time know the answer to that, but would believe that it is a pretty good chance that he was Buddist.
And when was poor Kyle drafted into this involuntary servitude?

Old Tanker

No sand on Fort Hood? Never been on the tank trails, huh?

To this day I’m still blowing sandy, dusty boogers out of my nose. Yah, we got us some sand…


We can still put religion before patriotism and fight. Look how that worked out for Sgt. York?


I just do not get it, I mean all the info is right here. I means how hard would a real Lawyer explain this to their client and get this done.

Also according to AR 600-43 one will only really need a lawyer is if the claim of being a CO is being investigated.

Casey J Porter

Branum might not be a rich man from his exploits, but he is man that makes money from them none the less.


#20 – Casey Porter
My comment was that Patriotism must always come before religion, BUT I did not say that Patriotism comes before all else. That would be a different thread.
And I disagree with your retarded Spock comment. The mission always comes first, it is your morals that govern how you deal with it.

#25 – Old Tanker
I would say there is a difference between core values and religion, and to discuss this would require a separate forum. If I had enough guts, I would write about it on my own, but not quite ready to do so. As for the Sgt. York comment. Are you testing me? That’s waaayyyy before my time. The only thing I remember about him is three words: brave, daring and courageous.

Casey J Porter

Well, if you follow the lessons of Trek, you can not explain away the stealing of the Enterprise. Clearly, friends and morals come before the mission at hand. Or any mission, for that matter.

Unless your user names means something different altogether.

If not, maybe you need to listen to more Gene.


@Casey J Porter
Ah… yes, it does mean something different altogether. Otherwise I would have called myself “Geekgirl”. Sorry to disappoint.

Old Tanker


Sgt. York was also a hard drinking guy who loved to get into bar fights…until a buddy of his was killed in one. He got religion, quit drinking and became a pacifist. After trying to get out of the draft he consulted with many pastors who convinced him fighting in WWI was not against his religion.


There was a CO in Vietnam who was awarded the MOH posthumisly. He was a medic from Morgantown, WV.

This guys a coward, period. Upsetting he’s in a great Division. He’ll be found in a bar telling bs war stories some day and get his ass kicked. One of the reasons will be that it gets old having to look at and shave his cowards face daily. Someday his kid will ask “what did you do in the war daddy?” He’ll lie.

Honor and Courage

Sporkmaster: Also there was another one, Desmond T. Doss also a medic in WW2 that served in the Pacific and lived. The other guy was Thomas W. Bennett

Old Trooper

Has anyone else noticed that every coward that gets their picture taken at UTH has the same shit eating grin on their face? That smug, I’m a itell e kt u al now look of faux superiority? Victor had the same grin and look about him, but I think that had more to do with the commie babes that were sammiching him. I wonder if they have that same look as they are going into the stockade?

All I can say to this douchenozzle is: Cowboy up, son, you raised your right hand and signed on the dotted line, now do what you agreed to do.

Casey J Porter

Don’t worry, with the stigma of Under The Hood Cafe and Branum now attached to him, he’s screwed.

This is will not end well for him.


Buddhist or not, this kid has a long way to go to reach enlightenment…


I wonder if this guy is refusing to accept the pay that comes from the very system he claims goes against his beliefs


Old Tanker:
Hmmm… I would hazard a guess that Sgt. York found God before he found religion. To put it briefly, God is the “What”, Religion is the ‘how”.

NR Pax

OK, folks, place your bets! His newly acquired religious beliefs were caused by what?

1. Finding out he was about to be deployed.

2. His girlfriend saying she was going to leave him if he went to the field.

3. The uniform wasn’t the chick magnet he thought it would be.

My money is on 1. Anyone else?


Try learning standard English before you post anything.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

What did I miss? I thought the draft ended 40 some odd years ago….

If he was actually a CO why would he join the military during a time period of 2 active theaters of war and enter an MOS that is combat related?

Another lying sack of sh1t hiding behind some bullsh1t religious beliefs that he’s pretending are important to him when the truth is he’s just a f#cking coward.

Why can’t he get the Big Chicken Dinner and we don’t have to hear from this 4sswipe again.

I’m getting sick of all these turds who pretend to have faith to avoid doing their duty but don’t mind living off the efforts of others.