Reid lards up defense bill with immigration reform

| September 15, 2010

Reid tries to sneak immigration reform measures through the Senate by adding them to the upcoming defense bill, according to CNN;

Reid called the DREAM Act “really important” and said it should be passed because it provides a path to citizenship for young illegal immigrants who go to college or serve in the military. DREAM is an acronym for Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act.

“I know we can’t do comprehensive immigration reform,” Reid said at a news conference. “But those Republicans we had in the last Congress have left us.”

Many Hispanic voters are angry with Democratic leaders for not doing more to pass an immigration overhaul. The decision by Reid to add the DREAM Act now could help soothe that anger.

And, of course, when Republicans vote against the immigration reform, VoteVets will write a piece on Vets Voice about how Republicans voted against funding the troops. Reid is only doing this to earn himself some votes in Nevada.

Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.

Category: Congress sucks, Illegal Immigrants, Liberals suck, Military issues

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Southern Class

I read this, this morning at, and could only title the e-mail that it generated as “Harry Reid is a Scurrilous Bastard”. And yes, those few in DC who oppose it will be called traitors to the troops.
Referencing Jonn’s post on Tea Party Rallies and not having a leader, I offer this: “When will we insist that all bills are “stand alone” legislation? When will we demand “line item veto”? Either or both would be a worthy cause for the Tea Party movement, (of which I am one, but frustrated with it).”


SC, while I agree fully with forcing all issues to pass or fail on their own merits (I’d also love to see the criminalization of all lobbying save submitting documents and making speeches for your position; that lobbying can be a high-dollar career is just plain screwed up), I’m not sure I can support a line item veto. One, I really, really don’t like the idea of giving someone like Obama (since I doubt he will be the last slightly-left-of-Marx buffoon to be elected President, assuming the country lasts long enough) the power to carve bills into a form they like before signing. It’s a massive transfer of power to the Executive branch. Besides, the constitutional argument against it is pretty compelling in my mind (to wit, the line-item veto functionally allows the President to sign into law a bill other than the one passed by Congress).


Just like the meme the leftist used before, “Bush defunded Body Armor to Troops!” “Bush cut armored vehicles to troops!”

The only time leftists defend soldiers is when they want to **** over the rest of the country.

Miss Ladybug

I want to know how an illegal alien would be permitted to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces…