VoteVets: Now the timeline is Bush’s fault

| September 9, 2010

I’ve been reading Vets Voice for the last few days and Dicksmith has, oddly enough, criticizing the drawdown in Iraq and the so-called change of mission to an advisory role. Since I had a running gun battle with former Vote vets frontpager Chris LeJeune, which resulted in his journalistic suicide over this same subject (LeJeune tried to give all of the credit for the timeline withdrawal from Iraq to Obama), it was curious that dicksmith would begin to criticize the withdrawal here and here, finally give the Bush Administration credit for the withdrawal.

Well, I finally figured it out this morning (it must’ve been the 7-11 coffee). Obviously, the jihadis haven’t heard that the war is over and their attacks on Americans have become marginally successful. Americans have begun to die again in Iraq. Sensing that the timeline withdrawal was probably a bad idea, VoteVets is getting ready to blame it all on Bush. That’s the only explanation – cuz heaven knows that VoteVets wouldn’t criticize the Obama Administration – they sold their souls to the Devil to put Obama in office. they can’t admit they were wrong.

Well, if that’s not it, you tell me what it is.

Category: Military issues

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