Chasing neocon ghosts at Vets Today

| August 5, 2010

We only bing the sage words of Gordon Duff here because of the entertainment value – no one takes him seriously, do they? And since we know that Gordon reads TAH, we can rest assured that we’re taking well-aimed shots at him. Take his latest at Veterans Today. It begins with these words and generally slides downhill from there;

When former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld assigned General Boykin the task of “Christianizing” the US Army, even if every hard hitting, foul mouthed war fighter had to be “cashiered” the task was taken to heart. Boykin’s efforts to infiltrate every level of the officer corps with Christian Zionists, notwithstanding they may be the worst leaders any military service has ever seen in wartime, was a tremendous success.

Yes, everyone with a single brain cell left knows that the Right is intent on firing everyone in the military who says cuss words. Right? It only makes complete sense. Yup, everyone must swear their complete allegiance to Jesus Christ and His Father – and the existence of Israel. It’s right there in the oath of enlistment for anyone to see. Right?

if Gordon had more than 18 months of service in the USMC, he might be able to speak more intelligently to the subject of religion in the military. In fact, I wonder what he thinks about those officers with whom he served as a TOC rat. Does he think they could be influenced by such a useless plot to build an Army of God within the US Army? I know my leaders were always more interested in the outcome of a battle or an exercise than they were about salvation of my soul – but maybe that was just me.

Category: Military issues, Phony soldiers

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Militant Bibliophile

I dunno, Joe, I went to the links and most of it is pretty thin. As in, borderline transparent. It seemed most of the authors had a bone to pick with Christians, the military, or both. And it’s not that I distrust the NY Times as a source, but… Anyhow, I still don’t see it. I DO see Soldiers acting as Soldiers will (“Jesus killed Mohammed” was tactless, low down, and fucking brilliant. How better to get Jihadis to expose themselves than to broadcast something THAT outrageous?) and some Christians doing the same. Here’s a hint: it’s called “witnessing,” and while it can get annoying at times, it’s far from malevolent. I’m not going to go into the overall religious aspect of it except to say that those who feel strongly about their religion, be it Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Communist, they tend to try and convert those around them. There are a lot of Christians in this country so from a purely statistical standpoint, you’ll probably hear more Christians trying to talk to others regarding their faith.

As an aside, though, I would like to point out that when you are screaming about a conspiracy (organized or not) and only you and guys like, well, Duff can see it… Well, it calls into question not merely the veracity of the claim, but also the sanity.

Too much evidence to the contrary, nowhere near enough in support.

Southern Class

I opened each link. The top one, Harpers, describes a situation as reported by one person. Don’t see much more than one guys write up. Now to search for some backup to his story. Will take the date and location and do some deep research through the Specops bunch.
The rest were based around Mikey and Jeff Sharlet, equally non-believable types. And in the first one, I saw nothing, NOTHING Joe, that suggested the basis of this post. This was reportedly, reportedly I said, something done by the 10th Spec Forces, against the Afghanis, not troop indoctrination, or domination.
Still ain’t shown us anything Joe. The NY Slimes, Harpers, democracy now are so progressive as to carry no credibility at all. No more than the LA Times, the joke of the Coast.

Virtual Insanity

Sooo…quick Google for SGT Humphrey, purveyor of “I heard some guys were vandalizing mosques,” in the first linked article from Joe. “Spray-painting ’em with crosses.” …and viola!

“Jeffrey Humphrey also weighs in on veterens (sic) issues as well as harmfull (sic) vaccinations, government cover ups, and missing files.” –Animal Farm Radio Show

Sounds like a great source. Can’t wait to see what SC comes up with.

It’s also interesting that these articles hammer on the 2005 Air Force Academy “scandal.” If the fundamentalist Christians were that all-powerful, would it have been a scandal at all?

Southern Class

First guy I called immediately went into hysterical laughing. When he’d collected himself, he said: “What a shithead. Just google him. Yes he served, but now he is all antiwar, writes shit anyplace that will believe this crock. We’d all been shipped home in cuffs if that had actually happened.”
I did Gooooooooogle him and came up with a bunch of blog comments, all around his Jesus killed MoHAMmed story.
Sounds like he, Duff, Sharlet, n Joe all drink the same koolade.
Still looking for more, but since I actually have a life other than here in the comments section, I may take a day or two to get it all together.

Bubblehead Ray

As an RN in the ER I deal with people who see things that aren’t there daily. My recomendation to them is the same one I will give to you. Start taking your medications again and see your doctor for a follow up appointment. Until then, keep away from tall buildings and sharp objects.

Junior AG

I encountered a gajillion times more Jesus-Krispie harrasment as a security guard in North Carolina after I
ETS-ed from active duty than I did as a Paratrooper in the 82nd at Ft. Bragg N.C.
Understanding the Book of Revelations to be a slam against Roman persecution of the early Christian church enabled me to make the fundies soil their undies….


Joey boy, and you don’t even see the problem that all of your links is that “common thread-Mikey Weinstein”? Sheesh, you’re one kool-aide blinded dip stick, you know?