Antiwar activist loses home

| July 28, 2010

Just A Grunt sends us a link to a story today about anti-war activist Patricia Roberts who lost her son Jamaal Addison in the Iraq War in the same incident Jessica Lynch was captured.

Roberts helped pay for the condo’s $513 a month mortgage, but her income also dropped when she left her job as a clerk at the DeKalb Sheriff’s Department in May.

She said she receives about $600 a month in Social Security benefits through her adopted son, which is not enough to cover the mortgage and other expenses.

Roberts had suffered from lung cancer, which is in remission, she said.

She interrupted Donald Rumsfeld in Atlanta once. She tried to set up a peace camp in Atlanta using Cindy Sheehan’s as a model in 2005. She has shared a stage with Sheehan and when Sheehan resigned from her anti-war game-playing, Roberts kept on.

So where is the anti-war movement for Roberts now? All that talk about solidarity and moral authority – what’s it worth? Just like the countless troops that they put in front of their marches and then abandoned by the wayside when they’d outlived their usefulness, Roberts falls to the curb, too.

You mean to tell me that the millions of hippies can’t scrape together a few hundred bucks every month to help Roberts and her grandson.

All of that concern for her loss of her son has dissipated in the shadow of Obama.

And they can find a way to prop up Obama’s aunt in this country, but the Obama Administration has nothing to help Roberts keep her home after all of those promises before the election?

Category: Antiwar crowd

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Jonn, there are more important fund-raising goals than helping a woman whose son died in Iraq keep her house. Like propping up failing businesses so they can continue pretending anyone is listening to their irrelevant ramblings.

Seems like she ought to be able to seek some child support or something, especially if the birth mother got most of Jamaal’s SGLI.

But yeah, tough times for the anti-war movement with a democrat in office. Really separates the sycophants from the radicals.


She shouldn’t’ve quit her day job.


I wouldn’t wish cancer of any kind on my worst enemy, and I hope she recovers.

The quickest way to give an activist a reality check is to get them to quit their job. Those bills rolling in will yell a lot louder than her activist friends can. She’s going to find herself with some very hard choices to make.
This will make her or break her.

AW1 Tim

The larger problem is that her kid suffers because of the poor and selfish choices she made. there’s LOTS of things I would like to do, and causes I would be involved in, but I put my kid’s welfare above everything else.

I hop she recovers fully, and I hope she learns from the lessons she’s receiving.

Like the sign says: Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.


Contrary to Jonn’s comments, Cindy Sheehan never actually quit the antiwar movement…even though she announced it probably several times…(I would think he would know that).

There are many Americans today who have lost their homes; there is no one who is alone in that boat, and that also does include veterans as well as family members of those who gave their lives. Patricia’s local community is well aware of the problem and the National Association of Black Veterans is trying to help her.

AW1, I think you made an unfair snap judgement about someone you never met. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen Patricia out in public before without her grandson and other family members with her. You don’t know the reasons why she no longer has her job, nor do I, but I would just about bet that it is related more to trying to take care of her family or health issues and getting stretched too thin than it does with her antiwar activism (which has actually been rather minimal, comparatively speaking, but with a lot of news media coverage).


Also, btw, not a well known fact — Patricia Roberts actually preceded Cindy Sheehan in the sense of being a Gold Star mother for peace, not the other way around.

USMC Steve

No sympathy. Just another stupid disconnected liberal turd who got bit on the tit by reality. Life is hard, and it is even harder when you are ignorant.


USMC Steve, maybe if you ever spent any time around breastfeeding mothers of toddlers who have teeth and still successfully nurse from their mothers, you wouldn’t make such stupid, disconnected comments.

Guess I’ll go back to Facebook now and deal with more of Ward Reilly’s insults to me on Michael McPhearson’s Facebook page in the discussion in which Glenn Beck is being referred to as an escaped mental patient, and I committed the unforgiveable sin of saying kind things about him amidst a sea of leftists…

There’s a song from the 60’s that comes to mind – it was sung at Woodstock, “I feel sometimes like a motherless child…”

I’m done now.


The lack of mercy in the some of the crude comments is astonishing.
We were once known through out the world as a kind and generous people.
Those who have no sympathy for a lady that had lung cancer and has to raise a little boy, need to think about what they would do if the tables were reversed.
Any one can be stricked at any time. No one is immune.
Where is the mercy?

Old Trooper

I would like to address the accusations of people on this site not having any mercy. While I have sympathy for this woman’s plight, I have to wonder what happened to the money she received from her son’s death benefit, if she were the beneficiary? I’m not going to assume that she received that money, nor will I presume to tell her how to spend it. I will say that just because this woman lost her house is no reason for others to rally to her defense because something happened to her that has happened to hundreds of thousands across the nation. She’s not the first to lose a son in war, nor is she the first to lose her house while battling cancer and caring for a grandchild. I won’t go into specifics, because of personal involvement, but I do know she’s not the first, but because of her spending so much time chasing political figures around the country: I guess she gets a little more protection from criticism since she has endured something that many others have endured?


OldTrooper, in an odd sense, it IS the first time it’s ever happened to anyone — because it’s the first time it ever happened to HER. The people who live in her fantasy world like their reality in small, painless doses. When the real world jumps up and mauls them, they wander around, dazed and shocked and crying for someone to save them.
I feel sorry for her only in the context that she’s like a kitten wandering around on a freeway; she’s going to be roadkill if she doesn’t wise up quick.
I have a family member exactly like her. I can tell you from personal experience that neither she, nor Sheehan, nor Debra from our posts, nor anyone else of their ilk, will ever understand how we think. All they can ever do is ask “why, why, why,” without ever hearing or understanding the answers. They don’t want to understand the answers, because that reality is too harsh for them.


“I have to wonder what happened to the money she received from her son’s death benefit, if she were the beneficiary?”

Apparently the baby-momma received the majority of the benefit, and then left the scene and the baby. Unfortunate that the son fathered a kid with a woman so morally bankrupt that she would gladly take his death benefit while giving up his child, but I guess that’s just the way life is sometimes– not fair. The son got to choose who the recipient of his money would be and he made a bad choice, although not an uncommon one probably. He probably didn’t entertain the possibility that he would actually be killed; “507th Maintenance Co” sounds like REMFs to me (and would have been, if memory serves, save for bad comm and a wrong turn). Pretty much a perfect storm of poor or hasty decisions that led to this. Many states have good benefits for children of KIA vets, often that last into adulthood. Nothing that’ll let this woman keep her house probably, but at least the kid won’t be totally hung out to dry.


Yep, the 507th was a Battalion level maintenance support unit out of Ft Bliss TX. They caught the plane out of the states just ahead of us. I drove convoy back and forth through the wreckage of that ambush for months before it was cleaned up. Sad deal.


Sad this is even an issue.