Stolen Valor Mayor DuPar

| July 13, 2010

I wrote this about Chicago-area Mayor Joseph DuPar. Some guy named Mark Seavey wrote a lot more about his ignorant, ritarded ass at Big Peace yesterday. You should read it.

Category: Phony soldiers

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DuPar will get laughed out of court. It’s incredibly difficult to win a defamation suit for anyone. It’s even harder when you’re a public figure, because they are held to a higher legal standard to prove defamation (actual malice) which is why you never see celebrities suing (at least in the U.S.) when the tabloids say they’re gay or cheating. And truth is an absolute defense in defamation suits, so unless DuPar can show he actually won a Medal of Honor and 4 bronze stars, he can’t sue anyone for saying he didn’t. I’ll say it too: DuPar is a fucking liar. He never won the MoH, never won one bronze star, let alone four, and his conflation of bronze service stars with bronze star medals is no accident. Sue me.


DuPar doesn’t have to worry too much about the court or his challenger but he had better keep an eye out for that Seavy character.

When it comes to Stolen Valor cases that young man wakes up in the morning pissing excellence!

In spite of Holder’s “We ain’t prosecuting no brothers” policy; I doubt that this case is going away.

Old Trooper

Typical, attack the person questioning you, don’t answer the question. How fricken pathetic, but nothing will happen to the Mayor, since Holder won’t prosecute a brother.