Mike Yon’s gears slip

| June 21, 2010

I’ve been staying on the periphery of the Michael Yon discussion. I was uncomfortable with whole thing because Yon came through for us during the surge and I truly believed that all he needed was a break. To a lesser extent, I’ve fallen victim to coming up with new and different ways to increase blog traffic (and hopefully find some readers who would click the ads or kick a few bucks my way) and the resulting burn out – so I thought Yon just needed a rest.

But today, Yon went on the G. Gordon Liddy show and just lost the remainder of respect I felt I owed him. Here’s a portion of the show;

Yon just pushed me over to the milkook column. As recently as yesterday, I defended Yon in an email to our old friend Lt Nixon (who has found some faulty reporting from Yon on the problems in Thailand). Yeah, I think I’m through hanging out my junk for crackpots to stomp on.

Category: Bloggers

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“Let me guess, another plant from BlackFive.”

Oh, shit, he done runned off the rails and crashed into the gorge. I’m sure Uncle Jimbo just spends every waking moment thinking of ways to screw with Yon. Holy-Kee-rist.

Southern Class

What a douCHE! I enjoyed his photography, and when his really poignant one of the GI with the child got ripped off by the lefties, I was 100% on his side. But this? Sheesh! Is he now employed by the DUmmies?


Michael Yon, please take a vacation…

Until Michael Yon returns from his journey into lunacy, he’s off my blogroll and no longer gets the monthly contribution of $25 I’ve been sending his way. Good grief. This has gone way beyond the……

Old Trooper

While I have been a fan of his in the past and have ignored, for the most part, the running gunfight with Uncle Jimbo, I just don’t understand why he attacks those that have supported him, when they disagree with one of his stories.

To immediately dismiss a caller as a “plant” shows that he wants to marginalize anyone that questions his conclusions. If he really believes that the caller was a plant, then his cheese done slid of his cracker, however, I don’t think that’s the case, which makes me wonder what he’s lashing out for.

AW1 Tim

Yon is afraid. He’s corned and burned most of his bridges. the only way he sees out is to either admit he’s wrong, which he never will, or go down lashed to the mast.

Ge’s gone from a respected reporter to Baghdad Bob.


I must have missed something. Is there more to it? What did you hear in that clip that is so disturbing? What he said about the Canadian General was true and I think the caller could have easily been someone taking up for blacksix. The blacksix comment might have exposed him.


Kenny, there is no “blacksix.”


The whole Mike Yon thing makes me sad and I take no pleasure in it. At all.

Just A Grunt

I am reminded of another name from the past. Hackworth, David.

Once a champion of the military he too slipped off the deep end later in life.


JaG, I’ve made the Hackworth comparison myself as well. Of course, now Yon is going to probably get his wish granted to see McChrystal booted.



That’s the point I was making. The caller said blacksix to act like he did not know anything about milblogging but I believe he reads it or participates on a regular basis.